>most scientists are now saying this lockdown will probably last all the way until 2021 at the EARLIEST
so they're robbing a year from our zoomer lives because fucking octogenarians are dying? Fuck those proto-boomers. I want my life back.
Most scientists are now saying this lockdown will probably last all the way until 2021 at the EARLIEST
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>I'm a chad (incel) so I'm going out to hang out with my internet friends!
There is nothing outside for you, there never was.
>some 87 year old fart might get killed by this virus
>solution? have the entire population of the world stay indoors for a year
how does this make any fucking sense?
Please don't tell me you actually listened to that defeatist guy on jre
is this moive worth watching 2night?
nah its shit
>most scientists are now saying this lockdown will probably last all the way until 2021 at the EARLIEST
you dont seriously believe they are going to crash the whole world economy to save some retirees who are collecting benefits anyway? It would be cheaper if they died, they just need to let it happen slow so the hospitals are not overwhelmed.
my favourite part about this is that whole countries are grinding to a hold to protect boomers while boomers simply dont give a fuck and mingle outside like its nothing
that's so unrealistic.
2 months tops is all we can take. let's just get sick and get this shit over with goddamn
thanks bro, nearly got worn down to watch it seeing it posted here so much
Younger people are less likely to die from it but can still get permanent lung damage.
It's a nasty disease best avoided no matter your age
also the boomers are just gonna die in the next five years anyway so this is literally all for nothing
>don't you kids dare fhave fun in front of me in my McMansion after me and my friends fucked up your whole future to the point that pre-wall hedonism is all you will ever get in life before getting euthanised post-productivity
how the fuck would they know the lung damage is permanent this early
It's already over, Hydroxychloroquine has 100% recovery rate. It's quite amazing that nobody gives a fuck and keeps panicking until some talking head on tv says that everything is fine.
I always liked calling this movie Morpheus on a Phone...just a little inside joke I have with myself, I'm very lonely
fucking retard
just answer the question bro, it's ok if you don't know
im doing quarantine for a month max, then boomers can fuck off
if i take a razor blade to your face it wont take a month to say itll leave permanent scarring
you'll know right away
It makes me really mad. Like these fucking boomers and proto boomers don't realize that flushing the entire world economy down the toilet has severe consequences on human health across the globe as well, more so than this virus probably.
Haha! Jokes on you scientists I have been in quarantine since I was 18 so there is no way that can bother me.
okay so you can answer with an ultimately unrelated comparison. my guess is you don't actually know the mechanisms or anything similar and are just guessing based on some relatively small studies that as far as I can tell haven't been able to separate whether or not affected people may have previously had undiagnosed lung problems or other underlying issues. calm yourself down man. it's okay to be a brainlet but if you're a brainlet who also jumps on every potential issue like it's the end of the world it becomes a problem
Because it causes pulmonary fibrosis, a scarring of the lung tissue which is not reversible.
>shit man, her brains turned into limes
>most scientists are now saying this lockdown will probably last all the way until 2021 at the EARLIEST
Not true, nigger.
Most of the dead are not even boomers. Italian victims are 79.5 on average.
Go outside, no one is stopping you Zoomie.
Do the math, statistically you're not going to catch the Wuhan Shuffle
please go out, i wish you lots of fun with your 4 week long bout of pneumonia
Nah it’s great.
I'd be going outside if they didn't shut everything down. Fuck this shit, just give me the virus and get it over with you assholes
You are all so, so stupid
well I think you're pretty based user
name one.
just get a lung transplant
Not the guy you're responding to, but I'm having serious trouble finding the study that they're citing.
almost 40% of people in US hospitals with serious cases of COVID-19 are aged 20-45
wish this was a zoomer killer i'd be dancing on the streets naked
It's pretty likely these old folks would've died had they caught any disease desu. It's just corona is the flavor of the month.
My favorite part is how easy it is to convince retarded zoomers they are invincible. “It effects older people more” translates into zoomer speak into “this will do nothing to me at all, I have 0 percent chance of being in the hospital or dying”. Meanwhile the cdc just came out with numbers yesterday and like half of the people in the hospital are 20-40 years old. Also nearly every disease effects old people more, doesn’t mean you want to get any of them, or that you shouldn’t be worried about getting something like malaria. It’s just funny to me how retarded zoomers are. “Less likely to die” doesn’t mean you are immune lmao.
Post proof faggot
I and my Boomer dad took this last year, no side effects, we toured Africa
Honestly, I could live with it wiping out every over-70 on the planet. Sure, there'd be a few treasures lost like Harrison Ford, but it'd be worth it for the greater good.
It's not complicated, the doctors knew you had permanent brain damage from birth.
Can we fucking kill Buffet and Soros already?
Fuck Soros he needs to DIE.
>most scientists
t. guy with no source
is china still closed till 2021? They are already back to making masks for the rest of the world.
My brother keeps going "oh it's just old people who are in the risk zone...", meanwhile he's an alcoholic with shit immune system over-using painkillers and with shit lungs. Those parts he just laughs away, because he's not 70 like the people on the internet told him are the only ones dying.
for the greater good
Seething boomer
this level of baiting cannot be taught.
How are there so many people this stupid? Are you just not paying attention or actually retarded? “Let’s just get it over with and everyone get sick haha”. You realize that would turn the boomer killer into the everyone killer? It’s much more likely to kill old people mostly because young people if they get access to medical care have much higher chance to survive. If hospitals get overrun the fatality rate will go from 1-5 percent to well over 10. People that get sick from other shit will be screwed from no beds or icu available. If the fatality rate skyrockets and people are dropping like flies people will panic. How are so many people that have not looked into this at all so sure about a course of action.
sicentist won't say shit about lockdown, cause that's decided by politicians, you fucking retard
your brother's delusional but so are most people
But how will Yas Forums survive if their mommies die from corona?
Who will work? Pay the bills? Make food?
this is complete bullshit. young people have it too but are simply asymptomatic or just have a light fever
Proof of what retard? Do your own research faggot. If you want to believe you are invincible I don’t want to get in your way. Please go get this and every other disease.
Why should they care then?
>tfw headache, nausea, chills, muscle aches, light fever
>tfw can’t enjoy kinos while sick
to protect the boomers
>most scientists are now saying this lockdown will probably last all the way until 2021
No they haven’t
I’m under 30 faggot I’m just not a retard. I’ve had pneumonia, it sucks balls. It’s miserable and can cause permanent lung damage. I’m also not so stupid to think “less likely” means I will be fine. Cancer is also far more likely to kill boomers. Do you want to get that too? Idiot
That’s nuts Asia only had to do it for like 2 months
le lol
Get the novelisation in audiobook format and listen to the kino in bed.
All truly kino movies are based on books anyway.
Why would you do that?
Normally you'd be right but the generation that would inherit the earth is fucking TikTok twerking slime. Unironically fine with fucking up zoomer shit for a year
That's the advantage when you're an authoritarian regime that can just lock entire cities up to stop the spread. Meanwhile the US can't even get retards to give up one year of Spring Break, or not go into work sick.
>tons of people might die
>social security will get a much-needed respite
>job and housing market too
>I won't be the one to die for it
Kinos for this feel?
>young people are all asymtomatic or just have a light fever
Oh man I am going to laugh to hard when this hits everywhere and all the zoomers in the hospital are so confused. “I don’t understand, it’s just the flu bro, we were supposed to be immune reeee”
Outbreak (1995)
I'm off work and getting payed. Me and friends have been on the sesh for days. Bring it on
based boomers, fuck zoomers and all future generations
What's the consensus does it go away when the warm humid weather hits or no?
I live Ontario Canada and it gets so hot and humid here the Africans I work with say it's too hot (cause of the humidity not the actual temp)
>social security will get a much-needed respite
>actually thinking that they're not going to rape the social security funds to give corporations and stock brokers another payout, because those poor rich people are the true victims of the pandemic depression
>where do I deposit my v-bucks to get a ventilator? W-what do you mean there's no ventilator for me?? I've got 10k v-bucks!!
sunlight kills viruses because UV
temperature changes do NOT kill viruses. it's just usually sunnier in summer.
The answer is no. At this moment it's spreading quickly in Thailand, Malaysia and other SEA nations.
lel they’re going to create a $2 trillion dollar deficit to pay for the response
we’re fucked
We have to give them our future money so they can pass us our current money for working for them
Silly leftist. Ps the fed already bailed out the banks 2.7 trillion
Also i work in security. Goddamit, its just speed up. Everyone wants security
Already 2.7 trillion.
>be neet
>last time i went out was 3 years ago
>order everything from internet
>this shit happens
>have the urge to get out home now
>all the zoomers in the hospital
it's unlikely any hospital will treat younger people because of the 99%+ chance that they will be able to recover by just staying in bed at home.
So is that why the flu is 'seasonal' cause of the sunlight? (Generally just asking, not being an ass)
Maybe more vitamin D increases peoples immune systems?
Crazy cunt must have damaged her brain when she slammed headfirst into The Wall.
Well actually that’s the one thing zoomers will be more likely to get, ventilators. Most overrun hospitals are prioritizing young and healthy people to get the icu beds etc. more and more people are just getting left to die in the hardest hit areas.