
Moriarty edition

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Check this out lads haha

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Such a great actor. Next to him Stewart's acting like a wet tissue paper. I wonder why he wasn't in more episodes.

>Are we still on for hasperat tonight, Commander?

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I need some coffee to go with these dubs.

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Because a holodeck program being any sort of thread is a laughable idea.

She will always be the captain of my heart

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Based rikeru poster

based riker9.jpg poster

Hola newfag, hows your first week on Yas Forums?

you motherfucker

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>Wait, wait! I have to make a TV show look cinematic!

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what does the strap mean!!!!!!!!!!

gives me the liquid shits

I wish they rescued based Tom from the Cardies.

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more like captain of my rabbit hutch

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based dubswayposter

Holy crap this scene is so creepy the hairs on my back neck stand up. Did none watch this after they were done filming?

would have been funnier if she just transported him into space

Please tell me this shit is a comedy sketch. Please.

Enterprise-E bridge a decent

maybe lose the floor lighting

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Why would anyone want to learn martial arts from glassjaw Worf?

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Troi and Crusher were prime mommies in this.

looks like shit, retard

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The floor lighting should only be used for the red alert.


missing peyton, and then it would be 10/10

Why Vee?

Errr, fucking what? It's literally a key component in good electronics, it does not rust, it is malleable and corrosion free. It is literally in everything from phones to computers these days. To claim it is simply due to 'value we gave it' is fucking wrong. Gold is also valuable in new alloys we discovered (strongest alloy we know is titanium + gold) and is useable in medical fields (teeth and other implants due to it not reacting in the body). Silver is also valuable for medical stuff (its antiseptic) but it does rust. Gold is valuable because of loads of uses. Silver is useful for medical uses. Silver is going to be more valuable in the future due to lack of viable silver mines left in the world, comparatively, gold is much easier to get.

As for gold pressed latnium, it was done because gold was the only metal where the liquid form of latnium (i.e, the valuable thing) could be combined with to make it remain solid. There is LITERALLY FUCKING EPISODES ON THIS. Dax says that if it wasn't for gold, you'd need an eyedropper to pay for stuff in latnium. You can make bars and cut it up and have the currency available. Morn spits out like 50ml of liquid latnium and Quark says its about 500 Bars worth. Which is quite a lot (about 10% the value of his bar). Gold is valuable for this reason alone and why Ferengi mine it, because you need lots of gold for the drops of latnium to work in. Finally, many civilisations value gold for various reasons as I said above.

why is /trek/ full of poser faggots who think they're smart but are not?

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You've got to laugh evertime Worf bring up
>muh klingon heritage
>muh honour
Then gets routinely btfo when klingons are just as deceitful and underhanded as rommies, and as dishonourable as ferengi.

Also, first for porthos

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>dubs dubs
Based and dubswaypilled.

kek no, that's how Captain's do things, user! Haha. There is another one of those episodes (they're shorts) where a guy sees a fucking shooting star from his spaceship window... which... isn't possible lmao.

How does the crew of the enterprise clean up after going to the bathroom? Do they still use toilet paper in the 23rd century? Do they even need to shit still in the 23rd century?

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>doesnt realise that were discussing the value of gold because it can be REPLICATED

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opinion disregarded

I imagine the trek future probably has even better conductors available than gold, given the computers they have

Not taking a position against your pro-gold stance, just saying how I see it

It's literally a comedy short Trek, yeah. Part of all that new material nobody here is willing to watch after years of bitching about no new Trek and nothing to talk about.

dude, check my crew!

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>he doesn't know

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Man the sequel episode sucks, i like how Moriarty forgets about Dr.Pulasky.

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Given that most of humans today don't use toilet paper, I don't see why they would use it in the future.

NOW we are talking

well what do they use then?

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upper right should be manditory dress for all females, but the powder blue.

Both good points.

>The only reason gold is even considered valuable is because it's rare, relatively speaking.
They didn't mention anything about it being replicated. Somebody said why isn't everything gold plated and this person replied. In terms of a galaxy wide element, gold is relatively common. There are asteriods floating around Earth within reach that are worth $23 trillion (assuming all prices remained stable, which they wouldn't). The faggots weren't even talking about that when they started going on about muh latnium.

Manga and I did it on purpose because it gets you fucks to actually look. Also, not an opinion, it's a scientific fact. You know you're wrong and that's why it makes you seethe.

Yeah but my point is in the final paragraph, gold was the easiest material (or only material, I cannot remember) that allowed the combination of liquid latnium to remain solid and in a currency forming shape. Primitive societies also like gold for various reasons and the Ferengi have no qualms about giving primitive societies gold if they can take other minerals (that are worth more) out of that planet. The series never explains what latnium comes from (though non-canon sources like video games say it is harvested from nebula).

>so based she doesn't even have social media
one of us, one of us

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Did they seriously mention social media in Star Trek?

Friendly reminder Gul Dukat did nothing wrong
I hope you faggots didn't forget

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Faggots, all of you. The scene is not canon because personell issues are handled by the first officer, not the captain. We're safe.

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>The scene is not canon because personell issues are handled by the first officer, not the captain.
Says who? I seem to remember Picard doing this all the time.

No, she doesn't have social media irl, I hope she's a nazi.

Canon is decided by the consumers.
It was the same for the Bible as it is the same for all the great myths.
If we en masse decide that post-ENT is not canon then it isn't.

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probably referring to the actress

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>Says who?

Picard in the episode where he shags the piano lady.

I almost forgot, thanks for the reminder :)

Besides the fact that captains handle issues like that all the time, it really doesn't matter if you want to call it canon or not. I repeat: it's a *comedy* short. You have to have warp 9.99 autism to not get that.


Ah, my dear friend Gul Dukar, it seems like you were unable to get dubs. Perhaps I could be of assistance?

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Only virgins think ENT isn't canon because they can't handle mild sensuality.

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You should add something about the hand to hand battle with shran and cutting his antennae off with the "converts his enemy"

Sonic bidets

he's in the same show now with the lady seven blasts in picard.

Shran was such a bratty power bottom. But Archer tamed him. One of his most butch moments.

Sounds stimulating

You bet your ass


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I read about an episode of two school girls fighting on the day of the 2385 Attack on Mars, which led to Picard quitting.
Also one about the USS Discovery abandoned in the far future with it's computer becoming self aware.
It's already more saturated than comfy 90s Trek was, but now it's full blown fanfic and faggotry.

If every ship doesn't at least have Japanese style robot toilets that wash your butt and sing a song by ENT, I don't even want to see the future anymore.

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Oh, God! MAKE IT STOP!!!

Get dressed, anons.

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It's been implied that shit is just beamed out of a person by then. Don't even have to strain.

>Don't even have to strain
But that's half the fun.

What so it's O'brien's job then?

>the piano lady
She had nice tits.

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This corridor would be much more aesthetic if it were plated with gold.

poor bastard. all the bullshit that riker and co make him deal with and now he's a plumber too?

>I had to kill the Excelsior helmsman because be made a mistake. Now it's time to erase that mistake.

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That was a good call. She looked way better in a uniform then those dumpy maroon and grey jumpsuits.

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