>the point of the exam was to cheat
>the point of the exam was to cheat
Naruto is fucking shit.
The manga was better, as always.
>being this gay
back to r*ddit faggot
naruto fkn slaps
>No one cared who I was until I put on a mask
>Naruto is fucking shit.
Pre Shippuden had some decent quality and potential
Fuck off faggot Part 1 Naruto is great.
Shippuden is ass though
t. One Piece tranny
naruto is typical shonen shit you think it's good because of nostalgia
Damn,Gara looks like THAT?
>Get BTFO by Rock Lee
>Triggered into leaving the village because your friend, who you had a superiority complex over, turns out to have more raw power than you
>Get's DOMINATED by the 8 tailed BBC one on one
>The only reason you come out alive anytime you have a clash with your best friend is because your best friend is holding back & doesn't want to kill you. All he wants to do is bring you home
>Only reason he beats his brother was because he was basically blind and sickly, & it was part of his plan to be killed by him
>Have to settle for worst girl who has an unhealthy obsession with you to continue your lineage
Sasuke was a shit. He didn't deserve to have Naruto as a friend either
Naruto is superior to literally anything any western studio pushed out in the last 10 years with the exception of ponies
No. Early Naruto was great and had a lot of potential it went to shit after the time skip and full on DBZ retarded power up shit during the war arc
nah, Shipudden is peak naruto
>implying wave arc wasn't peak naruto
they should have just kept doing c-ranks and maybe a b-rank here and there, would have been fucking based
but no we gotta do dbz powercreep instead fucking derivative japs
>gets a bullshit win against based Deidara because of plot armor
Even part 1 Naruto went to shit after the Chuunin Exams
Only good thing in Shippuden was the Asuma Revenge and Pain Arc
I will admit, Shippuden's peaks are higher than Part 1.
But its far too bloated to even be considered good overall. For every 1 kino episode, there are 9 really shit boring ones
Just shutup and enjoy something you nerd. Happiness is a choice.
>Even part 1 Naruto went to shit after the Chuunin Exams
Thats because in the anime its literally 50% filler shit
>it's another le chosen one destiny hero
why gooks are so unoriginal
Sasuke vs Orochimaru in the forest is my favorite part 1 fight.
Even for shonenshit, Naruto had way too much unnecessary exposition. When Nardo transforms into Kiba and Akamaru, you get a fucking game theory diagram explaining only he can attack.
Even the manga. Tsunade arc was shit and Sasuke was too much of a fucking faggot, the retrieval arc was full of unnecessary ass fights when all we wanted to see was Goku vs Vegeta, and Rock Lee's sacrifice was undone
The filler episodes were comfy
Reminder that these threads are made by a discord group
Goku wasn't a chosen one, nigga was literally bottom tier trash
>Kiba and Akamaru
literally who
>Reminder that these threads are made by a discord group
Sasugay got BTFO left and right. His only victories were against literal who in the Chuunin Exams and Deidara, which may be the worst example of plot armor in manga history. He got cucked repeatedly in every other fight unless Godtachi or Godruto were there to drag him to victory. The author must have hated him something terrible.
Why do so many characters do this? Don’t they understand depth perception?
truly a nod to asian culture
Early Naruto was just aping Hunter x Hunter, which is full of shitty exposition, and then everything else aped Naruto leading to this trend of fucking unnecessary exposition. Out of everything its sucessors ripped off from DBZ, the tight pacing and fluid combat they decided to leave alone.
Yeah, but at least HxH's walls of text are about actually convoluted stuff. The fact that if you and your two enemies look the same only you can attack doesn't really an explanation.
>doesn't really need
>miss 1 episode
>completely fail to understand what's going on in the next episode
it's shit
>No. Early Naruto was great and had a lot of potential it went to shit after the time skip and full on DBZ retarded power up shit during the war arc
Uh, that's how plot-oriented series work, user. You expect to be able to follow Game of Thrones if you skip an episode?
People who say "shounenshit" are such fucking weebs
As bad as furries. No opinion they have is good
part 1 also has a shit ton of filler. Just skip it. The shows been over for like 3 years.
Everything was good to kino except for the bridge arc
t. smoothbrain
that would be kino, if the idea wasnt stolen from I spy.
just like real life
It's always like that for the Chinese.
>room 11
imagine being so butthurt about the fact that One Piece is seen as the far superior series by a wide margin that it constantly lives in your head and makes you insecure as fuck
Have you been to Yas Forums? it's the other way around. Anytime someone shit talks Bleach or One Piece someones bound to bring up Naruto/Kishi.
>t. assblasted discord tranny with shit taste in shonen
one piece is cancer
bleach is slightly less cancer
naruto is GOAT
>retard thinks you can't percieve depth with only one eye
*closes one eye*
wtf the screen is literally right in front of me
>introduce Kakashi's past
>right after introduce a character with only one eye
Oh wow, I wonder who that could be!
I love how Naruto and One Piece fans discuss the the other show like its the gayest shit but the truth is both of you are massive cock suckers
The episodes with kino animation are like 1 out every 30 or so. The rest are slideshows.
All anime sucks and is childish. Only hellsing/berserk are bearable because of the adult themes.
h0w can One piece even compete
One piece is an excellent manga but one of the worst anime ever made.
Naruto is a good manga and also one of the most excellent anime adaptations ever.
Its clear who wins
>which may be the worst example of plot armor in manga history.
I skipped all that. How does he beat Deidara?
Berserk is just edgy shonen. It's Devilman, FoTNS, and Evil Dead put in a blender
Worst part about Naruto is that every single villain (even the fucking fillers) gets defeated after Naruto shows his Ninja Way and they start monologuing about their tragic backstory (bullied, dead family, experimented on, often all three), do an 180 and in the end turn good.
That's why Orochimaru is the best character. He turns good, but purely for selfish reasons and he continues with his fucked up afterwards anyway.
1 out of 30 is a good ratio , you get a good animated episode at every arc climax.
One piece gas one decently animated episode every 400 episodes
>Muh dark n' edgy teen show is adult because someone gets raped
And the series forgoes taijutsu almost completely from then on...
Despite being out of chakra, he still somehow summoned Orochimaru's summoning monster, Manda, and survived a literal nuclear blast by hiding inside his mouth.
orochimaru turned good?
By pure unadulterated strategy kino , it's Sasuke's best fight other than Danzo , he played Deidara like a fool.
But at the end Deidra asspulled some nuke justsu so Sasuke retaliated by asspulling some jutsu that doesn't makes sense.
Just watched ALL of Naruto part 1 and almost done with Shippuden.... Watched it in complete order including canon and filler. Never skipped an episode for the full experience. Im in the last stretch and at the 427 to 457 Infinite Tsukuyomi filler dream arc. Holy fucking shit wtf were they thinking?? I know at this time the manga had ended and they wanted to milk the series but jesus christ. 30 fucking episodes? I dont think i can do it anymore. And we just got done the awful 2nd chunin exams filler arc. And no fucking breather?
I went 7 episodes a day to 1 every few weeks. Just got done Killer Bees "rappuden" dream. Karin's up next and fuck me ive been putting it off. And there is like 25 to go. I know there is the Kaguya whatever final boss and other shit to wrap up but i dont think i can do.
Wont give the apparently awful filler filled Boruto a watch until a good five yrs from now until that series is completely done. But holy hell i dont think i can finish and ive sat through all the worst fillers so far of both shows :(. Why did they do this bros? Are any of the dreams good? Or does it get worse..
>based Deidara
dumb tranny lover
Just skip the filler user , don't torture yourself .
Well... he did help the good guys in the end, but like I wrote he still continued to experiement on people.
Chaotic good maybe?
This. I went back and tried to rewatch naruto recently and it's incredibly boring and frustrating to try and watch multiple episodes at once. Every episode has the long ass intro, then like a fucking 5 minute recap of the previous episode, then a bunch of heel dragging filler shots throughout and then the long ass outro. Every episode is like 10 minutes of anything actually important happening at best. Shit's gay.