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The best Doctor.

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cold blood is a bit boring

The best story.

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>written by chris chibnall


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Is this Moffat's best work?

lol no, overrated trash. good for one watch, just becomes exceedingly dull afterwards.

The best companion.

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For me, it's 12.

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ohnonono this can't be happening bros

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It has never been surpassed. Moffat needed RTD to keep him in line.

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best modern doctor and pleb filter of course.

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Matt Smith was an ugly cunt. He looked like the Elephant Man. His performance was also megacringe and the viewing public were embarrassed by his faux eccentricity. Get better opinions.

All the 13 Doctors were good. You know it's true.

No, not you, Jodie, I meant John Hurt.

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Colin was so shit he was sacked by the BBC. Pertwee phoned in his performance and was incredibly boring. Smith was cringeworthy and Elephant Man-esque. CrapOldie stank of piss.

He really wasn´t. Of the 4 we have he is the last one.
1- Capaldi
2- Ecleston
3- Smith
4- Tennant.
He was just playing a emo pussyboy. Only teenagers would like someone like him.

McGann is barely a Doctor. A total non-entity.

The best doctor

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Go away. You're not entertaining.


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>that one 10autist lashing out at everyone who doesn't hold his opinions
get better material

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The best companion

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The viewing public adored Tennant's take on the part. Millions agree that he is the best Doctor.

You opinion is really shit.
Pertwee was great and a sarcastic guy
Smith had some of the best acting of who. He was only of the few ones that could do the old guy in a young man´s body and still look scary and Capaldi is pure kino.
I bet that you are someone that think Tennant is good and that his soap opera of series has something worthwile to see.

The public are drooling mongs.

The best classic Doctor, yes. A true patrician. Even though Tom was drunk on gin 80% of the time.


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The best story

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His being drunk on gin is why he is the GOAT

millions of people also spend their free time watching turkish soap operas or low tier reality tv. do you think this makes those things into high quality television?

stop posting any time or get a trip so i can filter you

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Lance Parkin has released "The Dying Days" (VNA) for free for 24 hours.

Link at his blog: lancejparkin.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/the-dying-days-2013.pdf

>Pertwee was great
Nope. He wasn't. He was boring and sleep walked through the part. Annoyinf lispy voice as well. Constantly patronising everyone around him. Looked like someone's granny.

Millions of people stopped watching after him.
Millions of people are able to watch Jodie
series without turning off the TV.
Millions of people think that Capaldi was bad at acting.
The Bandwagon Fallacy exists for a reason.
If you look at his series it was a soap opera. But he was overacting all the time. He was really able to do some nice work, but was still below the ones that I listed.

>The Dying Days is one of a number of the New Adventures which is hard to obtain and is often seen on auction websites such as eBay at prices many times the original cover price

Tennant really took off with the public and there is a whole generation of kino patricians that recognise the show has been in steep decline since he left the part.

Tennant's era was the golden age.

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Aside from Whittaker who's the worst doctor? For me it's either Davison or Tennant. Not saying they're shit or whatever I'm just not big into how they played it.

There is wisdom in crowds. And your facts are wrong because millions of people have abandoned Jodie because she is shit.

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Capaldi is the worst Doctor, 100%.

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for me, it's 12 = 9 > 11 > 10 > shit > 13

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In his episodes it was a mix between comedy (his first episode for example) and serious.
Most of the time he tried to act like a hard ass. His humor was more sarcastic than Troughton (who was a boss) but still kino.
When he tried to do drama it was also cool. See how he regenerated.
>Looked like someone's granny
I´m not trying to fuck him or to masturbate over him. Stop searching for a fuckboy and look at the scenes man.
`People like you that want a young doctor drove away Capaldi and brought Jodie.

I feel like I'm committing a sin by saying this as his the original,but honestly Hartnell for me.

Pertwee was the worst of the first four actors to play the part. Troughton acted him off the screen during The 3 Doctors.


I'm going with Pertwee, controversial I know.

Or Tom Baker but only during the period he fucked about (Graham Williams era)


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Thats stupid.
The only thing that crowds help is to find the middle term. Something so mediocre that will please everyone.
If that´s your point you are right: Tennant is mediocre.

correct opinion

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these 'crowds' mostly consisted of AO3/fanfiction.net frequenting tumblr fangirls who vigorously masturbate over poor prose about 10 shagging his companions while repeating 'i am sorry i am so sorry' over and over again. they are the same people who were weirded out by how 'alien' 11 and 12 were, not realising that 10 is the the actual alien out of all his incarnations. the crowds you're talking about are plebs who've never seen classic and who watch the show to stare at tennant's face.

Just like Yas Forums then

Yeah. About that I have to agree.
Better than Tennant at least.

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Smith was a fucking joke
Stupid gurning bastard, utter shite
He's the ultimate teenybopper doctor which was why he was gif'd to shit with his stupid lolsorandum bullshit

I agree with that.
I would put 12 slight above 9 but only because we have only one season of him.

If you go only using the TV I would say Colin was the worst. Tennant a close second.

Nice projection tard
It's not even smart projection, you're acting like the majority of the world's population is teenage girls

Smith was embarrassing in the role. Cringe worthy acting.

Why do 5 and 6 look so similar (sans the hair)? Did he not want tuggo or something?

Colin was so stupendously shit that he was dismissed and sacked from the part.

Way to rewrite history you fucking mongoloid.

Colin is a fat cunt - he looks nothing like the svelt Davison.

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maybe you could introduce me to some of these girls? I will cosplay as the Doctor and take them on an adventure

It's actually 9>10>12>shit>11>11's shit>13

It's ok, m8. It's only been 34 years.

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