>listens to an audiobook about Native Americans
>invites some 90% white "Native American" on to bash America
Fuck Rogan
How dare he have people on who have different opinions than me
Nonwhites haven't earned the right to have opinions.
She's a propagandist. A freak who pretends to speak for a group. And Rogan's trying to be woke and intellectual and nods along with everything she says.
Losers don't get to write the history books.
"Noble savages" caused all their own problems. There were only a few tribes of note. The iroquois had writing and government. The apache were fierce warriors. But other than that, the rest were dumber than niggers.
Yea, but it's a propagandist that puts down white people and agrees with, so it's okay. Didn't you get the memo? Double standards don't apply when it comes to white people =]
Wow it's almost like Joe can be led around like a dog on a leash by flashy pop-info because he nuked his brain smoking weed non-stop for forty years.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with marijuana use, you goddamn loser. Jesus, you don't get invited to try it in your youths, and then you become militant in your rejection of it. Let it go, bro.
>has Gary Johnson on, agrees with everything, says he voted for him
>has Bernie Sanders on, agrees with everything, says he will vote for him
they do now lad
kinda feel bad for natives. no one gives a shit about them and they got fucked over probably the hardest out of all the non whites
I got a about 6 minutes in and couldn't take it any more, you could just tell how the rest of the interview would go.
There's something about that type of voice on women that I hate. It's the bitter HR cunt voice.
opinions can never change
political stance can never change
you can never change
>Nonwhites haven't earned the right to have opinions.
Who else hear only pretend to listen to non-whites, women and gays? Every time they speak my mind drifts off thinking about how more advanced civilization would be if we didn't let them hold us back.
not even 10%
she's a polish jew who married someone who might be a bit native american
>There is absolutely nothing wrong with marijuana use
I have no problem with it's use in moderation for recreation and I think it's superior to just about every other substance in the world when it comes to moderating chronic pain and discomfort. But Joe doesn't practice moderation which is why he's constantly in that stoner haze where you can tell only half the cylinders are firing. He'd probably be fairly astute if he would practice some restraint instead of convincing himself that 420 blazing it 24/7 is giving him universe brain level insight.
he does now
he's said several times lately that he's curbed the smoking and says he doesnt think its for everyone
thats how he acts with all of his guests. like you have to be saying some pretty retarded shit for him to push back, hes pretty gormless
and i think native americans have some pretty legitimate grievances tbqf
i dunno if it has ever been named but I call it the chalky duckling syndrome, you will notice the most fervent race advocates are the most white of the group. It happens with the 1/84 indian shit, you only see hapas campaigning against anti asian stuff really and not just trying to manipulate round eyes out of cash. Shit malcolm X was lighter than me after a day in the sun, he was so pale he only allowed black and white pictures.
look at this shit
why does joe keep glorifying the story about the white girl who was kidnapped and raped by the comanche? her entire family was slaughtered, doubt they waited 9 year until she was 18 before the started raping and breeding her and she was brainwashed by her captors. joe is fucking disgusting for that.
>he does now
And it's either too late for that to help, or he hasn't recovered all his mental acuity in the timespan since he cut back.
Kek this clowns full name is more Irish than a pint of Guinness, who the fuck does she think she is
90% of Joe's episodes are garbage.
"if youre lightskinned you arent really black" is as unconvincing to black people as it is to racists
he honestly hasnt had a good one so far this year
Joe Rogan will never have guests like James Corbett. The podcast is now for influential people to attract stupid people.
The Coronavirus doctor was said to be good. I didn't listen.
he's show should seriously be pulled down.
he's retarded pothead and his "friends" are worse than Alex Jones.
>That Eddie Bravo nigger
he's a fucking flat earth retard
What guest will Joe have for episode 1488?
I unironically enjoy the episodes with Brian "Totally Not Gay" Callen.
>I watch Joe Rogan for intellectual discussions
t. retard
Eddie Bravo and Alex Jones are his best guests.
It's amazing how full of shit she is.
>constantly dodges any question about how much % indian she is
>constantly dodges any question on her childhood and if she grew up on a reservation
>takes the most woke interpretation of anything possible
>unironically sees all indians as being pure colors of the wind people
>thinks the idea that humans sprouted out of the ground like flowers (which as some noted in the comments is bullshit and a complete misunderstanding of that specific origin mythology) is as scientifically valid as the bering strait land bridge theory
It's good but the guy is a bit of a doomer, he once said it might kill a million people in the US alone
Pocahontas gettin cooked in the comments
She even brought up the nations that willingly assimilated instead of fighting back saying they all got fucked...except they didn't, they just don't look as ethnically native as they used to anymore. The ones that joined the US instead of fighting them did so much better it isn't funny.
The fact that she's part Polish is just so perfect. Because much like she talks about her Indian side's past, no other group in Europe has more butthurt over their past than the Poles.
well to play devils advocate, this was before the whole shutdown
The podcast is more of a advisemen than good discussions. It better to identify the topics and research it yourself. Eventually you won't need TRE. You'll find that most of the guest arent qualified or have ideological bias.
here's a (you) for your wacky zany comment user
My favorite one was this
>I’m Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho from the Wind River reservation and I was more offended by this woman trying to represent native Americans. She dodged her blood degree question, says the majority of natives are offended by the Redskin team Go to a rez and everyone is wearing Chiefs, Redskins, Seminoles, Indians..... she represents an agency that has “Indian” in the name but says that that’s an ok term to use because it’s a historically recognized term.... then turns around and says redskin is offensive because it’s a historically recognized term. Some one tell Elizabeth Warren to come get her sister. There are REAL native Americans who can tell you their blood degree Joe. I love the show but idk if there are many Natives that agree with this woman’s opinions about us.
>listenning to baked niggers arguing who's more retarded
as far as i agree that 911 was his best show with his reach he's totally fucking retarded
>hasn't read on the books Joe has been into lately
>just want to demonise white euopean invaders despite being 99% white european herself
FYI, she got removed from the Indian gaming commission a few months ago due to suspicious activities.
Lol, smelly pothead calling others loser.
I always wondered if pot will turn you into obnoxious loser, or if obnoxious losers are drawn to pot.
Kinda chicken-egg question.
>us natives aren't supposed to look at bones of the dead, it's sacred and wrong to see those bones
There are older natives from some tribes around today whose grandfathers literally wore the bones of their enemies for intimidation purposes. You can't fit every tribe into a box.
Yeah me too. Leftists told me that I cannot empathise with PoCs(tm) so I just don't.
I'm sorry no one invited you to try weed in your adolescence, user.
In fairness you could interpret that as them intentionally desecrating the spirits of their enemies.
Also how does a white woman get into the the indian gaming comission?
>he once said it might kill a million people
Well, Merkel flat out said the same for Germany.
One of Rogan's guest told him about the Rockefeller and federal reserve documentary. When it comes to Corbett, he's less of a gatekeeper compare to Jones. He consult from different sources, including books by historians. He better than the Adam ruins everything guy, james is transparent. He'll point out when something is social conditioning.
It is good, it's straight talk, not "OMG THE SKY IS FALLING" shit, so nobody is really talking about it.
I didn't hang out around cringy smelly losers during my adolescence.
I'm surprised she didn't bring up that most natives vote Republican. Partially because of failures of democrat presidents in recent decades to address their grievances, but mostly because republicans are more likely to accept "just go away and leave us alone" as a stance due to libertarians in the party.
I'm trying to find it but officially she resigned from the position, however there was shit going on behind the scenes that made it sound like it was a forced resignation.
>Also how does a white woman get into the the indian gaming comission?
Obama appointed her to that position.
Whatever helps you rationalize your anti-marijuana obsession.
Yea when some “maybe part injun” comes on spouting fake grievance while on the government payroll lol
And then some injun kills another injun hooker and it’s the governments issue...
But at the same time they demand their own independence with injun police enforcing injun laws
there's nothing wacky or zany about that though, it's just common sense really
shit. At this point, I think 80% of Joe's guests are Jews.
Was it always like this or did it start after he became really popular?
The entertainment industry attracts a lot of jews.
Joe has on a lot of people who are in said industry.
This aint rocket science user.