
Jesus Christ what the hell am I watching edition


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why was mayor pete in this, he was so out of place?

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R is for...

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I'm only a couple minutes into the new episode of Picard and I'm already annoyed

>he must've reversed his cloak into a projector

>we got bogies
>what kinda bogies
>I guess they're a kind of giant flowers
>[cuts to reverse shot to reveal giant flower clearly visible through the ship's enormous window]

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OK that's pretty cool

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bout to put on the hazmat suit and go scavenge for supplies

maybe today is the day I find a TOS uniform in the rubble of the world

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>he must've reversed his cloak into a projector
Hold on I've got this. The way current cloak technology works, or at least the way the military is making it work, is having loads of screens surrounding the vehicle and cameras everywhere and they project what the camera is filming to the opposite side so as to make it seem as if you're looking through the vehicle, in essence making it invisible. I guess the screens could work as a projector of sort especially since they have holographic projectors


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Why is DS9 so fucking awful? It's a shitty melodramatic ripoff of B5 and everyone sucks its dick. It's not even Star Trek.

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Is Dajh giving him an Android BJ? The power of suck is of the scales

>saving the galaxy is all your responsibility now, woman and ambiguously ethnic male

I don't get this teary goodbye between 7 and Picard, when have they ever even really formed a relationship before?

Oh shit its Jade and her sister off House of Anubis. Who else /sibuna/ here?

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Bullshit. Who is she really?

Why the fuck did Picard not give a speech about morality and instead did the I will save you speech? Or even a lecture on SELF sacrifice using Data as an example.
I didn't think the show could get worse but every episode I am let down even more.

It's propaganda user

is this real I refuse to believe this is real

Attached: Star Trek Picard S01E09 [15.40-15.49].webm (1920x804, 2.96M)

The call that got Jake and Nog laid (not with each other for once)

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they never did it was just the only 2 actors they could throw enough money at to come back for anything more then a cameo

>tfw you will never be assimilated by mommie 7

>we had one ship and we lost it like years and years ago
these robots SUCK

>Another episode where Spooner is playing the grandfather the father and the two son's bothers, the Android that discovers them, as well as the butler and the maid.

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except he's long gone from the race

>when the newfag with ADHD can't spoiler outside a general
get fucked, reddit

Its even worse because they have access to a damaged cube, queen seven fueled by rage, and a handful of borg.
You telling me with all that and a shit ton of androids you can't build some crazy shit within two days?

this was part of the deal if he supported biden

>going on Yas Forums Yas Forums when you're worried about a show's spoilers
>going into a thread about the tv show you don't want spoiled
you did this to yourself

>looking at the general for a show when you haven't seen the latest episode
why are you doing this to yourself my man

I wonder if Pete realises that both Picard and Stewart utterly despise him.

I'm not sure how this relates to my post

this is the general

next episode preview is up:

woooohoo reapers from the beloved video game mass effect
its real and it's EPIC

>Implying they could make something so good

>The Borg were faggots all along.

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People praise it for it's serial format instead of episodic. All this means is that I've watched the whole show waiting for something to happen, because the story is all connected, and nothing happened.

Something happened every episode what are you talking about. DS9, save for maybe the last few episodes, is the perfect balance of serialized and self contained episodes.
Its nothing like Picard that feels like a two hour movie split into 10 hours

>tfw nuTrek is so shit, I would prefer tripfag gossip.

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Did they?

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>Picard is dying.
>A mind transfer technology is mentioned.

I really hope that they will transfer him into another white male actor. Otherwise I will be pissed.

Ah yes "reapers"

>recycling bait from the 90's.
(you)'re better than this user

Did you?

Fuck you stupid council member

Could work.

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no not reapers. Instead of saving organic life, by killing them, the save synthetic life by killing the organics
You see completely different

I still cant get over
>sheer despair broke the borg cube

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No one cares about this garbo, dude. Talk about old trek.

>It died from loneliness

ep9 was quite shite, I have been enjoying STP but its still had many flaws, I'm disliking the Incest bro plot, and Pill face is not a good character. Its still way better than STD.

>the Borg cube crash landed
>Soji goes to her room on it
What? Do they understand how fucking ENORMOUS Borg cubes are? They dwarfed the Enterprise! Will it have held together well enough to even allow her to get there? What if the cube had landed on its side? There's no way she could just casually go back to her room like this

no, it really can't
there does not exist a material capable of withstanding the strain of a complete dyson sphere. A dyson swarm is the only real possibility.

Star Trek is full of materials that don't exist

>I'm disliking the Incest bro plot,
Everytime I visit Pornhub for research, it's littered with every kind of incest porn. Is incest finally becoming normalized and mainstream? What's next? Pedophilia?

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after Insaneway atones for her crimes.

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>In space with no gravity

>female starship captain

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>white male actor
Oh, child. He's not gonna be white or male ever again.

>Insaneway atones for her crimes.
Yeah, that will happen

I'll atone right in Janeway's gunt.

Heh, good one

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Robert picardo hair piece
Robert picardo hair piece

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the lenses really accentuate her fuckedy eye
I never noticed it before

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it's not gravity, it's time dilation

Dear God this can't be real. Is Picard going to travel to the Citadel next?

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I have the same pic tho yours is of a much better quality

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It's CGI.


are you telling me they couldn't just put her in contact lenses? They really cgi the eyes now?

Just got the last bag of cat food

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The actress couldn't get them on.


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What if you build a dyson swarm out of a swarm of nanomachines that fully envelope a star

Are you playing with me, boi? Don't you know who I am?

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chin beyond cgi capabilities i guess

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apparently she couldn't get plastic surgery either. What is she the only Korean that refused to have her chin shaved?

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WILL they kill off picard? in episode 10

They already did. He can't work a console, can't save a single life, can't even convince people what is the correct moral action to take.

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Anyone got a megaupload for poorfags?

He will die but Soong's son (that no one knew existed up until now) will transfer his conscience into the golem/cylon copy.
They will probably get another actor to play "JL" next season.

>are you telling me they couldn't just put her in contact lenses? They really cgi the eyes now?
Are you telling me CGI is any worse? Honestly I've long felt CGI'ing eyes in todays day and age would be the superior option, Contact lenses are laughable most of the time, especially in HD. What arguments are there for it? It's like not erasing the strings from wirework stunts. The iris is within the eye, it does not sit atop the cornea, yet with contact lenses you can see that this is what they're doing clear as day. Altering the colour of an eye digitally isn't even that difficult to do.

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