Women will never understand

Women will never understand

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Understand what? Friendship?

I don't even understand, why is he trying to risk his life for a corpse?

Dying for israel?

>go to war in a foreign country
>Expect sympathy
When will Americans learn , press S to spit on grave.


Do you have any idea how many burgers went into making that corpse?

frist rule of the marines you don't left without your buddies even if his head was blown up.
Dumb rule that costed thousand of pointless lifes.

I see a zoomer edgelord thread has started let's see how long it lasts.

No man left behind
Brothers to the end
If you don’t get this you should just cut your dick off and take girl hormones

lmao I bet ur overweight

>evil empire sends jughead golems to war for profit
>all the bloodthirst and jingoism unravels under the paranoia of indirect guerilla warfare
>ruined simpletons are abandoned by the empire upon their return home
hope America never learns, it's a kino factory

>Dying for corporate interests after you were sold a bunch of lies by a complex that needs poor dipshits from rural america to do what their massa tells them.

women will never understand brotherhood, just like most of the world thinks wars aren't caused by bankers, this is common knowledge

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better to die for a brother for corporate interests rather than slave your life away like 90% of americans at some corporation for those same corporate interests

every fucking time
just say what they really are you commie freak.

This is the most pathetic thing I've read today

It's not a stupid rule. It's one of the reasons why western soldiers don't scatter like cockroaches when the actual fighting stars.

Men will never understand

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>Yas Forums doesn't understand human empathy and brotherhood
makes sense

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i know jews retard, but there are other groups, 100% of the world isn't controlled by jews, chinks and others who probably won't be named are also a part of it. jews are just the easiest to spot

>better to die for a corporation than make a living from one
The STATE of Americans

>Bro we should totally die together while being convinced we are the good guys instead of developing any critical thinking skills!

>all the cucks in this thread that would leave their brother to die

>empathy for ZOG golems

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Am I missing something here? It looks like he tried to lift the guy , gave up and then got merked about 7 feet away. He didnt like die saving the guy

The other ones being kevlar, armor plating, fire bases and air strikes.

>make a living
so go to work, come home, eat, and participate in hyperconsumer culture like most americans?
how delightful

i will also never understand dying for israel

I regret watching this flick with a woman

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LMAO imagine dying for Israel

>crying for no reason
you're right, i won't

>Literally voluntarily sign up for an organization who's expressed purpose is killing people
>you and your fellow retard are killed
>Wow so brave

>Why is there no sense of Solidarity in Americans?

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>all the cucks in this thread who wouldn't leave random assholes you happen to be in a squad with behind

i know america isn't the good guy, but how the fuck am i gonna stop the (((petro dollar)))? by working a 9-5?

Better than selling your soul to the devil.

Yes. Survival of the fittest, bitch. I wouldn't care for a single one of my squad mates. In fact, I'd use them as bait to see where enemy fire is coming from. Fuck ZOG golems. They're shit under my boot that I must've inadvertently stepped on, on my path towards victory. After all, why should I feel even a shred of sympathy for some mixed race monstrosity? The american military is a pathwork of mestizos, blacks, chinks and whites all slapped together and working under the guise of "muh freedums". It's disgusting but illustrates what america truly is. It's a type of globalist nationalism that is purely corporate and rotten to the core and feeds of of cappuccino colored golems

>t. Woman

>>Why is there no sense of Solidarity in Americans?
Because america isn't a nation. It's an economic zone filled with various flavors of cappuccino colored mutts and jews selling cheap plastic shit to said mutts

>spotted the woman
go put on some makeup, Stacy

>sign up to serve the country that has given you a safe place to live
>die protecting that freedom and safety
>edgelords on Yas Forums think they're braver than you because they say nigger and faggot at the dinner table
No wonder so many of you are virgins with no friends

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being in the military doesn't mean you're the retard in high command who made the wise move to bomb some hamlet with achmed playing soccer,

If you know with 100% certainty that, if shot, you will be carried to safety, then you'll be more willing to fight and less inclined to run away, since even if hit, you'll probably survive outside of being hit in a few key points. This willingness to fight then lets you be aggressive enough to actually engage an enemy and win a fight with them. Meanwhile, if you're afraid you might be abandoned if hit, you'll run at the first sign of trouble, leading to more trouble for everyone else. It's paradoxical, but more people would be dead if we had an "abandon the dead" policy.

>>for no reason
t. man

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If you're healthy and young, it's almost impossible for a white man to be ugly. And by white, I mean a true white person, not some amerimutt """white""" with jew, nigger and native DNA

Hey buddy I think you dropped your fedora and vape pen by the soda refill machine

>>edgelords on Yas Forums think they're braver than you because they say nigger and faggot at the dinner table
We unironically are. Civnat amerigoblins literally implode if you call out the jews

I'm whiter than you nazi scum

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>>die protecting that freedom and safety
This is the biggest cope ever enforced on the human brain and it's shocking that Americans slurp it up without question.

That's just in videogames

freedom and safety is a loose term, we make our own enemies by bombing some village for not wanting to sell oil for the dollar, but most in the military figure that out and only stay in for their brothers, not some fake patriotism

>>spotted the woman

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t. woman

>bravery is to be contrarian no matter what
kek ok scumlord

Based and Yumapilled

You have a kike mind though.

>If you're healthy and young, it's almost impossible for a white man to be ugly

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doubt it, Paco

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How would an American function without spewing the same propaganda they are fed? Would they go limp like some ragdoll?

The marines aren’t the only ones with that rule ya know. Pretty sure the AF and Army have that. I’m even sure Rome had that rule

>dying for Israeli elites
Nice death retard

I wish I could see what you look like.

those look like MDE/Sam Hyde fans

Because I care for countrymen and community that obviously means I'm a kike
Cool beans bucko

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everyone in that pic has jewish and nigger dna. They're amerigoblin """whites""" not real whites. Also if you need to wear glasses, you aren't healthy

I agree, though. Corporations are so awful that it is barely worth living under them.

Lot of women browse Yas Forums

Found my new cum tribute pic
Also Americans are the most powerful race on Earth

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only dumbasses join the military anyways, implying any of them would be afraid to regardless.


>only dumbasses join the military anyways
Not necessarily

If you cared about your people you'd be a national socialist but you're probably a commie kike lover.

>it's a kino factory
Meh, it's just Starship Troopers, over and over again

>not white?
>Dude he's got white skin shut up
>Also I've heard what you've been saying about the troops not cool bro

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grrrr why won't you die for israel what about muh american unity


>the only way to care about your countrymen is to be a nazi

last real american war worth fighting for was ww2. but even that's up for debate with Yas Forums around here.

male politicians disagree with other male politicians so they order male soldiers to kill other male soldiers

why should i feel sympathy?

im very aware of the jewish interests that start wars for empty reasons, but unless you're willing to go timothy mcbased, you aren't able to do anything about it either, and i wont be the one on the drone for mohammeds village to be glassed

>I can tell these people's exact DNA just by looking at a photo tiny of their face
post face

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>Yas Forumsfags still in this thread
The nukes should have been for Berlin and the Nuremberg Trial executions should be reenacted every year

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