Protagonist brushes teeth

>protagonist brushes teeth
>there isn't more blood than toothpaste when he spits out

what other tropes completely ruin your movie immersion?

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>protagonist doesn't keep wiping his asshole because he has trouble telling blood smears from faeces in lowlight

>call me sometime...

>walks away without giving their number

>protagonist takes a piss
>doesn't wince in pain when the urine starts to leak out
did they expect me to just buy that?

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you thought you were being epically hilarious and original but in reality youre yet another disgusting autist with mouth cancer returtigating ancient garbage

brush your teeth properly every day and actually go to a dentist t. someone who used to bleed from gums a lot and now does it so rarely and so little that it surprises me every time theres even a tiny red sliver in the toothpaste once every few months

>character faps
>When he goes to piss after, there isn't a lingering urge to pee more in his cock for the next 2 hours

>bleeding by brushing
Fucking how. One thing is with floss if you don't do it daily, but brushing?!

>in reality youre yet another disgusting autist
who could have predicted that such a vile creature would post on the prestigious television and film board of reputable anime forum 4channel

>protagonist bites into bagel
>little smears of blood on the bagel from his bottom gums
10/10 kino

>protagonist stands up from sitting in a chair
>doesn't almost fall down to the ground from dizziness
what the fuck is wrong with writers these days?

>male character pees
>stream doesn't split and with half of the piss going on the floor

have sex

Based coomer

>character cleans room
>doesn't find cum mushrooms

what the fuck are cum mushrooms?

shrooms that start growing on your cum rag

You literally just have to start brushing the gums. It will hurt and bleed for the first two weeks but then it will stop.

this is me. I need to coom less

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>forum 4channel
spotted the reddit nigger tourist.


>male character alone at home
>doesn't sit down to piss so he can go on his phone

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go back to your discord zoomer poof.

My brother literally doesn't brush his teeth, unless forced to. How do I convince him to take his hygiene seriously? My parents who he still lives with are apathetic at this point.

Show him pictures of decayed teeth maybe, depends how old he is.

to be honest, that sounds pretty based to me

Dumb frogposters

>protagonist doesn’t bite his nails, isn’t addicted to porn weed and video games
I walk out every time

infected tooth pain is worse than any other pain I have experienced. I take better care now but the damage was done.

>character wipes ass
>character doesn't go multiple rounds looking at the toilet paper each time to see if there's any shit left

Immersion ruined.

>Character drinks coffee
>Doesn't immediately have to go take an anus splitting dehydrated shit

>he can still muster the desire to play video games

I went three years brushing my teeth only every three days or so due to extreme depression. I ended up needing $3,000 worth of fillings. Show your brother this post.

>protagonist goes to masturbate
>doesn't sit on a pillow wrapped in a blanket to keep his butt from getting sore with another blanket wrapped around his waist and below to keep his leg warm with a bottle of lotion on his desk to keep his penis adequately lubricated while he masturbates for 90-300+ minutes to mother and son incest JAV videos in his secondary monitor while playing western and/or Japanese porn games that feature mother and son incest in his primary monitor

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>character orders mixed drink
>bartender doesn't have to look at a card to make it

Immersion ruined.

(Note: Trope totally destroyed by Venture Bros.)

my gums bleed when i brush my teeth and it worries me im starting to brush them more now

>one day it doesn't go away

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Flossing is equally as important, as is using a mouthwash following.

10/10 based bloody skidmarks

i use mouthwash and floss too

>I wish this guy was joking
but it's true

spare the faggot brackets reddit nigger

that my friend is an UTI caused by your dirty hands when fapping. Consider better hygiene

So is England just an island of people in terrible oral pain?

Wait till you get older little zoomie

False. I've had the problem intermittently for years since I was 10, and the first time I ever masturbated was when I was 12. My mom took me to the doctors and they tested my pee to see if I had a UTI and I didn't. Now that's not to say it could never be a UTI, but it's not always one.

I got an electric toothbrush and don’t bleed at all anymore

>protagonist finishes having sex
>doesn't immediately roll off of the girl's sweaty, disgusting body to sleep on the dry and clean side of the bed
this is how I can tell the writers are virgins

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This is the worst thing

>He can only play video games while drinking

Literally me. It didn't used to be like this. It's getting worse too, I have to have a minimum of 5 drinks before I can play

>Character doesn't pee in the sink
Immersion ruined

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>tfw you pee in the sink that's right next to the toilet
It's just comfier.

>not having it split 4 ways where it overshoots the bowl on the left and the right, while also somehow having a stream that shoots down and backwards to get on your pants and also shoot up and backward to get on your hands

>no nooo nooooooooo what are you HECKIN' doing?!?!? you need to brush your teetherinos! not the toothy bois noooooooooo!!!

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>character goes to bed
>he didn't stare at each stove dial for several seconds to make sure they're off and the house isn't filled with gas overnight
>he doesn't check the power cords to make sure they're securely in place so they don't cause a fire

The fuck kind of genetics do you have? I brush my teeth maybe twice a month, probably less. Im 31 no cavities and no bleeding gums. Dip also.
Use mouthwash daily though, so could be that.

I’m fairly sure that’s jizz stuck in your tubes. I just chug water when this happens.

Sounds like gum disease, my guy. Have you considered going to a dentist?

>WWII movie
>Germans speak perfect English except for widely known German phrases (danke, sheiße, ja, NEIN!)
>Russians also speak perfect English, but need German translators for some reason
Enemy at the Gates really bothered me with that.

>character goes to toilet
>*other character knocking on door 5 seconds later* is everything alright in there?

>dentist tells me to floss and brush more
>they just bleed and hurt more and I get more cavities

its not fair

I never floss but brush and listerine everyday how fucked am I

>dentist tells me to floss and brush more
>listen to them
>go back a year later
>no user now you're brushing and flossing too hard


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