Is Daredevil a good series or is it an average capeshit shlock? Interested in it since Charlie Cox was good in Boardwalk Empire
Is Daredevil a good series or is it an average capeshit shlock...
also how can you be a lawyer if you are blind
The first season is legit good but S2 leans more towards your typical capeshit. Season 3 is decent enough.
S1 is great, S2 is ok if you skip all the Electra shit, S3 is great. Best Netlfix Marvel show by a huge margin. Defenders was ass too, largely because it was a continuation of the Electra plot of S2.
I like all the seasons. No offense to the other posters, but I think S2 is a bit of a pleb filter. It's better than the other two in some ways.
it was good til the defenders shit started
S1 up to it's final episode is great, then with final episode + season 2 it's CW tier but has it's moments.Season 3 was nice too although a bit boring and still a couple schlock moments.
is shane good in daredevil?
It's so fucking boring. The exposition in this series is absolutely snoozefest material, but most of the fight sequences are top kino and I will say the guy who plays Daredevil does an excellent job.
Daredevil is the best Netflix capeshit but it’s still mediocre. It’s almost entirely carried by Charlie Cox as Daredevil. I’d like to see him in a Marvel movie with dialogue written by a competent writer but that probably won’t happen.
Only the Punisher parts maybe, the famous rooftop exchange was pretty good and precedes one of the best moments of the series; the stairwell fight with the bikers
he's better in this than in his own series
does daredevil fuck pic related?
Best Live action superhero since Raimi Spider-Man.
It's the best series out of the Marvel Netflix shows and Season 3 is the most consistently good season I've seen in any superhero show.
You won’t even be attracted to her after you watch the show because she’s so fucking annoying and the camera is always focused on her neck moles
The Punisher stuff in S2 is kino supremo, if you could cut out all the bullshit setting up the Defenders it would probably be better than S1.
>he wouldn't lick her neck moles
SHE IS NOT ANNOYING.SHE IS A PURE ANGEL (in present time of the series)
holy hell
she's a crack whore who killed her brother, worst episode.
why not?
I like the first seasons. But the seasons after that become more and more CW like
s3 was great but they should have had Nuke instead of wasting him in Jessica Jones
He's great.
these. I might actually like S3 more than S1.
His dynamic with Jessica Jones in Defenders was kino and the only good thing in it, she should have guest starred in s3 like how Iron Fist appeared in Luke Cage for an episode
no, but he does watch her undress with his radar sense, so he has a perfect 3D mental image of her breasts, their texture, weight and smell
is it the actress or just her acting in DD, but her voice always seems like she's on the verge of bursting into tears
1 is solid. 2 is all over the place with power escalation. 3 is catholic angst Miller DD with his power drawn back to more real than 2. It probably would've been better if the general story of 2 and 3 were flipped.
man you just made me remember the Fisk pastas. Anyone have the ill in tent one?
I've only seen season 1 and the second half of it was quite bad so everyone saying it's the best season really makes me glad I never watched 2 or 3
god that shit was the mikeposting of Daredevil. I miss those times bros
charlie cox is fantastic in it, probably the best superhero performance
it's mediocre
season 1 is good
season 2 punisher stuff is fucking sweet
season 2 elektra stuff is suicide inducing
season 3 is kino as fuck
as annoying as karen can be, i liked that episode
No, they cancelled right before they could finally start a relationship. Matt is a retard.
Objective, factual, and undebatable information:
S1: Really solid, mostly because it offers a rather shocking departure from existing cinematic superhero depictions. It's shot well, the stunts are great, the fighting is a huge standout from basically everything on TV and in capeshit, the characters are decently written and cast, and it doesn't have any major hangups. Looks to be a very positive opening to what might be a tonally great TV universe.
S2: Less good. The Punisher segments are standout, and promise real expansion on the tone of the storytelling, but a lot of the other parts, mostly the drama between the friends, is clunky and drawn out. Not as good, especially when it's straying from the actual cape stuff. The Electra/Ninja stuff is flat garbage and should never have existed.
S3: Objectively trash in every single possible metric. It has brief moments of clarity, mostly the one single episode of Bullseye going crazy early on, but everything past that is unredeemable dumpster shit that no one enjoys. There is nothing to discuss, it's all bad.
Final rating: Season 1 was a fluke and wasn't actually meant to be as good as it ended up being, but it was accidental and could not be recaptured.
End of discussion.
Daredevil's "Friends" allow innocent people to die repeatedly at the hands of Wilson Fisk. By the end I was baying for blood and wishing the Punisher would slaughter each and every one of them.
Don't bother with anything in Daredevil universe besides Daredevil. They start mediocre and just get worse.
rate DD's parts in Defenders or your post isn't worth taking seriously
good series but I never got why didn't DD just arrest the Kingpin?
First half of season 1 is kino, then it turns into capeshit.
Season 2 starts good then goes ultra capeshit.
Season 3 is solid kino.
Definitely worth a watch just know it has dips. Leagues above every other live actions cape show.
Good series
how on earth did S2 manage to have both Punisher kino AND ninja cringe? you would have thought they would either make a solid whole series like S1, or fuck the whole thing up, but it was a straight 50/50 of good/bad quality
Forever cucked just like the comics.
Honestly it's best way for superheroes to be. As preteen boy fantasies they become boring as shit once the dude is in a stable relationship.
Aight, I guess.
Defenders: I guess Daredevil is the best part of the show? The problem is that the show does two things that make it tonally different from DD as a series, first being every fight is in a brightly lit, clear set which robs a lot of the drama and gravitas from the fight choreography and prevents interesting shots like the Hallway Fight in DD1, and the second thing is the dumb supernatural bullshit that makes no sense and goes nowhere and literally gives the cast like DD nothing to do. More Electa means more bullshit, and even tho Cox is a good actor he's surrounded by insufferable faggots that drag his acting down.
Final rating: Defenders is so contrary to what Daredevil the series tried to be, that it robs the character of any cool moments. It's like if you made Batman fight people in a brightly lit field, it's fucking stupid and boring.
first season is awesome, second is weak but we get punisher when he was based, the third season is one of the strongest and most interesting.
LOL putting her with Charlie Cox only highlights what a shit actor she is and what a shit character she's playing
He is an ablelist don't mind him, mods will probably ban him if he continues with this damaging behavior
The Punisher was likely an experiment, mostly to see how it played and they weren't ready to commit that hard to it. My guess is the Ninja Magic bullshit was their attempt to write some more overtly comic-book-y shit so that you wouldn't look at the show and just mistake it for a JUST really violent vigilante drama, which is ironically the whole fucking reason Season 1 was so successful. They wanted it to still feel like a comic book in some way. I think.
This brings up the same question of; Why did they think it was a good idea to make a Punisher series, but have half of it be him tearing through soldiers, and half of it being weepy melodrama about people who want to try and "fix" Castle. The show, especially in the second season, really REALLY want to somehow have Frank be like, getting cured of his violent insanity because that's the only kind of character arc they can think of. But a character like Punisher literally can't have a fucking character arc because if he ends the show as someone else other than a psychotic murderer with no off switch, then he has no reason to actually exist on screen and the show is over.
They for some reason gambled that people wouldn't just want 20 episodes of Frank just butchering criminals and paramilitary fucks, when that's literally all anyone ever wanted to see.
I watched the entirely of the Marvel Netflix shows and here is my official, true ranking and you can't refute:
DD s2 Punisher bits
DD s1
DD s3
JJ s1
Punisher s1
Luke Cage s1 first half
Punisher s2
Luke cage s2
JJ s3
Luke Cage s1 second half
Iron Fist s2
JJ s2
Iron Fist
The Defenders
DD s2 ninja bits
To add to this. Iron Fist was the same way. I wasn't even that tilted on the casting, I thought whatever the fuck his name is was a decent Danny Rand and his fighting was fine. But the show should have been exactly like Daredevil, it should have been dark, with a strong focus on fight choreography and shot composition, and it should have just been about Danny figuring out what to do with his power.
Having it be about fucking board room meetings and romance and his old friend slowly descending into madness with his father was...the fucking complete opposite of anything interesting about Iron Fist. None of that shit has anything to do with Danny and no one turned on the TV show to watch Faramir beat some intern to death for no reason.
My thesis is this; The Marvel Netflix series were all intentionally bad.
Man I completely agree with you on everything except season 3. Sure it dragged but the escalation of the conflict between Kingpin and DD and the gradual reveal of the grandiosity of Kingpins scheme, the prison fight, Bullseye's whole arc, so much good shit in that season. It was a return to s1 just not quite as tightly paced. What did you hate so much about it?
Punisher wasn't an experiment, I think they always planned a spinoff series but him and Daredevil's scenes are from Frank Miller's Daredevil run where most of the series' material is lifted.
Punisher however was intentionally very cucked. The Punisher has been an icon to right-wing nationalists, gun enthusiasts, and other military types who relish the Death Wish idea of being able to just gun down common criminals. Because the writers are all hardcore liberals, they didn't want to glorify a heroic mass shooter, nevermind one that righties already love, so they made all his enemies shit like white supremacists and rogue military operatives, to make Castle more palatable to lefties and to snub righties, they probably thought they would inspire a mass shooter by making him be an actual vigilante.
Solid except the DDs2 ninja shit was still better than everything that wasn't DD, if for no other reason than that Charlie Cox is the only charismatic lead in any of the shows
>you can't refute
Yes I can, your list is wrong because JJ s2 isn't at the very bottom of it, you pleb. It is an absolute piee of shit and should be erased from the history.
>they probably thought they would inspire a mass shooter by making him be an actual vigilante.
Then I'm not sure why they wasted a whole subplot in the first season on a PTSD vet kid who goes crazy and turns into a terrorist before killing himself, who's only actual involvement with Frank is that he attacks that girl, and Frank doesn't even kill him.
I have no idea what message that was trying to send.
by the 'ninja bits' I mean more The Hand, Elektra, and all that
the bottom ones are all floating in a cesspool of shit
>It's like if you made Batman fight people in a brightly lit field, it's fucking stupid and boring.
Yes, this is why Nolanman 3 was one of the worst films ever made, and also why Justice League is dumb as fuck.
No, I came back to stop you.
>jessica jones season 1
>iron fist season 2
Could argue first half of Luke cage season 1 but they ruined it. Not sure why they made Punisher a wandering hobo for 2 fucking seasons. Finally becomes punisher end of season 2 then cancelled. What a shitshow.
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