Finally got around to watching this. It was good, but honestly a bit overrated...

Finally got around to watching this. It was good, but honestly a bit overrated. I don't know if it deserved Best Picture. It was a little too long and had a bit too much of MUH SYMBOLISM

Attached: parasite.jpg (1280x720, 259.03K)

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What symbolism? The director himself has said that he just enjoys making films in class divided settings and that it doesn't necessarily symbolize anything

woman of the century

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Nigga what

And that's just off the top of my head. There's probably way more.

How does she see?

I watched it yesterday and thought it was beautifully shot. The points it tries to convey feels lost by its characters, though. You can make these same assessments without making the entire family cartoonishly evil, cunning and intelligent while simultaneously being reckless enough to get shitfaced at the house. The various plot points didn't jive and felt like they were smashed together. After seeing all the nominations, I think Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was by far and away the best movie this year. But the fallout of awarding an all white movie was probably some bullshit the Academy wanted to avoid. Parasite was a safe choice and an okay movie.

chinks really look barely human

All right, I'll say it.
I have no idea what those symbolize in the context of the movie

you're literally retarded then

>The various plot points didn't jive and felt like they were smashed together.
That's because chinks never even try to be realistic. They take stories for what they are, stories.
The peach subplot made no sense

Palme D'Or

I admit I am a bit slow

Film Comment review

Attached: Film Comment.png (797x446, 49.26K)

it may have not been as good as people would like you to believe but it certainly deserved best picture more than any other movie in that selection

So Damn Cute

I'm fine with that, and there are plenty of foreign films I love. Burning, for one, tackles the same ideas as Parasite, but was much better in my opinion. But Parasite did have a lot going for it: the directing was amazing, the actors were great, and I was entertained. I just don't think it was the best pick of the nominees.

>this is a 10/10 in Korea
I feel bad for them.

No one said she is 10/10 in Korea

>but it certainly deserved best picture more than any other movie in that selection
My left nut deserved an oscar more than that korean poo film.

The Best Picture win was another obvious move from the academy to appeal to/avoid backlash from minority groups that have been historically underrepresented, as they put it, in the oscars and hollywood in general. that being said, i did think this was a pretty damn good movie, especially compared to the other shit you see coming out of sk, my biggest gripe with it was just that the 3rd act/ending seemed to go in a million different directions after the (guess i wont spoil it) thing at the birthday party. In general, though it was a pretty damn interesting and suspenseful movie up until that part, probably only rivaled by OUATIH out of the nominees, but my problem with that one is that the only interesting storyline in it was with brad pitt/the manson family, and everything else was pretty unfocused, pandering, or just plain boring

>I don't know if it deserved Best Picture
No film has ever been deserving of Best Picture tho so who gives a fuck

>the worst thing the rich guy did was not appreciate people who smell like shit, in fact he did almost nothing wrong
>the moral of the story is that the only way to redeem yourself is through hard work and avoiding jail
>All of the bottom feeders are greedy and trample over each other

Did I watch the same movie as the Oscars and their critics?
Brian Tallerico: "but there’s also so much going on underneath about how the rich use the poor to survive"

The film is literally about bottom feeders what the fuck do they mean?

>a bit too much of MUH SYMBOLISM
that's called "film making"

Oh gosh, are you serious?

I get your point but

>No Country For Old Men
>The Godfather I&II
>One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
>The Apartment

Granted it's practically all snubs.

Excluding the stairs, what do they symbolise, then?

None of those begin as overt symbols, they all work practically and accomplish a job in regards to character and story motivation. If you came in to this film dragged by a bunch of a video essays and articles that's on you.

read thisYou including 99% or normies and Yas Forums miss the point where the film describes how bourgeois cant live without servant's labor.Yes, bourgeois pay them. But its still true bourgeois's daily basic stuff rely on servant's labour. They cant live without them. This is the main point of film what critics focus on.

I have seen tons of Yas Forums who say parasite is too 'extremely simple and easy' for them, but none of them even caught how film describes bourgeois's reliance on sevant's labour which is main point

*99% of normies

I don't have a problem with that one winning some Oscars or whatever, who gives a shit? my problem goes when they gave PALME D' OR FOR THAT MOVIE... JUST THINK ABOUT WHERE CANNES IS GOING.

They are just matching the Oscars. Oscars are for entertainment, but Cannes was supposed to give prizes to Art to the Impossible, to the Unique. This is pure obscurantism in cinema. They should be giving post-mortem awards to the old great film directors if this is what the new generations should be aiming at in cinema.

Seriously, Parasite... Palme D' Or.

>successful architect/designer can't live without a maid, 2 extracurricular tutors, and a driver.

user, those are luxuries, what are you talking about, of course you can live without them, this is so stupid to point out. All of them are expendable, they simply fooled the rich guys into thinking they are helpful (which is why the film is flawed, successful people do not spend extra fucking money on useless shit)

>>the moral of the story is that the only way to redeem yourself is through hard work and avoiding jail

This is average Yas Forums brainlet .You literally misuderstood. Its tells you the failure of system in capitalist society where hard work guarantee nothing. It is saying 'you cant achieve what bourgeois have even if you are smart and hard-working in capitalist system'


But in the end the son buys the house thanks to capitalism and saves this father, where did you get this conclusion? did you saw the movie at all?

nice samefagging, again, he achieved absolutely nothing by lying and getting his father in trouble.
His tutoring was not hard work. You're clinging to your ideology so tightly that there's no point in this dialogue. None of his family were hard working this is outlined by the pizza boxes in the beginning.
The only point of contention I agree with you on is that nepotism is why capitalism is flawed. This is outlined by the poor family unable to get showered properly without using the house.

>It is saying 'you cant achieve what bourgeois have even if you are smart and hard-working in capitalist system'

I think it's saying, "don't set up innocent drivers and throw peach fuzz on innocent allergy sufferers just so you can usurp their positions while ultimately still failing".

If it was just Kevin and Jessica working at the house, I'm sure they could have legally found a way to get the others jobs.

user. There are scene where rich family cant do housework without servant's help. There is even literal line' In a week, out house will be a trash can'

>But in the end the son buys the house thanks to capitalism and saves this father,

This is literally Yas Forums's state

it was just his imagination, he is still poor

>seriously not believing the successful guy won't just tell his wife to do her fucking job
It's not even that big a house, and having a dirty house isn't gonna kill them.
You're just calling people retards now in the hopes that you won't be seen as one.

>I think it's saying, "don't set up innocent drivers and throw peach fuzz on innocent allergy sufferers just so you can usurp their positions while ultimately still failing".

Its not main point.I dont care about your memeing. I am saying 'moral of the story is that the only way to redeem yourself is through hard work and avoiding jail'is totally wrong

>user, those are luxuries, what are you talking about, of course you can live without them, this is so stupid to point out.
"Stupid" enough for you to miss how these "luxuries" make parasites out of every one of us. You know, the entire fucking point of the movie.

>engaging in senseless "what if" scenarios when the plot doesn't demand it
Fuck off.

You are one unbelievably enormous faggot, unironically

where this is shown in the movie?

You do realise that you can have lots of money and not have all those things right?
The rich guy did nothing wrong.

Not an argument, still Parasite didn't deserve Palme d'Or

>A "what if" scenario is a housewife cleaning

>It's not even that big a house, and having a dirty house isn't gonna kill them.

Are you baiting or being serious? Is this average American? Of course,having a dirty house isn't gonna kill them. Regardless, their life heavily rely on sevant's labour. And thats what film describes.

Bourgeois's freedom built on working class' labor always have been main criticism in socialist's view since marx


it was the best movie from the nominees
shouldn't have never been nominated to the american movie awards

is it really about class critique? the plot is entertaining enough and the movie is well shot. it's about a con artist family who fucked over themselves by greed, as simple as that.

Damn, I oversaw that, maybe I'm too visual to pay attention to the narrative.

I suggest you read The Name Of The Rose by Eco. You've created a code for yourself in Marx that has no real life relevance.

I never asked you book recommendation. What you need now is to understand Parasite describes bourgeois's reliance on servant's labor even in basic stuff in life. Thats the main point of film

The point of the movie is if you're hiring labor, you should probably do a thorough background check before bringing them on, which most successful, hardworking people with money to burn often do before allowing private employees into their fucking home. Parasite's messages fall apart when you realize how much unbelievable bullshit had to occur in order to move the pieces into place. 'Burning' and 'Sorry We Bothered You' are better movies regarding the same theme.

yeah what a prestigious fucking award

Attached: fah.png (172x44, 1.28K)

Critics think Parasite is one of the best Palme'dor in this century

1. The Tree of Life (2011)
2. L’Enfant (2005)
3. Winter Sleep (2014)
4. Parasite (2019)
5. Elephant (2003)

>1. The Tree of Life (2011)

BASED Terry.

Attached: Terrence-Malick-553x640[1].jpg (553x640, 54.48K)

every korean girl is 10/10

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Cannes has been a joke since Tarantino won.