Which is the best vietnam kino?

Which is the best vietnam kino?

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platoon for best gook kills

Deer Hunter


>sniff sniff

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That is the worst.

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do you know where you are

1. Apocalypse Now
2. Full Metal Jacket
3. Platoon

>movie about ptsd that gives you ptsd

apocalypse isn’t even about vietnam

for me its FMJ

deerhunter is really good though

blame op

It IS Vietnam

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cant go wrong with either one, the holy trinity of war kino

fuck off francis, go mind the vineyard

Good until the bootcamp part is over.

Why do whites make this face?

tired of inventing everything

>fmj loses steam after the bootcamp, but is still quotable as fuck
>platoon feels like a hangout movie
>apocalypse is an epic journey for the soul

Boys in company C or Hamburger Hill

Tropic Thunder

Platoon. It's actually about Vietnam and not some metaphor. Great attention to detail too and it does something that I think it's extremely rare at least to me I can tell apart all 30 members of the platoon and keep track of them.

Only the first half of FMJ is good

Apocalypse Now is overrated

Never seen Platoon

Full Metal Jacket was neither pro or anti war. It just showed how it really was.

>is declared insane
>is actually hyper aware and intelligent

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the brain gets too big so the mouth flattens outwards

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Full Metal Jacket.

Took 3+ years to film. They literally ran like a platoon.

Both halves of the film are fulfilling on their own. Together they are a masterpiece. I cant believe Platoon is on the same list.

>Only the first half of FMJ is good

Second half is great. It has Animal Mother, the sniper scene, the night march with flames, Papillon Soo Soo, etc.

>Apocalypse Now
>the bootcamp part

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It really is even if it's such a typical thing to say but it's just too entertaining. Well the bit with the prostitute and Nancy Sinatra's song is also memorable the entire movie is not very realistic is just so over the top but I have to say it's rare to see a movie about the Vietnam war that takes place in a city.

Shoo, shoo, zoomer!

Thr second half of FMJ > The first half
The boot camp scenes are meme shit. The handheld camera combat scenes are KINO of the highest caliber.

And a "metaphor" that beats you over the fucking head.

yeah thats the comedy welcome to Yas Forums the comedy board for high effort comedy posts

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>the guys had to live in the jungle and go on patrols
>had ex military guys supervise and train the actors
>based on a true story

>Hamburger Hill
Underrated, and not discussed enough. Also, based on more or less actual events, unlike the stylization of the others (FMJ notwithstanding).

Which is basically pro-war. Nearly every military simp absolutely swears by by this film, marines especially.

fuck, i wish platoon and fmj had extended or director's cuts

>Only the first half of FMJ is good
You got filtered.
>Apocalypse Now is overrated
You got filtered.

>muh raaaaaape

I just want to say that Redux is dildoes. Fight me.

Deer Hunter is overrated melodramatic oscar-bait trash

It's not funny at all; it makes you look like a retard.

Also I have heard more Vietnam Vets say that Platoon was the best portrayal of the war.
More so the interactions between the soldiers. Oliver Stone was a Vietnam vet himself so he'd know.

This one

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im not >130881969 champ

This one

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Apocalypse Now.

Forest gump

Apocalypse Now>Platoon>FMJ

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Thin Red Line

Wow user it's like you watched the movie and understood some of the words they spoke in between the bing bing wahoo rollercoaster scenes

Hamburger Hill

shits on rest

Apocalypse Now is pure Kino

That Mel Gibson Vietnam movie was alright, if not only for the visuals

am i a pleb for immediately turning off platoon after charlie sheen was like "hurr im okay im okay" and then faints and falls backwards?


Apocalypse Now has almost nothing to do with the war itself other than location

see this you cunts

Based, came here to post this
Its not even like people who only liked the first half don't "get" the second half, the second half is entertaining at face value, even if you can't read any deeper into the movie's motifs

ah shit its on netflix i'll check it out.

Hair is actually the best nam kino


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>"we got zips in the wire"
would they get away with this today?

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aside from the miasmic feel of chaos that the average person experienced in the war, with the moral terror of complete aimlessness against an invisible enemy with a broken chain of command and the whole time commanders and even the press moralizing about any action you take
No nothing to do with the war itself
Those vets that Milius uses to get the tone and feel of Vietnam right on were just lying, complete fantacists

ITS the most real nam kino from Vets Going ..

>Apocalypse Now: Final Cut, Francis Ford Coppola’s latest rendition of his 1979 Vietnam War epic, premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival right on time to correct the media hysteria surrounding Avengers: Endgame.

>Although Apocalypse Now is not a great movie, it shows a still-impressive, politically inspired ambition — a reminder of why film culture matters. Just as Coppola’s Godfather trilogy steadily deepened the gangster-movie genre, Apocalypse Now attempts a serious, culture-altering experience: The eyes-widening secret CIA mission of Captain Benjamin Willard (Martin Sheen) to travel up-river through Vietnam to a remote Cambodian compound established by the rogue colonel, Walter Kurtz (Marlon Brando).

>Released toward the end of a vital period in American filmmaking, Apocalypse Now was intended as a grand summation of all that had plagued the United States since the Vietnam War began: imperialist shame, global and domestic racism, youth revolt, and loss of religious belief replaced by spiritual mystification.

>Willard’s assignment to kill Kurtz (“Terminate with extreme prejudice” says the one Asian-American character with a speaking role) would be a political exorcism — and Willard’s distasteful duty and Kurtz’s sacrifice served as a necessary cultural ritual.

>The big-screen experience of Apocalypse Now is intellectually and aesthetically incomparable to what today’s streaming technology and television considers “content.” It’s more substantial than the Marvel Comics Universe, which avoids the serious issues that occupy moviegoer consciousness.

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