>tfw Jazz didn't go to Harvard and I have to keep dealing with him at home
I Am Jazz
Other urls found in this thread:
Clit’s gross and drips white
Cunt is leaking purple mixed with farts
Mother gets poon wiped
Coochie with shite cause balls broke, plop and shart
You are a he
Your Father fakes “I’m proud”, your life is wasted
Ari is pleased
As Bowers cuts you right between your thighs
You’re sterilized
Cunt is a shitter
Slit with knife
Now no one’s gonna date you
Cause your peen need to get wiped
The hole is shitter
Slit with knife
Dilating all your life
Prescribe painkiller
Still a dude/guy, man, ooh
Yas Forums says “poor man”
And despite there’s no pair, you’re a hun
You know Noelle’s “lad”
And wonder if Ari will give you son
You’re grossest guy
We know you’re addicted to medication
Shit from balls in piles
You’re scarred and pee is seeping from behind
Hole full of slime
Cunt is a shitter
Slit with knife
Your taint and severed glans
Ya wrecked your dink, a morbid sight, “girl”
(Ooh ooh)
Dilating all your life
Prescribe painkiller
Still a dude/guy
White features? Naw
And the meds fail to halt any manly gait
There’s no denying Grandma is an alien this time
The hole has died
That shitty stench is so ripe, ooh
The pouch is P.U.
Next season means more cutting in your thighs, ooh
Please don’t undress, dude
Had better call the plumber for that pile
Brown is the brine
The jews have lied, my grundle folds were severed, yeah
The wound is tight
Please save me from the error to my peen
My taint will bleed
Cunt is a shitter, clit needs wipe
I own the grossest hole
More messy pools, wood severed, pair died
Shitter, slit with knife
So let Ting make a slice
Damn Bowers killed my, ripped my, slit my
Invert - many gripes
Can’t get no sicker, iller, right?
“Girl” just from drilled in hole?
Got into school because of gay pride
(Ooh ooh)
Shitter, slit with knife
The hormones thwarted height
Weight gain will kill ya, blimp ya
I’m gonna kill me tonight
Cut his crotch, but still a man
The certain signs are shoulders/hands
Chewing food like cow with cud
With sterilized balls, pain for good
I’m gonna kill me tonight
Man who severed ass and mound
A lout with hole, his Father frowns
Bub crams his face with car-a-mel
Blood clots in thighs, the grossest smell
*I’m gonna kill me tonight
(Xim/xer, ooh, xim/xer)* (x2)
I’m gonna kill me tonight
Gross taint, I’m gonna kill me tonight
Stinky wipe, taint
The foulest trench is needing Nair
The cut from motor powered shears (stinky wipe, stinky)
And drippy drools from stenchy womb
Performed on you to make you coom
You know we’re right, remain a guy
Your yoni farts and spittles (I’m gonna kill me tonight)
Hole’s obscene odor: ass emits
Cut penis and your liver!
literally how did this nibba get into harvard
All academia now is Jews and jewish puppets telling women their lives are horrible and unfair and comparing everything to the holocaust and saying everyone is gay. Wake up.
So what happend at the end? I fell asleep when Noelle was about to get mangled.
Was Jarron's Harvard deferral brought up in the finale episode? I can't remember.
Only with text at the end
At the very end, itt said he plans to start Fall 2020.
chopp dick
i don't think ari lives at home anymore
she's older than jazz
>tfw no kind, soft-spoken, hippie, down-to-earth ari gf
Fitful and frightened
Baby bird waits one more year
To leave mother's nest
reminder that if you google ari jennings you get this result
what are these rumors about ahmir and a lawsuit against TLC? true? links?
Can't find anything, but his Insta is gone.
>mouth watering
If you didn't get to watch Jazz's song yet I recommend you check it out
why do you guys keep mentioning David Lynch in these threads. Is he with TLC working on the show?
damn ari has some pretty good looking friends.
ari is QUEEN
Is parody user ever going to gift us with this absolute masterpiece
This one is overrated as hell
My name is Jazz
My name is Jazz
not to be confused with Bill or Jack or Pete or Jaron
My name is Jazz
It's always been
Cause I'm the most frighting tranny bitch you ever seen
I dress in mumus, tye-dye mumus,
from head to toe I'm rather drab except my hole with ooze
Dilate it wide
Most the time
Cept today when I was browsing on this imageboard of mine
Six new threads all rude as hell,
I tried to shitpost but my shitcunt popped and started to smell
My name is Jazz
My name is Jazz,
but call me Jazzowicius Notawoman Bloshinsky,
that's long for Jazz, so I've been told
Told that by my mother dear who dilates me and checks my holes for mold
I got no pride, can't help but whine
I think only suicidal thoughts and can't help but to cry for several months
Won't make new years
The stench long left my asscunt could bring any man to tears
This is the worst, my pussy shat
So I missed the last plane to Harvard and they ain't gonna call me back
My name is Jazz
My name is Jazz
My name is Jazz
I agree.
imagine the threesome
Thank you bro for your based post.
*only normal person in the entire family
What is this expression trying to convey?
hiding the absolute pain of Noelle not wanting to have a lesbian sex/dilation session
I was 'trans' when I was like.. ages 13-15 (a solid decade before it was cool to do).
Eventually i just said fuck it and got jacked and became a powerbottom/switch
I was almost a Jazz situation but i had a big penis so my wound-vagina would have looked way better
that's strong embarassment for sure
The war rages within. Moloch and Christ, hand to hand, fist to fist, in a desperate struggle for the boy's soul. His face expresses the sadomasochistic ecstasy and agony of his spiritual supplice, the bliss of battle stoking the fire in his heart. Jarron vs Jazz. Day vs Night. Child of Christ vs Minion of Moloch. Who will win? Place your bets, ladies (female) and gentlemen (male).
Got a whiff of his wound
so since Jaron had his frankengina surgery, I'll finally have some peace, at least while he's recovering... what's this smell? OH NO NO NO THERE HE IS AGAIN
The veins in his forehead, they tell a story
Why is he doing it in drag lmao wtf
I dont believe they got into Harvard. I gotta see the proof lmao no freaking way
Do you knkow what a fucking liberal haven harvard has become? check a few news stories..
I'm still waiting to hear what he scored on the SAT and ACT. Very suspect that no mention was made anywhere about his alleged scores or even any studying leading up to the tests,
i would love if the blond one watched for a while and then joined in when she was so turned on she couldn't control herself
Did you make this? Because it's very good.
Gosh, I sure do hope I Am Ava becomes a reality! What beautiful representation and diversity
Which John Waters film is this from?
interesting expression , what does it convey?
why do the two brothers literally always refer to jazz as their "sister"? like it just seems really forced my friends will still call their sisters by their actual names, those brothers never do.
..and behind door number 3: it's yet _another_ Jewbeast.
Does anyone have that webm where Jazz says she stole Ari's panties?
Who do you want to see on Jazz: The Harvard Years? My nomination is for this beautiful and brave lesbian woman
Ava is lucky that he saw Jazz's videos & that helped him realize he was trans
Little miss ladyboy literally has the whole family's everything grind to a stop because special-snowflake wants to whine and cry about everything.
His parents did him no justice by coddling him so damn much. He's gonna be a frail spoiled brat his while life while thinking the world needs to revolve around his feelings.
Dios mio
Jazz is a celebrity. Celebrities get paid by Ivy League colleges to attend them.
Finally, after all these years, My Name is Jazz
>when sander forgets to bring the lube and your stitches pop out
Yes. I've made a few.
>Ahmir affirms his sexuality
My summer lover
Did not have a male member
I'm no deviant
>The animal cycle
The geldling watches
The stallions rutting in spring
And must turn its gaze
The little bird waits
For the worm from his mother
But she's taken it
Fitful and frightened
Baby bird waits one more year
To leave mother's nest
>Ari's fears
In spring my brother
Is hoping to till my field
And claim its harvest
>Jeanette wanted another daughter
My mother's great shame
With the tanto's cold cruel cut
Has turned into pride
>Is I Am Jazz the modern Oedipus?
Morning, day or night
The sphinx's riddle's answer
Is what Jazz still is
In this Oedipus
The audience are the ones
Who claw out their eyes
Jojo's chest is flat
It must feel the knife's caress
Before the lover's
>Noelle and Jazz watch a real girl
Their envy of her
Cuts deeper than the scalpel
How can they compete?
>what in the FUCK is dialation?
The clouds are parted
By a bright orange sunbeam
Bringing a rainbow
Dig the well anew
Every day without fail
Lest it collapses
Again and again
The stubborn ploughorse's mouth
Must be forced open
When you beat the 41%
Does anyone have the webm of Jazz stomping through the house?
Based degenerate
What was Ahmir's last appearance on the show? What was said?