What are some recent martial arts kinos?

What are some recent martial arts kinos?

Attached: 1456218843149.webm (970x546, 2.78M)

cute tko

>get punched in the face 10 times
>start kicking
what did she mean by this?

Warrior is kino even outside of fight movies.

Women shouldn't be allowed to participate in mma ans sports in general.
Who here can honestly say they've looked foward to womens sporting match?

cast them

Attached: 1463685277628.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)

I look forward to seeing dat ass

Why did the ending make my pee pee hard

What did that punch do that the others didnt?

Attached: HEEM.webm (853x480, 2.98M)

women are fucking retarded

Rocked his brain
A strike to the chin from the side will instantly concuss you whereas a strike to the temple and front of the face does almost nothing
You're "meant" to take a hit like that

be the last one

the other punches and the kick was pitty patt
the kayo punch was right on the button

he relaxed his jaw. notice he swung when paco started to yap

this sadly

I miss him bros

Attached: Elias Theodorou Brunson ufc fight night 151.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

The best part is his buddies faces through it all

UFC is gotta be the stupidest sports out there

they should have given him to chris or silva


Attached: 1583981143604.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

name of the cutie?

kinos for this feel?

Attached: manlets btfo 1.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Should've been penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct.

When will manlets learn?

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Attached: mma_fem.jp.jpg (1080x1080, 146.23K)

Attached: AAAAH HAKUHO SENPAI TASUKETE KUDASAI.jpg (800x566, 147.05K)

>all that and she just smiles it off
how weak are women?

Women don't belong in sports

>Her smile and optimism: gone

Attached: Kowalkewicz Eye.jpg (1200x736, 468.79K)


based Georgian of disrespect

whats going on here?

cute as fuck

Attached: manlets btfo 2.webm (1280x720, 1.13M)

We have thousands of years proof that being repeatedly hit in the head causes serious long term damage yet we still parade these clowns around

>well time to go home

Meanwhile in the real world

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Klaudia Pawicka

How the fuck is this even fair?

Attached: uppity gaijin.webm (800x450, 2.8M)

Elias unironically was too intelligent for ufc

Reminds me of that dude in the hulk movie

plenty of people got off fine from head trauma
Lennox,Hagler,Barrera etc
just enjoy the show lmao
smaller sumo has more speed and dexterity

Attached: 1570335883028.webm (1040x1080, 250.12K)

Does no one else find this hot?


Attached: abi enho.webm (1280x720, 510.1K)

Theres a lot to see in such a short clip, the guy in the red shorts several steps ahead at all times. Real hunter mentality.


Total fair. Lower ranks got to eat more and get heavier and stronger. Tsuyoshi (the big georgian dude) isn't even top tier.

Jesus christ, are her eyes swelled up from the punching or does she always look like that?

Attached: pissed off gyoji (enho vs yutakayama).webm (900x506, 2.91M)

dick status: muh

You mean Green Lantern?

Attached: hector-hammond.jpg (1400x700, 104.29K)


Please explain to me what happened at the start of the clip? Im guessing the match cant start until both fighters have touched hands to the floor at the same time, are they allowed to juke their opponent by slight of hand or is it foul play?

Isn't she out of the ring..?

That ref outfit is fucking awesome not gonna lie. Though I guess our striped ref outfits are kind of interesting too.

I watch this on NHK all the time, it's all about technique. I've seen small guys vs big guys like in that webm where the smaller dude wins, kinda impressive really.

they do it willingly and its entertaining to everyone else

i dont see a problem with it