I'm gonna say it

i'm gonna say it


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Imagine watching past the 2nd or 3rd movie

As much as I enjoy the Pirates movies, you're so fucking wrong.
It's alright to be wrong, just so you learn from the mistake and don't make it again.


This. The first movie is the only one thats as good as LOTR. Everything else is unwatchable

People can say a lot of stupid shit. Does that make them right? No.

I see you have Disney+
I also have Disney+

Even in the third pirates there are some fun moments, some good lines (I always liked Jack and Barbossa's conversation about the way the world felt like it was getting smaller), but LOTR? No way.

Why is the guy standing in a bucket? Is he breaking his boots in?

LOTR is a shit franchise, I saw 2 movies and a half of the third what a fucking retarded shitshow

Jag sbratatttt

real question is : why doesn't he makes bucket-boots ?

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2 and 3 are admirable failures. Gore Verbinski went full on. 4 and 5 don’t exist to me. Soulless.


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Potc could have been an incredible series. Instead they tripled down on CGI schlock and made Yag Sbaro a clown.

Well I guess you can like what you like

Their first trilogies are on the same level of comfyness.
LOTR may be more manly while POC is for families. Also, technically, POC 3rd is better and ends more mesmerizing than LOTR 3rd in relation to its 1st

The second and third are dumb-fun, the plot with Davy Jones is great. The fourth is just "Jack Sparrow do a funny." Didn't even bother with the newest one

>2nd movie
>Davy Jones and the kraken set up as great villains
>3rd movie
>kraken is already dead off-screen at the beginning
>Davy Jones plays second fiddle to English navy guy
>"the white man is the REAL enemy"

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remember when that black woman became a giant and then disappeared

Well you're wrong! A film without anything holding its background story together other than a 60 year old animatronics display can't hope to compare with a rich world established through high art, literature, and history.

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"Epic" trilogies of different genres

>Pirates of the Caribbean

>Lord of the Rings

>Star Wars original trilogy

2 and 3 at least have great characters
>disgraced Norrington
>return of Barbossa
>Davy Jones
>ridiculous caribbean goddess
plus the original cast. And the storyline is ok even if extremely convoluted.

I also like a lot of the ideas they come up with, like the whole sequence in the afterlife/purgatory is kino as fuck and the whirlpool battle at the end.

them's fighting words

for pirate kino I'd have to go with blackbeard's ghost

its the same garbage, but it doesnt take itself seriously, so its fun, if you are above iq 140 (and below 100)

>Epic" trilogies of different genres
There can only be ONE.
Lotr moggs starshit.

what would happen if they pushed davy jones over

you are the lowest of the low in terms of respectable trains of thought


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Time travel kino
>Back to the Future

Adventure kino
>Indiana Jones

Lotr has krakens ghosts pirates and interesting captains. Wtf does Potc have that Lotr doesn’t offer?

do the spanish really look this swarthy?

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>Jurassic park and the lost world

you are wrong and dumb

that doesn't mean the spanish were replaced with arabs

t. el ogros el andalusiyya

What the fuck is that blue tint? I dont remember it looking like that

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They're not that bad, come on.

>kraken is already dead off-screen at the beginning
What would putting its death into the movie add to the quality ? And epic death for soiboi marvel fans ?
>"the white man is the REAL enemy"
nobody said this

SW always sucked

agree, some parts of lotr drag too much, but I guess the books were also long there.

Bloom and Thwaites are relentlessly handsome.

Aside from LOTR it's all dogshit. All lowbrow popcorn entertainment for american manchildren
LOTR is at least an actual movie, even a really good one. The rest is so fucking soulless. Even Star Wars

>hurr durr spanish muslims were dark skinned

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In the South some do, but there are still a lot of very pasty Spaniards.

Space opera tragedy-kino
>Star Wars prequel trilogy


For myself, LOTR. For watching with girls or family, POC

>Ennio Morricone nod cue starts playing
God fucking damn it, Hans Zimmer really had some fun ideas throughout the series. It's hilarious if you consider the entirety of the now iconic Pirates theme came from him rearranging the temp track they used from Gladiator.


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>it's a Frodo and Sam cry-talking for 10 minutes scene
>it's a "The Eagles Are Coming" scene
>it's a let's just chain 30 minutes of end scenes together instead of putting some thought into our script episode
Don't get me wrong, the trilogy was a tremendous achievement, but it gets worse every time you sit through a full rewatch. It's also responsible at least in part for the downfall of Hollywood through pioneering back-to-back sequel production.

Jesus... look how retarded this series became.

At World's End was the last Pirates film, the rest is just Adventures of Jack Sparrow.
You literally can't prove me wrong.

>literally pleb filtered
Finished rewatching it for the first time in 4-5 years yesterday
Frodo and Sam scenes are great, Gollum scenes are the true drag
The ending is great, adhd retards get filtered, what else is new
There is literally nothing wrong with the eagles if you aren't the aforementioned adhd retard trying to write a snarky hipster youtube review

I'm watching these now for the first time

I love boat movies

Seriously, can anyone explain to me why 4 and 5 feel so fucking awful compared to the first three? Is it just Gore being absent? I know they suck but I have a tough time putting into words why they're so different than the OG trilogy.

I understand where your assumptions are coming from, but none of my criticism is based on me wanting more cuts, explosions and flashy lights. I think I can like something and still critique it.

>>"the white man is the REAL enemy"
>nobody said this
So what? It still happened.

lotr is not good

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Why do pseudo intellectual teenagers and fat 40 year old single dudes get so defensive over LotR?
Also your mother will die in her sleep if you quote me with soijak

Sure you can
And I can tell you that you're dumb and that your taste is shit
Just another day on Yas Forums
Also none of what I say assumes that you want LOTR by Michael Bay, it just assumes that you have shit taste
Seriously there is absolutely nothing wrong with the ending if you arent waiting to take a piss, it's well written and well paced.

>that color grading

The first three were about Bloom and Knightley. They were the heart and the door through which we entered the pirate world and their story ended with them becoming part of it. Jack and Barbossa are top tier side characters which turn to shit once they have to carry the story, since they shouldn't be the ones that drive the narrative. They are scenery, essentially – the more you explain and the more often Jack pulls another ridiculous escape out of his ass it becomes annoying and predictable instead of entertaining and enjoyable. In the first film he's constantly treading the line between accidental genius and fraud. The third one already shows signs of weakness due to Bloom and Knightley having negative chemistry during reshoots and the over-the-top Jack acrobatics.
I could go on for hours, but I think it's telling that they even tried to bring a discount Bloom/Knightley paring in for Stranger Tides (I think?) and it fails because they literally don't understand what made it work in the first place.

I dont understand anything about this post

Imagine being this much of an insecure retard faggot

>All the good guys are also white
>The only nigger in the movies turns out to be an evil sea goddess
>The only chinks in the movie get BTFO and have their ship and resources handed over to a white woman
Imagine being so blinded by your own faggotry

Story was finished, was made entirely for money, nobody gave a shit

Checked and Confirmed, op. But only the Verbinski POTC. The rest are trash.

Bloom and Keira together were always the worst parts of these movies
Alone they are great but they have no chemistry whatsoever
Bringing in two discount characters filling the same roles but with even less chemistry and no redeeming personality or audience self-insert roles was just utterly lazy, it was just something to cross off a list, literally no one gave a shit about anything

Davy Jones is a cool villain, and his story is a lot of fun to watch. Haters kill yourself

Their chemistry wasn't great, but it was still their story and in a weird way their quest was the heart of it.

Will's best on screen chemistry was easily with Jack and/or Gibbs.

Just rewatched On Stranger Tides last week and honestly it wasn't as bad as I remember. Of course it doesn't even hold a candle to the prior three, but the fourth really even isn't all that bad. A good popcorn flick.

>I also like a lot of the ideas they come up with, like the whole sequence in the afterlife/purgatory is kino as fuck and the whirlpool battle at the end.
I didn’t appreciate these parts when I first saw it but they were quite good and the films aged well. I thought for the time they were trying to go for a LOTR vibe by expanding nonsensical pirate lore with a very loose basis in history. And they were but all these years later I finally appreciate it

>The ending is great, adhd retards get filtered, what else is new
>There is literally nothing wrong with the eagles if you aren't the aforementioned adhd retard trying to write a snarky hipster youtube review
We don't see the deformed orc get his comeuppance.
That fucking ghost army ex machina.
He died but he's still alive trope.
We don't see sauronman get his comeuppance.
That fucking hole in helm deep is left undefended. It's like they forgot it was there.
Wag Riders is the weakest fight in lotr.
Treebeard doesn't notice someone harvesting his trees sooner?
Helms Deep has a great buildup, but has shitty fights. Shitty ending for helms deep fight too.
They should have cut Rotk into two movies. The first one on setting up the final war. And the 4th movie just pure action in the beginning showing everyhting. And having that slow ending, or shortening it.
Those wingraiths never get their comeuppance.
Sauron never shows up for round 2.
Gollum looks like shit. Sometimes he looks dynamite though.
That elf bitch can't shut the fuck up and let the movie happen. We never see her naked trying to rape frodo.
Yas Forums needs to stop sucking lotr dick.

they have ok chemistry in a handful of scenes, the very last one in Black Pearl for example. A lot of that is that Will acts like a retard around her the whole movie because he thinks he doesnt deserve her which annoys her. In general though yeah she had better chemistry with Jack

I thought it was a good popcorn flick when I saw it. So is the last one.

now this is some truly plebeian shit

>>All the good guys are also white
>>white woman leading anything

Put it in your snarky hipster youtube review, retard
Dont forget to add a sound as obnoxious as you for each item on the list

>We never see her naked trying to rape frodo.
>Yas Forums needs to stop sucking lotr dick.
Based and Blanchettpilled

Yeah it's a bit of a snore but it feels grounded enough unlike 5. It's really just a sidequest and Jack is already pretty flanderized, but I don't think it's irredeemably bad.

Deflect my cock again and I slap your cheeks with it.

>people on Yas Forums are the same people bothering you on YouTube
>people on Yas Forums are the same people you dislike on reddit
You may have the wrong idea about the number of people with access to the internet.