What the hell is this guy's problem?
What the hell is this guy's problem?
>*gets aids*
Projection. Deep down he knows his sexuality is frowned upon and has negative consequences on both body, mind, and soul.
When can faggotry be outlawed again? Gotta happen at some point right?
Hes not wrong. Spartans were gay.
Yeah and where are they now gay boi? lmao
I'd be willing to say that white people and Asians aren't good at sex relative to blacks. but I doubt you could make this claim based on sexuality. The comparison isn't as direct. Homosexual intercourse and heterosexual intercourse aren't the same.
I've let two cute teenagers cum in my asshole with no condom
He can declare war on my asshole if you know what I mean
Homosexuals cannot "have sex". Sex occurs when the male of the species inseminates the female. Using another man's anus or mouth as a masturbatory aid is not sex, it is sodomy.
Extremely redpilled.
How much longer before he shows his pp?
Tough, but fair.
Isn’t he jewish?
Kinda answers your question
Cant argue with this desu
He's dabbing on roasties and that's exactly what we need
Sex occurs when a man ejaculates into another orifice
What gender or genitals belong to said orifice is irrelevant, it’s still sex
Xe’s actually right because all of them have their little kiddy’s diddled by an uncle or pastor or rabbi when they’re young. So if they start you at like age 5, that’s a lot of sexual experience by the time you become an adult.
Nah. If you cum in a girl's mouth or asshole, but not her pussy, you're still a virgin
hes right to be good at sex you have to be a degenerate
heterosexual couples perform a duty an act of love to bring forth new life, its magical and miraculous
but faggots fucking each other in the ass is just sex
I cannot take anyone who says ‘ya’ll’ seriously.
If somebody said "Yas Forums is a shit board ya’ll" i’d Think it was the greatest board ever.
only fags and women say ya'll unironically
this board is the shit y'all
He’s a Jew from a single mom and 4 sisters what do you expected!
im pretty sure by better sex he means a bunch of dudes smokin meth and shoving stuff up each others asses is more "thrilling" than normal sex
You will not take my magic essence and trick me with your wiles, woman. I am a true wizard 'til the day I die.
He's gonna hang dong before he turns 30
That's my prediction, so it is written and so it shall be foretold
they didnt have concepts such as gay or straight back then.
why does nobody ever understand this.
gay fascist dictatorship when?
Banning faggotry forces gays to hide and breed with the opposite sex. This passing gayness to new generations.
Enabling it will all natural selection to weed out the nonheteros.
We liberals want the same thing, we have just thought things out better than you.
Who cares what he says? He's a fag.
There's no gay gene, you bigot.
he's so fucking cringy
how can you be a called a king and be nonbinary when the title king is masculine?
Not according to porn.
Not even according to amateur porn.
Maybe girl on girl, but gay or trannie porn isn't half as good as the rest.
Sorry, fag.
He has to have some horrible fucked up fetish like dog-fucking or something, what is it?
you realize gayness is like 30% genetic, 70% getting your asshole stretched by uncle rog's fingers at 10? letting these fags run wild to fuck any kid they can get their hands on will only make more fags. it's an illness that infects, not a predetermined trait like the colors of a bird's feathers
they also got destroyed by the thebes lmao
If Ezra is wrong then why are you still a virgin?
Are you retarded?
Gays probably are better at sex. They fuck way more.
Who's uncle rog?
I'm being 100% serious when I tell you that they use it to avoid saying "guys" because "y'all" is a gender-inclusive term, they won't say "girls" because that doesn't include "nonbinaries" (retards). We were actually told this at my faggoty job.
Every weekend he gets together with friends of all nationalities and they play human hotpot.
Well, he admittedly likes to fuck other guys' shit holes. That's pretty disgusting by itself.
how did they make babie?
Quality > quantity
user, no lie, some gay men dont even like to engage in anal sex. It takes SO much prep just to enjoy it on both sides and more prep just to no make the bed a biohazard during the act.
Dry anal sex in public bathrooms is not good sex, user.
Just your typical subversive semite.
It would be safe to say gay men fuck more than you ever will.
what the fuck is a human hotpot
He's just trying to be an edgy homo
They get a lot of shitty sex, intended, that im not interested in, so why does that matter?
Im not jealous of people who eat a lot of KFC either, user.
hey davey did you buy any of ezras underwear yet?
You get better at sex by having it, retard.
More like bi
You grease up and loosen the fag’s ass, then put a speculum in to keep it open.
Then everyone puts whatever they want inside his ass - lube, spit, piss, cum, etc - but you have to keep going until the pot is full.
Then you make him release it and lick it up off the floor, it’s human hotpot.
lmao thebes was gayer
Well it worked because this is like the 5th thread I've seen between Yas Forums and Yas Forums
Spartans fucked their women all the time and are extremely overrated in their martial prowess, they're even a bigger meme than vikings which is hard to beat.
That's a simplistic take.
Perfect practice makes perfect. Practice only makes habits, and bad practice makes bad habits.
You shouldn't try being funny dude.
Why would he be into that? Are you just saying things you think are funny?
What's funny about it? Does seeing people eating a lot of dog shit off the sidewalk make you jelly because you only have 1 doughnut? Doesn't work that way.
Your butthurt about it helped make it funnier though, so thanks.
Always remember to douche before anal play, user.
I disagree, but he's based for saying it. I respect supremacists of all types. Even if they're wrong.
>put penis in intestine
>small cuts on penis, small cuts on intestine; blood exchanged
>get sick from infection
Wow, so good at sex! More exciting than lesbians who are just masturbating, wow!
thought his kind was against large generalisations