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Literally what was the deal with Bionicle? I had most of the original ones, and these mini-discs that had this strange mini-game on? I'm still thinking about it.

The spike balls and gladiators?

This is the bit where the series jumped the shark.



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Nah, it's where things started to pick up. Mahri was the following year,

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for me, it's the Vahki

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Anything past toa nuva is gay and edgy

>still not a High-Budget Bionicle Movie
I just lost my faith in this world

Bionicle was the breaking point, when all newly produced toys started lacking soul.

god i want to be 10 again

>tfw still have the mask of light on dvd
Man, I was so fucking hyped for that movie back in the day...I want to go back...

we all do
we all do, user


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based and kino

who based /Barraki/ here?

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For me, it's the Toa Empire universe.

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Absolutely kino

For me, it's Web of Shadows

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For me, it's the Bohrok

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Me too user


>leg joint connector port snaps

For me, it's Good Guy

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You’d think this franchise could have filled the same quotas as Pokemon, Transformers, and Power Rangers did. Had Bionicle come out in the 90s or 80s, it would be a hit thats still selling figures.

Only thing that can revive the toyline is a half-assed movie adaptation just like everything else, since a half-assed reboot didn’t work. Bionicle fell flat the moment Bayformers happened.

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>For me, it's the Toa Mata

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Did these niggas ever get proper voices in any media? I don't remember them saying much besides making lion noises

I hope not, they shouldn't speak like humans let alone speak English

zoomers get out

based and checked

I had the book. Comfy times, man

He was too good, too pure, too selfless for this universe

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This, Bionicle is one of those franchises that was basically begging for some kind of animated adaptation. The lore and story was massive, everyone involved went far beyond what was necessary. It was pure passion and soul. But Lego gave a TV show to Galidor instead and we know how that turned out. Biggest flop for the company.
I still don't understand how they managed to screw up the Bionicle DVD movies after that. The first one had lots of hype, I remember it was promoted all over the place. The other two got almost no marketing and they brought the film series down.

The flash animations and the MNOG were what you were looking for

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LEGO is a retarded company that was saved from death by bionicle and brought to its zenith by Star Wars. They’re retarded otherwise

damn, i now remember Galidor

>unique characters and setting
>cool designs that reflected their abilities and personalities
>interesting and mysterious backstory that gave the whole thing one of a kind feel
>animated promos that perfectly reflected the tone and time
tfw Bionicle is actually the most soulful thing Lego has ever made

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You can just see the goodness seeping right out of him. Wholesome

based af

They were great, but sadly yet another example of Lego's retardation. First they tied the hands of the creators, Templar Studios and forced them to shit out MNOG II and abruptly end the 2003 animations. Then Lego let them go after they made the Vahki animations and replaced them with whatever studios made those shitty Hordika and Piraka clips.
Templar Studios was one of Bonicle's biggest assets. They knew their shit and they genuinely loved the property. They saw it as more than just a job. And Lego just told them to fuck off.

They were more than great they were better than the actual films, the books, and most of the comics

Of course. But sadly in Lego's eyes the 2001-04 Flash content was nothing more than an expandable sideshow. They didn't even accept MNOG as canon until much later after fans had been raving about it for years.


why yes, I do make bioncile threads on Yas Forums, how could you tell?

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>pick up
Shit taste

fucking take me back bros

so based


>parents donated all my toys from when I was younger
it's so fucking sad

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>yfw fans are still pestering Greg to make their MOCs canon and he's okay with it
Don't know whether to find that devotion endearing or obnoxious. Fan canonizations were some of the worst parts of the franchise and they kinda felt like an ego contest. And now they'll be holding further art contests to decide the canon look of side characters who didn't get toys.

It's been a decade and I *still* desperately want Roodaka to be my domme.

Pirakas were based.

How did the Bionicle story end? Did they recover the gold mask or what?

personally despise all fan canonizations. everything to do with the dark hunters is pure cringe and i consider it to be a stain on the series that defined my childhood. I love MOCs and am blown away by the things people in the community have built, but that doesn't mean I want the edgy backstory an 11 year old came up with intermingling with the actual story.

Which one, there's like a dozen gold masks?
It ended with two planet sized mechs duking it out in the desert and meshing three planets into one, then the writer went insane and set up three trillion barely related, barely comprehensible plot lines and abandoned all of them after a couple chapters. There was no ending, the story just stopped. The main heroes never got together, there's still a billion bad guys running around, built up mysteries had no payoff.

The one positive about the current canonizations is they don't want to add new content, just make MOCs about old characters who have no official pictures. Like Lariska, Artakha and a bunch of literal whos.

Creeping in my Soul>>>>Bring me to Life

I just love edgy early and mid 2000s rock.

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they were doing you a favor

Why yes I was about to log onto biosector01.com, what gave it away?

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This kid used to make fun of me because I had the blue bionicle because she was the girl.
So I spilled some of my fruit shoot onto his trousers and told everyone he pissed himself and everyone laughed at him.

thank for introducting me