>losing an argument against someone here
>another user comes in and BTFO him
Losing an argument against someone here
You're welcome, by the way.
It's a good feeling, right?
name 1 time this happened
Hey - that's the way we roll on this board brother.
>user starts dumping interracial porn
>make post
>user replies with "This"
>still think about that time you got BTFO in a thread years ago
>that time you got quints and dozens of replies
>tfw never lost an argument to Yas Forums brainlets
>some faggot mass replies everyone
>everyone rightfully calls him a faggot and he fucks off
>giving the attention-whore what it wants
Yeah man, really "based."
>random user posts a semi-porn pic that catches your eye and ends up being your fap later that evening
>wait for the thread to almost fall off the catalog
>sage with a reiteration of my correct position, declaring victory since any reasonable person can see the correctness of my views, and declaring that continuing to argue with a wilfully mistaken opponent is an exercise in futility-but that it is important on principle that the truth be told. This last word then enters the historical record
They’re gonna keep doing it anyways, might as well crush his self esteem in the process.
I remember it user. I screencapped the whole thing
All of these posters are me.
>2 anons arguing
>call one of them 'reddit' or 'a cuck'
>other user declares victory in the argument
>just made one of them look a complete fool
>someone mass replies
>don't bother in replying to him
>thread dies just as you post
The fuck you talking about?
>start an argument with myself
>it begins a flamewar
>mass reply 'sneed'
>multiple (you)s
>someone calls you "based"
>admitting an autist had a better argument than you.
Fuck man.
>make what you think is a clever, interesting thread
>no replies
>mobile post a few replies to get the ball rolling
>still nothing
>16 replies of you talking to yourself
>thread dies because you posted
>Make an elaborate shitpost about a movie
>No one reacts
>Another thread about that movie
>Some other user comes around with a distilled version of my shitpost
>Rain of (You)s
It hurts bros
>call trump a failure
>get 70 replies
>post some twitter SJW garbage
>make some vaguely TV related comment like 'who will play them in the movie'
>318 replies
>get called based
A true gentlemen.
>post a bait pic
>"kinos with this feel?"
>80 replies before it gets deleted
The best feeling
For you
>anons talking about casting a role
>reply with Idris Elba
>40 minutes later thread is still arguing about crime statistics
>interesting semi-TV related thread with 200+ replies
>engage in a conversation that for once isn't fucking stupid
>"You have been banned for 3 days for posting in an off-topic thread"
It can be nice
>call Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism based
>get 300+ replies for an ancient pasta
kinos with this feel?
>genuinely just want to talk about a specific movie
>have to come up with some elaborate meme thread starter
I just wanted to talk about Titanic lads, but I had to do the whole 'white women and black males only' thing
Why have the jannies been ramping up on those so much lately for the most random threads with no appeal option?
Shit’s going to lead to more people ban evading.
I just rewatched Titanic a few weeks back and I fucking loved it the whole way through, didn’t think I’d be feeling the same sense of panic and helplessness a week later though.
It makes zero fucking sense. We have the occasional 90s nostalgia thread that's just music videos and comfy discussion, and that's cool. But then one thread about Eminem gets 300+ posts and suddenly I'm fucking banned. I didn't even call anyone a nigger. Faggots with big heads wielding the power they don't have in their non-Internet lives. I hope they choke on their next bowl of Fruit Loops.
>call Nolan and Tarantino hacks in front of the Yas Forums lads to seem cool, but actually love all their movies
Fuck based.
>pretend to be a tranny in jazz threads
Its literally free (you)s
>user makes thread about his waifu
>say she would look good with a black cock in her mouth
>get dubs
>want to discuss a film
>post meaningful, well-thought out but concise review providing my opinion and asking for others'
>3 replies, all me
>include some garbage "what did he mean by this", "what did Yas Forums think?" or other such bait
>319 replies
>top 10 movies I post on Yas Forums isn't actually my top 10, it's just a list to try and impress anons
>actual top 10 is normie as fuck with stuff like shawshank and green mile
>jannies act like fat faggots and ban frivolously but let cunny threads persist because they're closet pedos
>post "god isn't real"
>97 replies
>friends thread
>that faggot who tries to claim phoebe isn't worst friend
>tell normies they are idiots for not getting a space odyssey 2002
>they don’t realize there is nothing to get
Just remember that they do it for free and laugh at their existence.
>tfw used to be a mod on another site and even I wasn’t this petty
Fuck me
>call black people niggers and be a general racist on Yas Forums
>go to /gif/ and open a dozen interracial porn threads later that night
>Post my opinion.
>Thread dies.
>taking bans personally
You should really head back to rēddit
Why though
Like, assuming you can actually defend your stance on those films and aren't just choosing to eat out of the garbage can instead of sitting at the table why do that?
Yikes, my dude... yikes.
No one really wins or loses an argument here do they. one time i made a genuine cringey shit simpsons meme and a couple of anons srarted posting it too.
>Post about how the rock is the biggest action hero of the decade
>get digits
>Everyone is btfo in the thread
>post my opinion
>5 replies calling me a retard
I love this wojack user and I feel that feel. Here’s a (You) so the dopamine hit will ease the pain a little.
>make a spelling mistake when calling others retards
>close tab, hide thread, forget it existed
>losing argument
>start responding to my own posts and the other guy's as if I were a different person with a completely new argument
>keep doing this until he gives up
>user posts a nice picture
>save it without asking for permission
>post a long thought out reply
>1 reply to it with “Shit opinion”
>thread dies
Come on man, if that dude is serious he so fucked he’s based, and if he is a troll he’s based.
It sucks when I know I have the base idea for a better argument but I'm just unable to compose it into good words.
It feels good when a smarter user picks up my burden and does the job.
>entire thread is an excuse to praise pretty grills
>can't argue well
>strawman an argument I don't agree with so I can see smart people rally around my actual opinion and tell me why I'm right
I have argued with you, what’s up brother
>a wild retard whisperer appears
>Lose argument
>Close tab, remove thread from watch list so I don't have to see the humiliating (you)'s
Make a post, then reply to my own post with "based and redpilled" Other anons take notice and start calling me based and redpilled.
>posts the ugliest in show
based and redpilled
Based and redpilled.
When you realize it isn’t about being right or wrong, you will be an oldfag.
based and redpilled
>want to talk about Gordon Ramsay’s shows and cooking ideas
>thread just devolves into arguments over that stupid Denver pizza joint
Based and redpilled
Why would you ask for permission you dumb tranny
you talk like a fag then
Based and redpilled
Was it this one? i remember some fgt gaying up the board with this autism when sneed was rampant
king of Yas Forums
>ruined some user's day by telling him about Siri's breast reduction moments after he had learned of her comeback
>less tits and more tats
The fags have showed up, abandon thread.