A 40 minute call to Larchmont? Who do we know in Larchmont?
A 40 minute call to Larchmont? Who do we know in Larchmont?
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How is Carol?
and remember that time I posted in this thread?
>*cuts to me filling out the captcha*
Peter i'm holding iced tea
Imagine being so braindead you watch this show.
Its always funny to me how nu-tv takes it for a fact that bojak horeman is shit because family guy said so. And in a trite one liner.
When for 6 years there were very good arguments on this very board why the opulent pessimism of bojack was simply feeding the narcissism of idiots who believe they have depression because daddy took away the beamer.
Can I still read Parade?
I've heard this joke before somewhere, but I can't remember where.
Family guy is great daytime or after 1 am television for stoners and wine drunk housewives.
Oh wait, I think it was in an episode of Bojack.
>Wadda ya think was in that danish? Ya think it was cheese? Cuz I uh, I gotta little problem with cheese.
The older season (1-4) episodes are still pretty decent but after that the show insists upon itself. It’s weird how it’s so meta about itself the past few seasons and acknowledges that it isn’t funny anymore, yet the writers make no effort to improve that situation at all with their terrible new stories.
>Wadda ya think was in that sneeze? Ya think it was corona? Cuz I uh, I gotta little problem with corona
I'm the big... mamou around here.
Yas Forums doesn't shit on Bojak because Family Guy says it's bad, we shit on it because Bojak fans are cringe. Family Guy didn't even really say it was bad, it gave it basically the lightest ribbing possible and the Bojak fans went nuts because dare anyone insult their "sophisticated", "intellectual" show. The Bojak fans did it to themselves because the fanbase is full of pretentious cunts.
>southpark completely disassemble family guy to such an extent that it can never recover
>does one lame none joke about (insert current tv show here)
they're children, they're actual children
Did family guy really say Bojak Hoseman was bad? Like, in an actual episode of family guy?
Waddya think was in that seed? Ya think it was feed? Cuz I uh, I gotta little sneed with feed.
South Park guys are faggots who were asshurt at Phil Collins for years because their shitty song didn't win an Oscar. They use the show to vent their personal vendettas.
>the opulent pessimism of bojack was simply feeding the narcissism of idiots who believe they have depression because daddy took away the beamer.
ESL here, please translate
It doesn't matter who we are UPS man.
As much as I enjoy south park Matt and Trey can be quite petty at times. They also named an episode "Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods" because Ebert gave Baseketball a bad review.
It didnt start out bad and it has a good episode every now and then, but its mainly bad now. It's one of those shows that's ok to have on when you're drunk and about to go to bed.
It was literally a three second joke and would have been forgotten except the Bojack creator literally went on Reddit to seethe over it
>Imagine being so braindead you watch this show.
>Its always funny to me how nu-tv takes it for a fact that bojak horeman is shit because family guy said so. And in a trite one liner.
>When for 6 years there were very good arguments on this very board why the opulent pessimism of bojack was simply feeding the narcissism of idiots who believe they have depression because daddy took away the beamer.
>the Bojack creator literally went on Reddit to seethe over it
post it
this is the crowning achievement of 5oi for me
I still randomly watch new episodes on YouTube, it's a great filler for when I'm busy doing something else. And sometimes they still crack a good one. Get fucked.
Fuck yourself
>Vorty-Vort: The Virgin Peter Griffin vs. Chad Bojack Horseman
No. It was very clear that Family Guy did the Chad move by deconstructing Bojack Horseman in 6 words which caused enormous butthurt from Bojack's fanbase and creator.
As retards are now using the Virgin vs Chad meme incorrectly, its time to pack it in.
Rich faggots like bojack because they think by watching it they know depression and nihilism but really they’re just faggots.
>opulent pessimism
can pessimism be opulent?
Oh, absolutely. Notice the wealthiest, most prosperous countries have the most suicides.
Bojack Horseman is shit because it's a fucking cringe furry cartoon that you would be embarrassed if your dad walked in on you watching. That's all that needs to be said, why the fuck do you need some sort of English essay deconstruction of it?
cope lol
I physically cringed reading this
Teen years is thinking the newer FG is best
YA year is thinking all FG is shit
Enlightened wise adult years is realizing the first 3/4 seasons was peak animated tv
>my sister in law
Wouldn’t that be Stewies sister then??
Could be the wife of her brother.
>Its always funny to me how nu-tv takes it for a fact that bojak horeman is shit because family guy said so. And in a trite one liner.
It's not just the one liner itself, it's how bojack fans responded to it.
Normal joke, but a horse guy.
why are they buttblasted by this joke?
They're 90s born queers
I’m honestly sitting here laughing out loud at the soijack reddit cope in this thread
The “Seinfeld but in Chicago” joke was great
Shitposting aside. Real talk here.
One of the latest Family Guy episodes where it's set in the future and Stewie is rich was the worst episode of animated comedy that I've ever seen.
I know people say things like that a lot but I really mean it. It was so bad. Monumentally bad. So bad that you have to watch it so you can see how bad it was.
what matters is our plan
Because they take the show (and themselves by extension, because they see themselves as the characters in the show) way too seriously. Any suggestion that the show isn't as deep or profound or meaningful as they think it is saying that by extension, neither are they. Family Guy doesn't evoke that reaction because it's a show about a retarded fatass and his mostly retarded family and friends.
>heh no problem... your wife's hot.
Before they took the gay gag to far and serious.
big words but a 4channel guy
Why didn't Peter fun after him?
i havent watched FG since i was some retard 17-18y old 15 years ago
how is it nowadays? is it still the same, worse, or just worse because we got older?
He's fast
what was the point of the chicken fights?
this is irrefutable proof of Bojackoffs being eternally assblasted and nobody can prove me wrong
there never was a point. like the conway cutaways
who the fuck cares about bojack horseman lmao? no one is watching new family guy, it's been equivalent to zombie simpsons since about season 5.
The only family guy people discuss is from the first few seasons, like the episode OP is referencing.
The kind of people who write shows like that tend to get asspained easily. I remember Drawn Together having an episode shitting on the HVAC trade for no fucking reason whatsoever.
Objectively worse but it still occasionally has funny moments
Family Guy season 1-4 was up there in quality with golden age Simpsons. I don't care that the humor is lazier it was just as funny
Money laundering with the money it takes to animate it
because Family Guy is shit and has no legs to stand on
no it's not, those seasons of family guy are just them filling every second of the runtime with jokes of varying quality, it's like watching a hack standup comedian go on stage and just die.