When will Adult Swim pick him up?
Is he the next Tom Green?
He's rather dumb and derivative and really bad at thinking on his feet
Only good thing is the editing which he outsources
No because AS needs everyone to sign agreements saying they wont sue Turner Ent. over Eric Andre jumping out and yelling at them before he does it.
Stop pretending these arent your videos
No because acting like a rude retard in public stopped being shocking and funny about 15 years ago
wow an ugly childless white manbabby with an intentionally awkward sense of humor
You are not him though.
libtards spotted, run back to you're tranny discord please
Talentless neckbeard steals someones concept and makes a total mess of it, sad!
Get a job you dumb piece of shit
fpbp his in the field banter is garbage
confirmed this talentless piece of shit is making these threads
>isn't in MDE
>wears MDE shirt
pretty cringe, his vids are okay though
This guy is one of Sam Hyde's underlings right? Imagine being mentored by that faggot lol.
There are many examples of this done well as a criticism of society but this is not one of them. This is a very dumb person completely missing the point.
>Sam Hyde's failed protege makes a laughing stock of himself trying to emulate his daddy figure
>Will die in poverty while Sam laughs at him for being a dumb fuck useless idiot
He should take a hint from Charls and gtfo out of Sam's toxic sphere while he still has his anus intact
Oh, it’s this unfunny fuck again shilling his shit
>btfo the gay beaner manlet
he's in happy world daddy though. he actually went up to this hipster couple acting like a baby with a baby voice and then he choked the guy out. he literally choked out a stranger in the park then crashed some wedding
It wasn't fake though. The people Eric Andre upset are already signed in on it and everything goes according to plan.
Corporations can't cause anyone stress because they might get a heart attack and create a lawsuit. Everything you've been watching on TV has been bullshit.
Pretty sure his wedding crasher video breaks laws
>Frankery Hassle
le epin fahny naem
>skill: being a cringedian
>hopes and dreams: [as] or maybe cumtown
>goals: build time machine, go back to 1973 and find big titty black single mom welfare queen to breastfeed me
hello, based department
mad because you have no talent? yep I would be too
the absolute STATE of mde
this isn't very good at all
Im really not all too interested into all of this, but why do these posts always give me huge schizo vibes?
imagine posting a screencap of your own shill thread to a handful of minions hahahahaha this guy is on another planet
Wait? Is that Don Jolly? Or are all of Sam's friends fat neckbeards?
People suck his dick because they suck sam Hyde's dick
The only emotion I feel scrolling through that twitter account is "pity"
that was pretty good, dude
keep it up
The KING, son.
Eric skirts the line, he's been arrested twice and not everyone signs those release wavers after the stunts.
Frank Lies volume 2
another neckbeard. i checked out that youtube channel and almost everything on that account is a year old. "frank hassle" has already been sent back to his hometown in the south but keeps posting pictures from when he used to live with sam.
You really think shills would admit they are shilling?
This desu, it's fine to push buttons somewhat but there's an art to it. When you just start to autistically insult some rando it's not all that funny. If I wanted to watch this brand of humor I'd watch where he's stealing it from (Sam Hyde/MDE obviously)
Lie, probably. He responded to my comment on his video while this thread was still active around 4am his time.
Letterman perfected this dysfunction 30 years ago....
get a job
no adult should be using discord
>the virgin outlaw YouTuber Frank Hassle
>the Chad outlaw YouTuber Matt Sonswa
Are you saying he didn't?
libtards OWNED XD
Honestly was pretty interested in some of the stuff you did early on with Sam, the stuff that's on gumroad. Thought it was a pretty interesting pivot from back when you were hats. But now you're back to screaming at people its just the same shit again. You need to bait more people into engaging with you rather than directly going up to people and blowing smoke in their faces or screaming.
I remember crying at leukemia or w/e it was and how even though the shit you were screaming down the mic at that girl was objectively awful, she continued to deliberately engage with you when she could have just left. Idk man, feels like you're just attacking people at random now, and that's not as fun, it just doesn't seem very clever.
then why are you? shill
Cam. This isn't going to work out. You won't be able to make a career or living out of this. You're shooting yourself in the foot so a few high school twitter users going through their edgy phase will call you "based." I'm saying this for your own good.
Another product of failed parenting. Boring, lazy trash.
Chris Elliott is a jew
honestly if you get between me and my food I'd go apeshit too
Is that Sam's penis? Wut?
(at least I know Im bigger, but still)
I knew a boy like this at school, was his friend for a while but stopped because everything he did just annoyed me and everyone else. It is a weird thing. Sort of like the uncanny valley but with a human. Naturally this guy was rejected on some level all his life and is only capable of the most basic processing of information.
It really is odd and I wonder what went wrong in their minds. You see the emptiness almost like a nervous dog. naturally most have some Jewish blood which predisposes them to this mental illness stuff because of the massive inbreeding.
better to die based than to live a life of cringe
Cam stop posting your own videos here.
Stop shilling your shit here.
Blowing fat vape smoke in people's faces is what makes it all worth it. The hero we need.
This is one is much funnier than his others.
It's likely the same guy as the one spamming for Sam.
keep in mind he's 6'4 so it looks smaller proprtionately, but really its big.
Being a prank youtuber averaging a couple thousand views per video solely due to your association with a more well-known personality is "a life of cringe," IMHO.
>Stop shilling your shit here.
>: EPJZWIjXkAYL2Ah[1].png
Twitter shitskin
everyone else is an NPC but me!!
> (You)
>>: EPJZWIjXkAYL2Ah[1].png
>Twitter shitskin
This idiot neck beard isn't one hundredth of my jew boy Chris Elliott. Why even do this?
did you short-circuit or something libtard?
Twitter shitskin
Only because of editing. The actual video itself has one decent part where he says he looks like a gorilla and "unleash the beast" but the part that makes it, again, is the edit of the silver back over the guy so still not great
>sits on Internet all day consuming degenerate nihilistic slop content by other basement dwellers
>somehow still gain an unfounded sense of superiority that you use to justify your shitty “prank” videos
It doesn’t have to be this way. Clean up. Go back to school. Stop using sites like this until you can handle them in moderation.
Naw dude, this big neckbeard who vapes all the time did a reverse Frank Hassle on me over a fat vape (which he thinks he superior for smoking outside). I was in a private club we'd rented and thought he worked there or something and was like "what the fuck, you're that guest who vapes also". Fuck that shit. Blow hits in everyone's face, vapes always remind me of neckbeards.
Your low IQ ass doesn't actually think everyone making fun of you is liberal, do you?
sad that a talented editor has to settle for doing videos for hacks like this
you type like a nigger so good job at exposing yourself. It's almost scary how I'm always right
You aren't even talking to the same guy, idiot.
Yeah you can tell from his face there's no one home
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but he desperately wants his own cult of paypigs so he can fly in underage fangirls to fuck like Sam does
how is he supposed to do that will a college education and low IQ
pretty much. i genuinely feel bad for the kid. sam should also be ashamed for encouraging guys down this path under the guise of "mentorship."
>"Hey everyone, I'm being an asshole to STRANGERS! Now isn't that hilarious!"
Relax Sam, no one's judging. Being average is fine at any height.
>Chris Elliott
loli pusy
Holy fuck, could this cunt make it any more obvious? He's not even trying to disguise his self shilling.
He was a jew btw.
based pusy poster
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