Do women really think like this

do women really think like this

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What if you met a really nice, pretty girl but she had a loose pusi?

Why wouldn’t somebody want to be sexually satisfied? Sex is an important part of a relationship.

It's pretty reasonable for a woman to expect a man to have a decent-sized penis though. It's just a preference.
All vaginas are beautiful, incel. "Loose pussy" is an incel myth. Seek therapy.

ah yes, some subversive epic reddit trolling, my favorite!

this. little weiners should all support cuckoldry to satisfy their women



How small is small? Im 13 cm the average in my country but i feel this is a lie

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I want to marry a guy with a cute pink penis

theres small then theres microscopic

The guy in this episode had a 2 inch micropenis to be fair.

yes, that's why I made room for my gf's black bull. it still hurts a bit listening to them having sex but I love her so it's ok.

you can buy hollowed out dildos to wear on your pp and choose whatever size she wants. granted, you won't feel anything yourself

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Does she not have an asshole?


>tfw no bf with tiny dick

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Mutts law

found the virgin

>not getting disappointed when she has an outtie pussy from Arbies

Anything below 50cm is small

I love how these kind of threads always make guys with 5-6 inch dicks think it's about them lol

The guy in the episode had an actual baby dick

Go back to Yas Forums woman !

That depends.
Are you her boyfriend?

king of the micro-dicks

>5-6 inch dicks
>baby dick
pick both. porn made women expect nothing less than 7in with the girth of a soda can from every man

>3d anime girl sex bot
>or a busted up roastie thot

I have made my choice.

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small is small in length and girth.

Are guys with smaller dicks more faithful? You know, since no woman would want them?

Women can't be sex objects.Noone wants to clean his post nut depression.While washing a dildo is easy af.

5 inch is literaly too small for sex, you won't be able to keep it in

If it's silicone or rubber, wouldn't it contract tightly around your dick as it enters her?

yeah that's not how pussy's work. But even if it was I doubt a guy would give a shit if he gets his dick wet.

>actual baby dick

I'm sure between cleaning your house and cooking your meals they'll eventually add self cleaning, which is actually more than most women offer.

Haha lmao at all the incels in here. I have a 4 inch dick yet my 9/10 B cup gf just can't get enough of it. If you look good and make a woman laugh literally nothing will stop her from trying to fuck you all the time. But you virgins don't have to worry about a woman finding out about your tiny dicks, cause first you have to get one to look your way and we all know that's never going to happen kek

pick one

hopefully. how else will you stay hard if it doesn't at least deathgrip your pp

based dicklet chad

>Haha lmao at all the incels in here. I have a 4 inch dick
Yep, that fits the character

>tfw 6.5 inches (16.5 centimeters)
am I gonna make it lads?

I can clean my own shit. But a robo maid I can fuck would be amazing. I hope I can still get it up when they come out with models that can do intricate KPop dance routines in ballet boots.

>granted, you won't feel anything yourself
why can't the inside be full of lube and texture? I feel like there are sleeves that feel good.

T. tried to have boyfriend wear sleeve but the sleeve arrived and it was a fucking gigantic horse dick way bigger than the pictures

Delusional. I had to leave a qt once because she had a gaping hole instead of a pusy, felt bad but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

If women thought like this, small dicks wouldn't exist

I have a 5 inch dick and have sex pretty regularly though

>All vaginas are beautiful

Women don't even believe this.

>why can't the inside be full of lube and texture?
because it will slide off?

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>gapping hole

>but the sleeve arrived and it was a fucking gigantic horse dick way bigger than the pictures tried it anyway, right?

Cope. No sexbot will ever capture the feeling of laying with a real live warm soft woman who wants you inside her. The real appeal of sex isnt the act itself, it's the fact that somebody finds you so attractive they're willing to let you have your way with them just so you stick around. It's a confidence booster and besides, the softness of a real women begging you to blow your load inside her as she squirms and moans will never be matched by a cold lifeless hunk of engineered tissue programmed to suffer your embraces.

Sex dolls are the next frontier, the only limit will be men's imaginations.

>because it will slide off?
cock sleeves have a base that wraps around your balls so that doesn't happen.

I mean if you're literally so tiny that you barely get in the sleeve it'll be a problem but c'mon.

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how isn't it falling out constantly?
asking for my dad's son

Tiny dicks are cute

>moving the goalposts

I dated a turboslut for about a month once, and she had a thight pussy. Not the tightest ever, but I can recall only one pussy that was tighter,and she was also a slut

I'd rather have a sexbot than the temporary comfort of a warm body that awakens into a psychopathic nightmare.

yeah yeah blah blah keep explaining while i fuck my perfect and cute robotic waifu
keep having sex with used up wasted roasties delusional faggot

Nobody thinks that sexbots will actually replace women, but you'll be price checked for sure.

How does it feel to know that your gf and all her friends make fun of your feminine penis behind your back? She probably gets a real man to satisfy her urges on the side anyway, and they probably lie in bed making fun of your embarrassingly small dick after they're done fucking lol

Only time I have trouble is if she's on top, even then its not very frequent.

That actually is how they work, just cause you've never fucked a big pussy doesn't mean they exist. Is a genetic factor other than extreme insertions/pregnancy; it is entirely possible for a loose virgin and a tight slut.

And to answer the other question yes I good woman is too valuable to pass up over a big pussy, it just means sex might shift to other parts of the body. And if you're planning on having kids they'll end up with a big pussy anyway.

for gays

>your gf and all her friends
why would i care about what a bunch of vapid roasties think, it would be a miracle if they think at all

>tfw you have to deal with her bullshit in the morning
This guy gets it. Women are unbearable

Gays are size queens, my dude

>thread has become dick size talk

honestly yeah 5 inchers don't feel as good ass 8 inchers but the girth matters quite a lot.

I wouldn't leave a guy for having a small dick since I'd have to love him to begin with but if it was literally too small to penetrate me we'd talk about letting me see other guys I guess.

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No it’s a comedy show and she’s supposed to be a slut

Women “care” about dick size as much as you care about tit size.

Sure most people claim to like big ones but nobody is turning down small ones

and doesn't it frastrates you? that you are un capable of doing it purly due to your dick's size?

some of them but majority of them have no standards.

Yes the average male penis is 5.5-6 inches hard

You are well above average

TikTok is full of women/girls/teens like that

it's okay

Why does everyone focus on length when it's girth that really gets a girl off? I'd rather have a fat 6 incher than a pencil 7-8 incher

>you won't feel anything yourself
Patently false. Aside from textured interiors and pressure, you'll feel the satisfaction of demolishing your girl's guts, which for a dicklet is a way better feeling than sex.

unless you know the guy is a literal cuck, I wouldn't mention wanting to see other guys, because he can't satisfy you. That's fucking worse than just breaking up with him. Do women really think like this?

I don't see the point of hating on a guy if he has a small penis, it's not like he can control that. A guy wouldn't dump me beause of my small tits, would he?

>mfw no matter how much you'll work on yourself you'll allways be less of a man

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>tfw my penis has more girth than length

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Yes, if you have a small dick, a woman will never love you. I'm sorry to tell you OP, but that's just the truth.


A woman will use and discard you once she finds you attractive no longer without a second thought. A cute sexbot waifu will forever serve you with only your pleasure being her ultimate goal, whereas a real woman will use those 10 minutes of allowing you into her hole as a means to manipulate and enslave you. It becomes exceedingly clear as to why any rational man would prefer a sexbot, they are an ugraded form of women with their most valuable asset at full blast and all the other bullshit tossed out.

this guy knows what's up
my penor is long but it's really thin, i might as well just finger a woman instead

>women are unbearable
i mean, i love pussy, but most of the times the person that comes with it is just awful

>because he can't satisfy you
I mean if he literally can't penetrate me it's so small, what's wrong with having the discussion? Have you ever had a real relationship? What would you do with a girl whose holes you simply couldn't enter because they were closed up or something?

Ones who are 4-6/10 on the looks scale with far left values do. In all honesty most don't think that way, it's just all the clickbait stories about it warp perception.

fucking chad energy off the charts