...due to a crisis?
I'm thinking looting during a blackout, riots following a natural disaster, hysteria in the face of a meteor strike kind of thing
>pic related, i suppose
...due to a crisis?
I'm thinking looting during a blackout, riots following a natural disaster, hysteria in the face of a meteor strike kind of thing
>pic related, i suppose
Other urls found in this thread:
Children of men
Good prediction of collapse
Oye, nut eyynugh rhoom to push me trolly, govnuh.
>britbong rants
do americans really?
Deep Impact has some decent scenes of messy streets before the world ends
this has gotta be a joke right?
Do britbongs really...?
Peak yikes
Costco in particular has an absurd overcrowding the instant anything bad happens.
People will leave Walmarts and shit full of groceries to go stand in line at Costco, it's weird.
please let this be california
The absolute state of mutts
I went to my local bongistan supermarket this evening and it was basically like this. I even got accosted by a female crackhead outside. It's been a very exciting evening.
That's like a wait of 4 hours at least...
When I see footage like this this I feel like I'm really under reacting about this whole situation.
and the store around the block that charges 25 cents more is only slightly crowded
>polite and orderly, no one sharting themselves
how come the whites are at the front, the blacks in the middle, and the 'spics, asians, and more whites at the back?
darkies don't even get out of bed before noon
Bros... Is the Boogaloo about to happen for reals?I'm scared
I went to Shoprite today and was able to get a lot but there were still plenty of worrying limits
>no sliced bread whatsoever, although they still had rolls and wraps
>virtually no toilet paper, although they still had tissues and paper towels (limit 2 per customer)
>all of the bottled water was gone except the expensive brands (limit 1 case per customer)
>rice was limited to 1 bag per customer in spite of there seeming to be plenty of it in stock
>deli section was empty, but there was still packaged lunchmeat in the refrigerated section
>very large number of people in the store, but LESS "congested" than usual because all the carts were moving very fast and everyone was actively avoiding each other
I've got like five cases of water and three or four weeks of meals in the house, this better not be the fucking apocalypse
You're not, it's totally insane what these people are doing. There is literally no danger to the supply chain, yet people are fucking hoarding canned food when there's fresh fruit and vegetables still being placed on the shelves every day.
they're probably all just buying the same things. toilet paper, eggs, hand sanitizer, bottled water, etc. They're all idiots who can't just wait a few days for the store to get another delivery of that stuff.
it's true that even the vendors are beginning to run low on these items, but it's not all going to just disappear.
Dollar General had a shitload of cases of water but they weren't even bothering to put it on shelves, just keeping stacks of it near the front of the store and they seem to be flying out even at shitty $4/24 bottles prices
What kind of shithole countries do you guys live in? Literally just came from a shop: stocked with tons of food, nothing is missing, saw 3-5 other people in the shop.
when did Yas Forums fill with soccer moms
hey ladies, any of you not getting what you need from hubby lately ;)
It says on the bottom left that the video is of Cypress, California on Friday the 13th of March, at Costco.
people are just afraid of starving in the inevitable lockdown phase. They mostly all buy the same products which leads to stores not resupplying those items quick enough which leads to shit like this
>no danger to the supplyline
>bread and tp have been off my grocery stores sheleves for almost 2 weeks now unless I want to wake up as the ass crack of dawn and fight for it with tons of possibly infected people making the whole lockdown thing a moot point
no big deal guys!
Just buy firearms and ammo and learn to shoot. If shit gets really bad you can chimp out and start killing people for their stuff or cannibalizing them once food runs out.
It's funny only places with high immigration look like this.
>panic buying bad
Ok zoomer
anyone else notice how it's only old people walking around outside
it's sad that not a single shopper seems to have thought "huh, i bet those supermarket employees are having a rough week. i'll clean up this mess to make somebody's day 3% less shit"
That's nothing to do with the supply chain though, that's just an issue of restocking the shelves faster than the loonies taking it all. People are really buying 6 months worth of toilet paper and long life milk for what? Only to go back to the same store 2 days later.
I lost my job in January so I'm pretty fucked. I got a can of beans, half a loaf of bread and 2 rolls of tp. I'll literally have to loot to survive a quarantine.
where the black wimmin at
One nice thing about my country is that I have 6 supermarkets in walking distance.
And each of them gets supplied twice a day.
That is the power of civilisation.
Clean my mess wage cuck. If you don't like it then quit lmao.
im honestly worried i haven't stocked up enough nonperishable foods. i dont think the virus will kill everyone and the end of the world will happen but the next few years are going to make the great depression look like child's play and i imagine we're going to need all the food we can get
Boomers gonna boom.
Boomer gonna coof.
Old MALES nonetheless, who have way higher risk of dying.
Long-lasting stuff that was surprisingly easy to get when i visited Asda today:
>tinned corned beef
>tinned peaches
>Powdered eggs and milk
>tinned chicked noodle soup
>buy one get one free Irn Bru big bottles
Shop smart. Don't run to all the places that everyone else goes to.
The assholes that fight over a pack of toilet paper aren't going to give a flying fuck about the wagies that have to clean up after them. I hope the virus kills them first.
Ireland and The UK are respectively the 2nd and 3rd most food secure nations on earth which makes the panic buying here even more insane. If it really gets bad you can just throw some seeds in your garden and literally anything will grow here.
>rice was limited to 1 bag per customer in spite of there seeming to be plenty of it in stock
there's plenty of it in stock BECAUSE it's limited to one per customer
without the cap some idiot in the middle of a panic attack would come in and fill his entire cart with 40 bags of rice
I've posted this before, throughout February. I'll post it again even though this isn't a Birds of Prey thread.
You guys should go watch Birds of Prey as soon as possible. The Covid-19 disease, caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus, is wreaking havoc all over the world and is about to cause a pandemic if the global crises isn't one already. You should watch Birds of Prey because it might be the last good action movie you can watch before U.S. cities go into lockdown or quarantine and people will have to stay home like NEETs and incels because of the SARS-Cov-2 virus running amok; it'll be this way until maybe April or it could be this way for a year or more. You should also watch Gretel and Hansel as it could be the last good horror movie you see in film theaters. Don't forget to watch the Sonic: The Hedgehog live action movie.
After watching the films, head down to your nearest Costco or Walmart and buy food and supplies to last a month or maybe even more. FEMA/CDC's zombie preparedness guide says to get enough food and supplies for a few days. But the recent pandemic alert news say buy enough for two weeks. But you should aim for a month or more. If your nearest Costco or Walmart is packed, head on home, but stop by a smaller supermarket or grocery store and buy a couple of canned goods, water and supplies like toilet tissue, isopropyl/ethanol alcohol, etc. Then get to bed earlier and try and go to Costco or Walmart as soon as possible the next day.
After your prepping is done, then you can watch your CW shows like Ssupergirl or Batwoman.
Update: It's probably too late to prep now, too late to go to the supermarkets to get the food and supplies. But you can try, I guess. You should have prepped while Trump was saying that the risk of viral outbreaks in America was low. I mean it's a highly infectious disease that spreads asymptomatically for 2 to 14 days or more.
The grocery store near my house is still completely normal. We even have TP
Yas Forums, you're not just buying chocolate, crisps and booze for the lockdown, are you?
I live in Ontario and the only thing that's actually totally empty most places is TP. Even tissue shelves are still full so if you were really desperate to wipe your ass you'd be okay.
Shelves aren't maxed out full like usual, but everything except TP has at least a little bit left.
I'll be honest with you, guys: I'm scared as fuck. The situation in Italy is very sad.
>but the next few years are going to make the great depression look like child's play and i imagine we're going to need all the food we can get
why? recessions/depressions don't make it difficult to find supplies. they make it difficult to AFFORD supplies.
If you're really scared of a depression you should be holding on to every penny you can, not stockpiling shit that will be cheap as fuck later because nobody can afford it.
>tfw canada is confirmed next to be the next italy
guys my fridge is broken so no meat, chicken, etc
what the fuck should i buy? ive bought pasta, rice, egg, oil and some water, thats it
i feel like im missing something
At work lolololololol
On my last visit to the supermarket those were literally the only things left on the shelf, so fuck yes that's all I bought.
A new fridge
>he doesn't live near a lake with massive amounts of fish
Buy a new fridge, retard.
Starve, nigga
Canned soup
toilet paper
Also who is the picture on the left depicting?
why are retards acting like a quarantine means closed grocery stores. Is it trolling?
ive got a bidet
fuck off
fat autists and boomers
>bought some water
>i feel like im missing something
yeah, not living in a not shithole country without drinkable tapwater lmao
>ive got a bidet
doesnt get rid of the chunks
I don't get it. Is this just to enter the store? There are no other store in the area?
>throw some seeds in your garden and literally anything will grow here.
In World War 2 the British population was healthy as they’ve ever been because:
a) the government encouraged people to grow food in their back gardens
b) they made sure that rationing would give everyone exactly what they needed from each week’s meals. It was the most well balanced diet a wide population have ever had in human history.
You're not. This is a serious situation but there is no need to be hoarding food and items like this, it's absurd and unethical. It's fine to stock up a little bit but this is a virus not a fucking hurricane or some other natural disaster. These people standing in line are literal NPCs and are of the some of the most selfish and low IQ mouth breathers that this shit hole country has to offer.
im honestly impressed there were that many carts. at a certain point, thievery and holding hostages seems to be morally justifiable
deenz and canned vegetables
this is the most pathetic thing ive ever seen, possibly to the point of those people deserving to be straight up murdered.
There's a psychological thing people have about Costco. I don't understand it myself. People would rather stand outside an empty Costco than go to another store that actually has merchandise in it.
More like the BOREronavirus.
End of the world and people are just calmly panic buying toilet paper.
If you're specifically home-quarantined you can't go anywhere to do anything and in the case with general city lockdowns, going out is still an infection risk so minimising the need to go out is a good idea. That said, most of these people aren't actually thinking about any of that shit. They're just panic buying random crap because they saw a report on the local news that everyone else is panic buying random crap.