Which film series is unironically better?

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the one that ended

Harry Potter and it's not even close

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Harry Potter created the tasteless adult children that praise Marvel movies now
Even Twilight is better than both


Pirates of the Caribbean

MCU wins; very well, MCU, very well indeeed...

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Harry Potter is objectively better in literally every way

Harry Potter. It had:
At least 4 good movies
The ratio of good movies to bad is much greater
Didn't waste its most talented cast members
Had memorable scores
Decent visual aesthetics
Actual emotionally affecting content at times
Each movie had a different plot
And most importantly it had soul

All of the worst potterfags are bookfags anyway. Whereas any Marvel fan is a faggot.

The one with a train ride.

>And most importantly it had soul

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Anyone who baises their identity around being a fan of something is emotionally stunted.

He's talking about the movies, not the books. There's no denying that movies had a ton of soul.

Not that guy, but I'm a fan of psychological and philosophical writers throughout the ages and it is part of my identity. Does this make me emotionally stunted?

yes because being a fan of something means a lack of critical interaction with the subject. You claiming to be a fan of psychological and philosophical writers is meaningless because you are not the kind of person to understand what you are reading. Just smart window dressing. You are just like a harry potter fan only even more delusional.

Do you ever use any of these works to describe yourself in summary?

Based and supernatural naval mischief pilled

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>1 and 2 were made by a washed up studio yes man
>3 was made by a real director just trying to prove to hollywood he can still make movies for them
>4 was made by a one tricky pony just needing some quick cash to fund more films
>the rest were made by a no talent tv director the studio could push over
>>movies had a ton of soul
This is your mind on anti-art ideals. Harold Bloom, Armond White and Richard Brody truly were right

let's see: the best superhero franchise vs marxism for children

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>marxism for children

I notice your apparent contempt and readiness to compare me to that guy. Go fuck yourself.

In summary? Fuck no what kind of wanker brings up Plato's Republic or the Zimbardo experiment in ordinary everyday discussion without it being appropriate to the conversation?

>what kind of wanker brings up Plato's Republic or the Zimbardo experiment in ordinary everyday discussion
You stay away from twitter I see. Wise.

probably you lol. You are so smart and bookish user.

Is this actually a question that someone has asked? I legit cannot fathom that someone would prefer mcu over harry potter

>anti-art ideals

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She's the definition of limousine Hollywood neoliberal, she throws a bone to identity politics every now and then through retcons, but her art and actual politics are very centrist, Harry Potter's politics are very much about maintaining the status quo. Rowling is hated by chapotrannies

Where does it say that? The post is about your low IQ tumblr ideals of saying trash like HP has soul, Yas Forums teen

Hell, OOTP is kinda libertarian. Your government will lie to you and not protect you. It will abuse you without consequence. You are responsible for your own self-defense.

Pfft, I'm fucking casual as fuck. Only difference between me and the average Joe is I know where learnin' happens.

Not even a question Harry Potter defined a generation and will be remembered as the last gasp of white Britain. It had few flaws
>gun curve
>time travel
>cutting good scenes like Hagrid not going down to curses and the world/maze building in 4. Even then the MCU was ok at best, Thanos was more powerful with less stones and his motivation made no sense. Finally and most importantly the Harry potter lego games are the highest of kino in this timeline

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On paper Avengers is better, in film practice Harry is better. But a Harry made today would be woke.

Libertarian in the most naive, infantile sense you mean. Self-governance is not the absence of governance.

The only reason anyone pretends the MCU is good is because of the string of Rousseau movies

>Libertarian in the most naive, infantile sense you mean.

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I find it amusing how most ideologies and political aims generally have the same endgame outcome once you get to a certain level of thinking. Up to a certain level it's all authoritarianism at the end of the day, even when you try to force it not to be.

Then you reach the zenith of a given ideal and you realise everyone's correct in their own way, and that compromise and collaboration is the only way to make things work anyway. It's all well and good having the best ideal oh how shit should work, but unless you're an egotistical dictator that should have fuck all to do with how you go about it.

>Your government will lie to you and not protect you.
The government was literally infested with Wizard-Hitler spies. The books were pretty pro-authoritarian, it just wasn't government authoritarianism.

>and you realise everyone's correct in their own way
This is false.
>that compromise and collaboration is the only way to make things work anyway
This is even falser and is some centrist bullshit. Fuck off with that, have some principles for Christ's sake.

Are you fucking stupid to even ask this? Harry Potter mogs it. Potter even mogs the Star Wars saga in overall quality.

Anything is better than marvelshit

Harry Potter. The more memeable series is always the better one. There's only like one Avengers meme because it's so soulless.


This is the truth. Marvel movies are soulless.

All of em are good desu and the bookfags can be insufferable

And they are sloppy directors

Fudge and Umbridge (at that time) didn't work for Voldemort. They were the ones who fucked up.

Yes but libertarian ideals are not anti authority necessarily. Submitting to the authority of Wise and Heroic Man to further a Great Cause of Liberation is also libertarian, as long as we are talking about a Man not a Politician.

The Harry Potter films have aged like milk because of how terrible all the younger actors were. They were fun when I was a kid/teenager, but they're pretty cringe to watch today.

That's not true at all you have shit taste


The kids all embodied their roles and Ron and Hermiome carried Harry for the first couple movies. Cuaron objectively made all the acting better and then Yates did even more so. The acting is grdes above MCUshit and so is every other facet no matter how you cut it. The direction and performances have soul and the casting was good.

>The acting is grdes above MCUshit
This is only true of the adult actors. Most of the adult characters were fantastic because they were able to cast well respected and established British actors (especially true further into the series as it continued to grow in popularity). But even in the later few movies the "child" actors were still pretty cringe inudcing, with maybe a handful of exceptions.

At least the MCU has a good baseline of acting. They have a handful of properly standout actors - as did Harry Potter - but they never fall away into the sub-basement tier of crap that plagues even the main cast of the Harry Potter films.

every harry potter game before 6 was good

No it's TRUE for all the actors. The kid actors act better in chamber of secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban than scarjo and a majority of capeshit actors fuck off retard

Harry Potter movies were actually good so....

OK now I know you're trolling. Emma Waton's frozen corpse body double in Chamber of Secrets acted better than she did for the entirety of the rest of the series.

>the best superhero franchise
This thread isn't about DC bro

>calls anyone else trolling
>types that utter garbage
Kys incel

Harry P. Infinity War and End Game were legit great but they were better than the movies that led up to it. Harry Potter was fairly consistent all the way through.

Weird projection but ok.

Deathly Hallows mog the last two Avengers movies. Particularly Part 2 delivers and Endgame is pure sloppy bloated garbage.

Watson in Azkaban acts better than most of the capeshit actors in all their movies. So does Dan in order of the Phoenix. All the MCU is cringe tier acting dialogue and directing even hobbit is better. Potter is consistent and not any dogshit like MCU or star wars prequels/sequels


Most of the actors in the MCU movies act like they are reading lines in a rehearsal. They are all kind of shit tier.


I've only watched like 2 disney-marvel flicks and never read or watched HP, my sister watched it and I was sometimes in the room, and I'm gonna have to go with HP. pic related

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Why didn't the "wizards" just cast themselves out of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Doesn't work without the accompanying picture. Sorry user