Actors/Celebs sing for #corona

Listen to this for as long as you can [Open]

1-10 seconds: normal

11-30 seconds: damn lad

>30 seconds: G.O.D. level

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Who's the afro Americans and old blonde. Natalie was nice though

based Larry

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not listening to pathetic capeshitters who do you think I am

should have ended with git er dun

oh shit Cars 4 is CANCELLED

>rich ppl singing about woes

For what purpose

What part is henry?

Revolting kikess tells you to imagine there's no Heaven in times of a deadly plague instead of prayinhg to god. I hope they all catch it and suffer.

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Why do Americans oversing everything

What do I get for seeing the title and saying nope at 0?

That fake forced smiling Gal does to trick you into liking her

Celebs are really the losers that everyone would bully


based honestly

A Hezbollah flag

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Always knew Larry was based as fuck. No surprise.

What's with the internet now turning into full Maoism mode, criticising every single thing they saw, ignoring all the good intentions behind it? I've noticed the majority of them are from young girls and nonwhites.
Anyways they seem to be obsessed with the idea of eating the rich and everything has to be about the worst things happening in the world if people are doing something else they immediately cancel you

Based Mater

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Yeah people are suffering and need spiritual sustenance and these cokehead body fascist vampires sing some smug hedonist song about a world without religion somehow being liberating for all these people out there risking losing their homes and loved ones.

FUCK liberals forever. It's dead and done. That illusion can never, EVER go over convincingly again, and frankly if that means a darker if realer world, so be it. It's only darker for the upper middle class cretins who just want to have brunch and not worry about the state of the world. KILL YOURSELVES, atheistic careerist scumfucks. The world hates you now.

>there are african children dying eveyday why are you breathing now else think about those starving kids!!!
These people are what lead to Gulags and concentration camps

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Their competition for virtue signaling to the max, this is what happens when they gave internet connection to women

Celebrities are fucking obnoxious

Look at those creepy, cloying gazes. "I'm so deeply caring, I'm so EVER virtuous and beneficent..."

Yeah this totally isn’t a psyop


People are getting really bored of virtue signalling.

The chad Wonder woman
The virgin cable guy

Based Larry

Im sick to death of the medias worship of these weirdo's. Why do we always have to be lectured by movie stars whenever something major happens. Just sit in your mansion, snort your cocaine and STFU.

Personally id laugh if society broke down and hordes of niggers and spics raided the Hollywood hills.

The responses here and on twitter are hilarious. Everyone is so offended and repulsed. Although I'm not looking at woke/girlboss twitter's responses, they probably actually find it moving.

Simon is probably all "Mm, blimey that's very nice."

Pretty sick of cuck mentality like this, these people are always hypocrites who have done nothing themselves but sitting there making sarcastic tweets

>Although I'm not looking at woke/girlboss twitter's responses
Those are the exact types of people who are offended by this

>Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try. No hell below us

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gal gadot: cute

Go cry about inequality and social class, poorfag

They could have picked a better song.


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this at least there singing and reading children's books thats helping!

upper class whites are going to get what they fucking deserve

leave millie alone!

Not their fault that John Lennon was a shitty song writer

the internet really ruined celebrities. nobody fucking cares anymore.

Well, that sentiment is shared by normals and working class people too in this case.

Lennon was a great songwriter, he was just an insufferable, tedious cunt by the 70s.

>Imagine there is no heaven

As a creepy smile breaks out on the Kikesses face. We get it, you people worship the devil. People have been saying that for over 1000 years.

I wonder how all these celebs involved feel reading the responses. They were probably thinking everyone would be so moved and grateful, and literally everyone is saying how cringe these hypocrites are and how it makes them want to puke. They're probably feeling, like, a flush of shame and embarrassment, at least for a moment.

they probably dont check in on it for their own sanity

some of them dont even watch their own movies

Is there any truth that he shunned his liberal ways at the end of his life and became a republican and Reagan supporter?
I mean hanging around Yoko Ono and those dirty hippies for years on end would drive anyone to the right.

Yeah, these leering, creepy smiles as they try to sell atheism as something wonderful and soothing makes one's skin crawl.

They do check them. Why do you think they are so anti free speech and cry constantly about "bullying" online.
Cher had such a meltdown when Trump got elected, she was posting Pepe's all over her feed saying Nazi frogs were out to get her.

Imagine thinking Maoism is a bad thing

>I am the egg man
>They are the egg men
>I am the walrus
>Goo goo g'joob

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This shit worked on boomers, the only ppl who think the Beatles are any different from KPOP faggots. But they'd have a hard time selling this hot garbage to current generation. We're living in their atheist nightmare.

Christians back then thought they were the 4 horseman of the Apocalypse.

Just post some Hershlag caps, nobody is going to watch this crap.

More like Gal Gadodess

Even the Maid thinks they are mentally ill.

Yeah, I've seen older liberals (older Gen Xers too) trying to convince younger people to just swallow the liberal-left message as if we haven't, like, experienced the last couple decades. "No no no, if you read your history liberals are the GOOD guys! Young people are SUPPOSED to be LIBERALS and go on acting as if it's the 60s and 70s!"

Like listen fuckers I understand it's been cushy for you but outside your nice little family situations and careers young people have seen the cultural and spiritually annihilating effects of liberalism on both an economic and cultural level. Like you can't just lecture us about punk history or sing Beatles songs and make it seem appealing or meaningful to us.

Got a link to the twitter post? I love watching the public bash out of touch celebs.
I checked Gal Gadots Instagram post and its just a bunch of normies saying how great she is.

I still cant believe they stayed in bed for 2 weeks at fancy hotels to protest war. The fucking ego on the pair of useless cunts.