ITT Best villainesses

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hnnnng Lena Headey

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A good death is its own reward.

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she was hot as hell in this movie

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all women are villains

The Lady of Charm

I would fuck her brains out. I wnated her to violently take the girl judge in a lesbian frenzy

The guy whose eyes she cut out, you think he was her boytoy?

Pictures like that make me kind of sad. These women are being put in the limelight for a rapidly depreciating quality. People lile them and pay attention to them now, but the wall's coming and it doesn't take prisoners.


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Filthy Witches for the win.

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lol look at these rubes

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Not only best villainess, but one of the great villains in general

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blocks your path

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i legit have no fucking clue who any of these are. The wanna be goth chicks are dumb as fuck though

>Has nothing to add
>Speaks anyway

my child....

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>May I have your attention, please?
>Will the real McMurphy please stand up?
>I repeat, will the real McMurphy please stand up?

So incredibly hateful


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Who this

did literally nothing wrong

>has nothing to add
you see where im going with this

Mmh yes


Dredd was a surprisingly good film. And she was indeed a great villain.

You're my mommy now, user

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She's a villain right? It's a bit of a grey area.

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Movies about the true nature of women?

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They were a pretty dumb allegory but I liked it.

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>Rear admiral Cain

Say what you want about the movie, but her performance was fucking great.

The sign of a great actor or actress is when they go 110% into a character who is written to be a truly awful and irredeemable person. This bitch gave me nightmares for YEARS

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sign of a truly well written villian

As much as I love the others posted in here. Hela definately tops them all.

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she is great, I agree

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trunchbull is fucking great it must have been mad fun playing her
>they're all mistakes children. glad i never was one!


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What's the purpose of this bait? No one's going to respond to a dumb MCU villain and you might get a soijak at best here.


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Michael Douglas starred opposite two of them, maybe three, I'm not sure about Basic Instinct.

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speaking of harry potter, imelda staunton as umbridge and helena bonham carter as bellatrix were fucking great

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She would have gotten away with it too if ot weren't for that shlub Merlin and his plot armor.

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p. based pick


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are you an effective team?

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