>cast her
Her name is Trail Blazer, and shes the new face of the NEW WARRIORS line of marvel comic that surely will be going to the kinomatic near you real soon.
holy shit I thought this was just a joke from our friends from Yas Forums
Gabourey Sibide or whatever the fuck that based fat cunt's name is.
Say what you will about racism or sexism, but normalizing obesity is NOT right.
no yoke, its all real biggot
Leslie Jones
Looks like Jazz
too old
you might be on to something
I remember reading marvel comics around the time the x-men was made out of a bunch of like some guy who was a bird, another dude who was a brain in a floating ball, then there was the guy who was like a living glob of translucent fat with a skeleton inside it and I was just like yeah peace I'm out
impressive to see them managing to come up with even uglier, dumber, and less appealing chraracters somehow
I'm convinced it is and they're just deep cover to see what outrageous shit they can get away with
Post corona Idris Elba
>the x-men was made out of a bunch of like some guy who was a bird, another dude who was a brain in a floating ball, then there was the guy who was like a living glob of translucent fat with a skeleton inside it
That sounds way cooler than just a bunch of humans with super powers.
kinda funny stuff the lefty idpol people creates just look like the right idpol stuff Yas Forums makes
Why is no one talking about the guy who is Reddit personified?
For context:
experimental internet gas
>go to Yas Forums for this
>they're saying that they look like anime characters
I don't remember any anime like this.
This origin story is dumber than a deliberate parody of how dumb these origin stories are.
>Experimental internet gas
who the fuck is writing this stupid as shit? and maybe a more important question, who the fuck are they marketing this crap?
>Yas Forums
It's the dumbest board in Yas Forums, they were convinced "cinematography" was a Yas Forums meme to shit on marvel
>fight against labels by giving everything labels
this is shill bait glow in the dark
I legitimately want to read this, where can I find it?
This is like that boomer who said the internet is a series of tubes, but worse.
This takes the phrase 'the internet is nebulous' far too literally.
you've just clocked on to method of the entire SJW movement?
>who the fuck is writing this
It's written by people who hate the medium for people who also hate the medium but pretend to like it because they're consoomers.
Genuinely. That's the main reason it turns out this way. I'm sure they have other motivations for it as well, such as pivoting their writing gig at Marvel into some other gig in the future, but fundamentally they make shit because they hate what they make.
okay this has been enough of this forever, thanks for the laughs guys
holy shit
this is some next level shit
Is her name trail blazer because she's always carrying several bags of trail mix to shove down her food hole, maintaining her 15k calories/day diet?
That literal blob you posted somehow looks more appealing and better designed than Snowflake, Safespace and whatever the others are called.
I unironically do not understand what the bottom text is trying to say. what does restrictive sense mean and how does infinite screentime mean anything
wait, is the fat chick black or an eskimo or what?
I think the writer is referring to little kids not being allowed infinite time on a screen.
>super teen
>instantly GOOGLE facts
>fights labels with more, even worse, labels
I remember in the 90s, all the awful attempts from corporations to 'get' kids and their culture, the rapping grannys, the skateboarding, the way everything had the word 'extreme' worked into it, I thought that was the most pathetic shit I would ever see. guess not
Jesus, they're completely retarded.
Holy shit they look like those ironic Hilldawg Gang Pepes people were creating back in the 2016 election.
Reminder Deux Ex did it first
>whose brain became connected to the internet
Also whats stopping that teen from accessing all the cp ever?
>he still thinks those were ironic
>It's written by people who hate the medium
its not just that, its like they dont hire good artist or good writers, looks like afirmative aktion but for fucking loosers in the comic field.
Pol unironically has been vindicated
What meme will he reference first? I'm sure the first thing he says will be calling some bad guy "big chungus"
I'm convinced I am in the late stage throes of coronavirus delirium and this is my first glimpse of the hell I will soon arrive at when I finally die...
Miserable, alone, and choking to death clawing at my throat for breath. What other explanation is there?
>two characters
>two different colours
>1 female and 1 male
Well, that phase of the x-men did has some stuff going for it. But it was just so uncomfortable to read. Imagine the constantly simmering, barely repressed violence of The Mountain from GoT. Now imagine all the characters felt that way. Now imagine half of them had godlike super powers that could level cities. Also, they're teenagers. Also, everybody who isn't a mutant hates them and constantly harasses them.
Almost every storyline ended in an apocalyptic scenario or the bare aversion of one. Which was actually just really boring. When everything's tuned up to 11 all the time, 11/10 becomes the new 1/10. So then they have to one-up themselves more with retarded alternate universes or "what if...?" scenarios where one of the characters literally takes over the entire world and makes everyone his slaves or he destroys the universe or something.
Like, man. Whatever happened to beating up bad guys. Even when they beat up bad guys, it's like you have Wolverine literally murdering 100 hydra agents on his own in an evening or something, like he's something out cockroaches. Everything was so extreme and nihilistic and out of control, even the Spawn comics felt mild by comparison.
That makes absolutely no sense and that's how I know you're telling the truth in current year
Literally what the fuck
It feels like wokeness is going full circle somehow.
>Introducing our new character, Retard-man. His mutation has resulted in extra chromosomes!
Isn't that almost a direct rip off from Kill La Kill?
Too much brap pornography it seems
The creators are just trying to turn the behavior of SJW’s into a mainstream and normal thing. Pic related isn’t the creator, but I can imagine that this was their way of thinking.
nah, the creator is a gay argentinian and his taste is just that gay
Life must truly be suffering to Argentinians
People who say things "look like anime" tend to not really know what anime looks like
its like bad americn (((artist))) trying to do shit like anime, they are bad artist and anime just brings the shit out of them.
>british spelling
>meme-obsessed super teen whose brain became connected to the internet
here is the artwork from his origin story
This reads like the excuse a 6 year old would give to his mom for why his newly created characters, faggot and cocksucker, are named that way and that's why it's okay for him to run around yelling their names because he's saying their names not bad words.
they could do something like Mr. Manhattan's origin montage but instead of putting himself back together gradually, he just spends more and more time jerking off and browsing tumblr