My friend Ben? Yea, he's back

My friend Ben? Yea, he's back.

Attached: ben-ana.jpg (1000x1500, 468.47K)

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All the way back

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how is he so good with women? Life is so unfair.

>no belt

is he really hitting that fine pusy

>his smile and optimism: restored

tall rich handsome white guy with big dong

Which are the essential Ben kinos?

This. What a fucking gaylord.

>it's that handholding couple where you can't tell if he's her dad or she's a whore

Glad to my brother in sobriety share a genuine smile

>big dick
>ultra famous
>enormously rich
>very handsome
>jacked as fuck

Yeah gee I dunno why women go for him instead of you user, really makes ya wonder why more women aren't into women-hating basement dwellers instead of successful outgoing charismatic men.

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>fat arms
this is incel cope

Good Will Hunting

I can't think of any other good movies that he made

Ben Afflex on all faggots seething itt. He's living the dream

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that doggo a cute. CUTE!

never underestimate the power of pussy

good for him, seems like a decent guy.

I think he only made one other one and it was bad which kinda discouraged him from making more.

Proof that qtie latina can cure any depression.

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im happy for him.

how long before she dumps him. Will he end up back in rehab?

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Nice projection, reddit.

you think he swallows her turds or just munches on them then spit out?

Gone, Girl

He probably still hides a bottle in the toilet tank

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indeed it is.

yeah I don't think so
> A well-to-do husband who allows his wife to have affairs in order to avoid a divorce becomes a prime suspect in the disappearance of her lovers.

oh no no NO NO

Fuck, dating and fucking an 8/10 really does wonders on your soul, huh

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>those shiny eyes
My man Ben is so happy. I'm happy for him, hope the best for him!

The Accountant

Why is he such an insufferable retard? Who genuinely likes him?

Falling in love with one, even more so. The trouble with our generation is that we have absolutely no skills that help us hold on to good relationships once we've found them. This is the real reason for rampant depression. Not the getting into a relationship part, but the emotional intelligence needed to maintain it. We will all die alone.

Money. Don't start to think he used some PUA trick, it doesn't work.

Changing lanes
The Town

I actually think she looks cute in these pictures. If that's how she looks at her worse, I'm ok with it.

He’s charismatic as hell. I’ve seen some of his live, off-the-cuff appearances and he’s very funny. He’s an above average looking celebrity with an above average personality. Every advantage you’d want.

This guy would be drowning in pussy if he was poor, he's very handsome and he's outgoing.
Before the whoa is me, there are plenty of girls to fuck incels.
They don't look like her, but you don't look like him.

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Affleck is so much better than Matt Damon

you’re a retard

Kevin Smith

He's dated plenty of hot women. What he needed was someone who wasn't a totally vapid whore.

Enjoy getting scammed, brainlet.

there r worse pictures out there
>post them

>What he needed was someone who wasn't a totally vapid whore.
Every hot woman is a vapid whore. Even Hollywood stars need to lower their standards if they don't want a divorce.

Ben has returned?

this guy gets it. One of my best friends is like this. He’s tall, women consider him good-looking, he’s funny and super outgoing. He kills it and he’s not rich or a celebrity like Affleck is.

Girls like him.As far as insufferale, he's not from Boston he's from cambridge which is the san francisco of the east coast. Nothing but drug addicts and faggots.

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It obviously wasn’t PUA bullshit, but to put it down to money reveals you to be pretty dumb

Can confirm just by the way he looks at her.
Man, he looks genuinely happy, you can see the happiness in his face.

you’ve literally never talked to someone better looking than her

I'm happy for him. He looked really depressed when he leaked that Pokemon info.

based big ben kicking into happyiness overdrive

let's all smile for big ben

Damn it redpilled

Hes not your friend faggot. Hes some asshole paying you to rehab his image.

Ben is an old fat alchoolic with a retarded face that everybody made fun of in Hollywood. You can call it money, fame, status or whatever but if you think anything else in him attracted her, you're the only retard ITT. She was dating 60 years old rich baldlets when she was maybe 21-22.
Your IQ must be around 80.

>This guy would be drowning in pussy if he was poor, he's very handsome and he's outgoing.
bro, even incels can drawn in pusy if they actually tried leaving their house and shooting for something a bit around their level (or even lower)

If it was only money Zuckerberg wouldn't be fucking a fat mongoloid bat eater.
GET OUTSIDE incels, and present yourselves well.

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Don't act like getting a social life after high school is easy, it isn't, even when you're in college.
The incel condition comes from having a bad HS experience, that's it.


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Why not? Bad high school experience wouldn't prohibit you from having a job (thereby making connections) or even going out in bars and nightclubs alone. Do you know how many sluts are in those places just waiting to get fucked?

>Your IQ must be around 80.
nice projection tardboi