Twist is so obvious that you doubt it's the actual twist

>Twist is so obvious that you doubt it's the actual twist
>It's the actual twist
Examples of this?

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A South Korean film called Mother

>Goodnight Mommy
Called it within the first 10 minutes of the movie and was hoping it wasn't going to be the twist. It was the fucking twist.

Everything in TLJ.

>the unlikeable asshole in the group was working for the other side this whole time

whaaat no way!

Phonebooth. Kiefer Sutherland's name is one the poster for fucks sake


Shutter fucking Island. A bunch of my friends convinced me to go along and see it with them and it was one of the most frustrating theater experiences we'd had in years. To this day I don't understand why anyone praised that movie.

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that nutty Predators movie where Eric Foreman is acting all naive but he's actually a rapist or whatever

This is probably the best example I can think of

Tobi being Obito

Knives out. What a joke

great film to watch with a girl

Cave scene gave away the twist. How nobody realized this is beyond me.

Based obito

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>High Tension/Haute Tension
Not even a twist since they tell you in the first minute of the movie that it's not a fucking twist.

>the unlikable asshole is the one who cares about the group most
>the likeable guy who everyone loves is the traitor

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The usual suspects

Alien Covenant

Whats the twist?

>To this day I don't understand why anyone praised that movie.
The final scene is the real twist.

I saw a trailer for this movie in the cinema with a friend. I immediately said "I bet he's the patient". Never actually saw the movie, still haven't.

>Everyone said they were a virgin to make you feel better but all were actually exploring quite healthy and regulars sex lives with many partners.

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That was a good one. It was only obvious because he had to be some kind of crazy killer, because that was the plot. Underrated.

This shit was so lame.

Both of Jordan Peele's movies.
"Us" I guessed in the first 2 minutes

Alien Covenant

Mysterious figure who is supposed to have died but we never really see confirmation. The only witnesses were two of his untrustworthy friends.


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Mysterious, shadowy spy from the recent past is supposed to have killed himself but there's no confirmation.


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The others with nicole kidman. That whole scene with the father returning from the war should be taken out.

>FBI agent goes to an asylum to investigate a case
>Turns out he's a patient, and the whole investigation was a charade to cure him
>It works
>Final scene, it didnt work and the doctors are gonna lobotomize him
>But what if it did work and he wants to be lobotomized?

fuck off this trope is based

The "twist" isn't that he's the crazy patient. It's the one in the end where he is actually not crazy anymore but decides to pretend he is.

Most black mirror episodes.

Once you realise this is just a remake of Psycho it's pretty obvious who the killer is.

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The book of Eli
It was obvious from the start that Denzel Washington was blind, but the end treated that fact like some shocking revelation.

My cousin still swears that he wasn't blind and that I'm crazy for thinking he was because a blind man couldn't have done all that shit.

The Machinist
That weird, ugly guy being a figment of Christian Bale's imagination.

It did work

I'll save you the time, yes the twist is that he's a patient and the events of the movie is an elaborate conspiracy involving dozens of staff to get Leo to break out of his delusion, it initially works but he subsequently slips back into his fantasy and goes in for lobotomy. It's extremely telegraphed to anyone paying attention. But the true twist is that oh shit he didn't really slip back into delusion he CHOSE to be lobotomized because he's so distraught about his family's death.
Very weak emotional play that just didn't connect for me.

>masked figure comes in and kicks ass/saves the group
>remove the mask

I haven't seen the movie in some years but i always thought the twist was that he got gaslighted throught the whole film to make him believe he was insane, the fact that he gets lobotomized at the end prooves that he was actually right

Not a movie but a Twilight Zone episode ("The Hitch-Hiker").

Mainly this is obvious because it's such an old story. The protagonist died at the start and the hitch-hiker is death coming to collect her.

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Carnival of Souls did it better

I always hoped for a "double twist" in that Leo wasn't actually insane, and that they were all conspiring against him.

In the Tall Grass. I instantly knew that Patrick Wilson was evil but thought that would be too obvious. Shit movie.

I honestly though Bladerunner 2049 was doing it, to the point it almost ruined the movie for me because of how retardedly coincidental it would have been that the replicant child just so happened to grow up to be a blade runner that investigated the case about himself. The real twist that he wasn't the child made it a 10/10.

But she can't lie, user

But the fact that the McGuffin child turned out to be Deckard's was just as retardedly coincidental.

It isn't. Rachel was always a special replicant. So was Deckard if you consider him to be a replicant, even if you don't subscribe to Leto's implication that their relationship may have been manufactured specifically so that they could have a child.

It was so obvious from the beginning, they're literally setting it up by explaining that the woman thinks she's still living in her own home and the wards are postal workers and shop keepers.

I remember seeing Paranormal Activity in the theater and halfway through the movie I figured out it was fake


non brainlets

I played the hitchhiker in a HS adaptation once, it was p based considering I have no real acting ability

The Prestige

>"come on! its so obvious she isnt there!"
>"dude! Spoilers!"

>Obvious female character
>Big reveal is that they're female
>Realize I was meant to think they were a guy originally
Happens every time there's this twist

Watched it when it came out, kinda liked it. Years after forgot most of the movie but heard people raving about how it's the best movie to rewatch. It was the most painful experience ever. Boring as fuck to watch the second time.

That wasn't obvious though


That was obvious from the beginning, brainlet. Its not supposed to be a twist unless you are functionally retarded. Its a film about mental breakdown from the start.



True Detective.

>Haha this groundskeeper is such an obvious fat creep, no way he's the killer

The tourist(2010)
Atrocious movie by the way

>spend the entire time thinking you know the twist
>pulls the rug out from under you at the very end

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