What's his best movie? Is he a hack?

What's his best movie? Is he a hack?

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Pulp Fiction > Basterds >>>>> Rest

Jackie Brown is one of his worst and only contrarians pretend otherwise

He's alright, better than 95% of Hollywood filmmakers, so he gets a pass.

Great one, user

Chapter 1 of Basterds alone is better than almost all of his other movies

Reservoir Dogs is 100 minutes of innane rambling that's mistaken itself for drama and realism, change my fucking mind.

18-22 idiotic art students love him which in turn make the normies love him. Though in recent times theres been a whole flip flop because a bunch of normies use pulp fiction to try and pick up these art students


>normies love him because of art students
>flip flop
>now normies love him because of art students
This 100% sounded better in your head.

Not even being a contrarian. With so many characters to develop the long drawn out dialogue style of Quentin Tarantino really helps.

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for me, its operation kino

Probably the biggest hack in the industry. His movies have no substance, they’re just shock for the sake of views.

Pulp Fiction > UOATIH > Reservoir Dogs > Basterds > Kill Bill > Death Proof >>> Django
never seen Hateful 8 or Jackie Brown.

Pulp Fiction, Reservoir dogs and Kill Bill

You posted it. Not a hack as a screenwriter at least not in the '90s.

Is this how memebrain zoomers see the world?

Hateful 8, especially when the white boy is forced to suck that big black cock best scene ever.

PF > IB > RD > DU > KBV1 > KBV2 > UOTAIH > TH8 > JB > DP

His jew propaganda movies don't count, but Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction were good films. I should watch the others pre-good goy era.

how did he drive a car after being shot in the head?

a movie can't mistake itself for something lol

why is Quentin so fucking based bros?

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The Madonna sequence in Four Rooms and yes

>What's his best movie?
From Dusk Till Dawn
>Is he a hack?

The ramblings establish temperaments and alliances which are developed in the tradition of theatrical drama. As a battlefield of wills, the isolated warehouse at the center of the narrative provides a stage for each important character to reveal more about themselves, good and bad. Michael Madsen's performance is terrific.

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>Quentin this is take 24/7/365 we've been shooting this scene for over 3 days now

basterds is overrated as fuck

res dogs > pulp fiction / kill bill >>>>>>> rest

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I loved his 90s films, not so much his revisionist/period shit.

>ywn have a milfy one-eyedsoon to be no-eyed hunt you down and try to murder you.

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>pumps your tits full of rocksalt

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But user, he only directed the last segment... GODDAMN CRISTAL IS FUCKING FLAT!

Jackie Brown is not as grandiose as some of his later works, but definitely of the most atmospheric. Not surprisingly, normies can't really appreciate it.

To put it simply, it’s fuckin boring. Mostly lacks that signature style that makes a tarantino movie entertaining.


can a guy who only has kino under his belt be a hack ?

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he's good at making fun wastes of time. his dialogue always gets praised because it's enthralling and amusing, but it's not realistic dialogue by a long strech. everybody in every tarantino film talks exactly like quentin tarantino, which means every few lines are peppered with weird ebonic sassiness, dumb catchphrases, or other cringe nonsense that he thinks sounds cool and snappy. ratta tat tat boom boom baby.
resevoir dogs is his classic. it's better than pulp fiction by virtue of having a rather gripping plot whereas pulp is basically a series of sketches with flat sitcom characters running around some consequence-free GTA world.
kill bill is his other big classic, because it's actually something different for a change. he leans into style over substance which is his strength anyway and he succeeds in making one of the most stylish action films ever.
basterds is fun but it's meandering as fuck. he plays with meta elements a little, with the alt-history ending and having a narrator show up for exactly one scene to explain something. it works on a whole bunch of levels but none of those levels really gel into a good story. we only get a little taste of everything before it burns itself out.
death proof was indulgent crap but it does shed some interesting light on him. when given the opportunity to send-up grindhouse films robert rodriguez opted for an over the top parody whereas tarantino made an actual exploitation film with actual boring meandering scenes just like the real thing, plus all his fetishes.
django was kind of tryhard. this is the movie where he decided he was just going to use those gigantic ridiculous blood squibs from planet terror in all his movies from then on, so that's fun. the climax was rather abrupt and awkward, and it seemed like it was derailing the prior plot rather than resolving or progressing it.
once upon a time was fine. it felt like a weirdly laid-back episode of the tarantino show. meandering but very deliberately so.

All right, smart guy, then why didn't Schultz just shake his hand?

Kill Bill seen as one film is his best and most original.

Hes a hack but is so aware of his hackiness and embraces it, so he turns into a legend.

Pulp fiction look up the actual meaning.

Hes a pulp writer, its going to be corny, scene chewing and over the top violent but hes going go full out on it. Hes great at casting, dialogues, story arcs and action pieces

He just sucks with pacing sometimes and lame stories. Jackie brown and once upjb a time in Hollywood

I can't enjoy his movies anymore after discovering real kino.

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did he die?

based boomer

fuck up


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Finally watched this for the first time yesterday, this shit was wack as fuck.

>Tarantino making Steve Buscemi say the N word several times
>Tim Roth would've bled out and died in few minutes
>Implying a Cop would've shot a law abiding citizen, even if he was undercover

The eye patch chick wasn't the leader though. That was Bill. Oren Ishii wasn't a kung fu master either if I remember correctly. I don't see how the black chick was a demolition expert. The French chick isn't even part of that group and what does sex have to do with anything? And Beatrix doesn't use a knife.

well considering it was like a decade before kill bill was made there was bound to be some differences

Overrated hack faggot.

Wow, it's almost like you looked completely passed the key fucking points. Oh wait, you deliberately looked passed them. You fucking mong.

Holy shit, OP! Did Tarantino get in an accident? I hope he's all right!

What, the fact that she listed common hair colors and nationalities? And that you can associate those properties with like 3 out of 5 people from Kill Bill, ignoring all other contradictions? Oh wow, both movies have someone blonde, black, Japanese, and French somewhere in the cast.

What kind of mental illness makes one feel ok about typing every movie title like this? I feel disgusted and sorry for you.

Seek help.

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natural born killers is the only right answer

Heads don’t have a single hit box like in your vidya user

You are incredibly fucking stupid. You just come off like an annoying prick. And yes, you missed key points and despite that you chose to not understand the similarities in something 10 years prior. But but the eyepatch was right, but she wasn't the leader!! Buuttt I don't thiiiink Oren was a Kung Fu waster..and umm, I don't think Vernita was a demolition expert. And wow, the French one wasn't even part of the group! And Beatrix wasn't a master with a knife durrrrrr, even though she used a katana.

Wow, huge contradictions from 10 years before Kill Bill. Even though the Fox Force Five was literally the inspiration for the Deadly Vipers. You absolute fucking moron.

I'd also point out that Tarankino has said movies like Kill Bill are what the characters in Pulp Fiction/Jackie Brown etc. go see. The Fox Force Five was just a pilot and not picked up, but that doesn't mean they couldn't adapt it into a film, changing some of the details to make it better.

This movie and everything that followed was overdone, self-indulgent trash

As recently rewatching this remembered that there was one channel (TV1000) that keep broadcasting same movies without translation but with subtitles over and over. And Jacke Brown was one of them. And i think Bridget Fonda's feet made me some kind of foot fetishist. I don't like fucking soles, but good symmetrical fingers with nice pedicure make me salivate.
Even tho i don't i don't find her feet here gorgeous. Hell, almost every feet in tarantula are garbage.

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