Why the FUCK hasn't anyone in Hollywood tried to take on a WH40K project?

You're telling me with all the material to work from they can't put out a better movie than what video game companies and FANS with shoestring budgets have been able to accomplish?




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Because it's a bad setting.

Yes, an unfilmable mess with a gordian knot of lore based on figurine game enjoyed by neckbeards.

Sounds like a fantastic business proposition.

>implying they wouldn't just dump the lore and announce their own lore like with SW
>implying it wouldn't be for the better, provided it was done by competent writers
>implying it would be

they can only sell it to SJWs if it was the story of the Adepta Sororitas kicking male ass

If they can make fucking Marvel lore relatively concise despite all the convoluted shit in the comics then this setting should be easy enough.

Too bad and retarded for the mainstream public and autistic 40K retards will gobble anything, so making it high budget doesn't worth it.

What would the plot of a 40k movie be?

Sweaty, sororitas are male now.

As a smaller story in a wider universe, that's fine. There should be plenty of good stories to tell about the Sisters.

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also Slaanesh is the good guy/gal because xe's genderqueer and sticking it to conservative boomers

40k doesn't have a story, unlike 30K and HH

So was capeshit and that's a multi billion-dollar industry now.

This applies to first Star Wars, LOTR or Marvel just as much.

Why would you want that? If such a project got off the ground it would be ruined by the current crop of activists and shitty writers infesting Hollywood.

Because it is not woke, it is the opposite of that. Wouldn't fly in the modern Hollywood climate at all.

The best one would be from the perspective of an average citizen or maybe a researcher or inquisitor who does a lot of traveling. He can witness everything from the extravagances of Holy Terra to the dark mysteries of a Tomb World and the absolute cosmic dread of escaping a hive or agriworld just before it's consumed by a Tyranid hive fleet.

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They are making a show now.

I propose a 40K movie following a unit of Space Marines (all female main cast, of course):

>Sister Augustus - person of color
>Sister Prydar - hidden disability
>Sister Tamar - suffers from mental illness/eating disorder but is still a badass Space Marine
>Sister Raylar - MtF transexual
>Sister Baltar - lesbian

Just to state they're all JUST AS CAPABLE as male Space Marines, you fucking bigots. They went through the same training, brainwashing, genetic modification, etc. (with some modifications).

The enemies:

Dark Eldar played by the straightest, whitest cis-gendered men we can find.

Because this crap is for gay ass NERDS.

Shut the fuck up with this defeatist shit. Non-SJW productions get off the ground constantly.

Only if its an incredibly faithful afaptation of Ian Watsons Jaq Draco trilogy, the first version not the updated yank friendly shite.

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Those are all awful ideas and you should feel bad for spending so much time writing it up, kys.

Οh I can't wait to see the reaction of the neckbeards when they see those differences in the lore.

>Dark Eldar played by the straightest, whitest cis-gendered men we can find.
Bendict Cumberbactch as all of them

I think even hardcore 40k autists know their lore is a dumpster fire, unlike SW fans who actually held dear to the films and some EU stuff

I just want them to react to the SJW shit they will inevitable have to eat.

Incorrect. They are all excellent ideas and you are on the wrong side of history, user.

Why would you want that?

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I'll happy with anything except an adaption of the Horus Hersey but it seems like thats all the fanbase wants.

Also...the setting is a mess and it's hard to get that across to an audience...and yes a LOT of the core concepts are in direct opposition to modern sensibilities.

Good luck trying to tell twitter that only men can become Astartes.

Just make a Ciaphas Cain miniseries or something.
He travels the universe, shags all sorts of women, fight all the xenos.
Shit he even quips he would be perfect for todays plebs.

>Οh I can't wait to see the reaction of the neckbeards when they see those differences in the lore.

You're assuming it would have to diverge significantly from existing lore when really all they have to do is create an original story taking place in the setting or just focus on a single lore event.

the HH is at least some overarching plot with a recognizable start and end without 93 alien races and 7221 Marine chapters creating a clusterfuck of competing ideologies and interests. 40K lore as it is right now just isn't designed for a linear narrative but for a boardgame setting

>You're assuming it would have to diverge significantly from existing lore
This is exactly what they would do in order to make the franchise have a wider audience.

>Good luck trying to tell twitter that only men can become Astartes.
You're being obtuse. All you have to do is explain this is a different sort of society than the one we're used to and people will accept it. That's why you can have Starship Troopers be about a fascist society and most people understand it's not literally promoting fascism.

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>when they see those differences in the lore
Seems you're new to these 40K business.

>why havent the progressists and lefists from hollywood tried to take on the ultra facist right wing wh40k /

why do you think?

Not really, no. Iron Man didn't have to have his origin story changed too much from what it originally was. Yeah they updated the Vietcong to be something closer to the Taliban but otherwise his lore remained intact.

Why is it so difficult to get what kind of child friendly changes I am talking about?

black hawk down but with guardsman

>his lore remained intact

>Gav Thorpe
This next book is finna suck. Angels of Caliban was awful. I'm guessing killing off the Iron Warriors primarch will make it ok.

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>against big government

>People will understand

Good joke. Everyone laughs.

Real Mandarin is still out there.

I keep seeing the same bunch of autists yacking about wanting a 40k movie on here.
I'm here to tell you that you bunch of autists are retarded to think this would ever turn out well. 40k is like one of the last standing autist fantasy escapist lores out there right now that hasn't been pozzed. Do you morons realize how much kike producers would salivate at the though of making space marines a bunch of niggers? That's not even hitting the top of the iceburg. They will ruin the franchise for you and they will masturbate to your seething rage. Look at all the fanous IPs that have had movies shat out in the last decade and you can see for yourself that 40k wouldn't be treated any lighter that them. In fact, once kike producers realize how much of a male dominated hobby 40k is, you better believe they will take extra special care to metaphorically castrate you painfully.
All I'm saying is be careful for what you wish for kids. I strongly believe that we are better off with no 40k movie. Not jow not ever, maybe when the real holocaust happens and wipes out all hollywood jews.

its not their kind of big governament so they hate it

Not an argument. Might've been before your time zoomer but no one was offended by Starship Troopers.

They left in so many fucking winks and nods you pedantic cunt

Horus Heresy and other mega epic shit are literally the worst parts of 40k.

Kinda too late for him to enter the fray now
Yes but he didn't real, man....he didn't real

>globalist humanity
>not their kind of big gov

No they don't and they won't for this IP especially

Probably because your own examples aren't related to making it "child friendly", retard.

Look fuckers, we don't need jews fucking up 40k, keep hollywood the fuck away!

Movies are a shit medium for the subject.


>dude SJW and female casts!

1917 or Joker laughs at you fucking retards.

>Might've been before your time zoomer but no one was offended by Starship Troopers.
Oof you hate to it

And why it must be Hollywood? Prrcisely if done by Hollywood, it would be shit.
I will take the fan made ones, over any Hollywood crap.

Of course I forgot I was talking to autists that have to have everything spelled out to them. But of course this is Yas Forums

Luv me trukk
Luv me squig
Luv me dakka
Luv me waggghhh

Ate’ ummiez (not racist just don’t like em)
Ate’ gitz

Yeah, they're totally going to make a non sjw movie for a lore that is followed by a bunch of neckbeard autists
Dream on bud

Jesus you're a hoot. Yes everything is the same now. Starship Troopers was such a hit that every sequel went to direct market. Everyone loved it. There certainly isn't still an argument about it being satire even today. I bow to your ancientness, oh old one who watched his brother's tapes.

>Of course I forgot I was talking to autists that have to have everything spelled out to them. But of course this is Yas Forums
Oh he's getting started boys

this post is so grugbrained holy shit

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Nah I just finished.

>they'll change the lore
>they change the lore all the time, retard
>i-I mean, they'll make it PG-13, you aspies
Fuck off, retard.

Simple as

Thanks for admitting that you automatically assume what you think is correct, you autist.
Asperger and autism are very different, now that retard comment is ironic, ain't it? Retard

Except I wasn't the kid brother.... I am the older one.

>but no one was offended by Starship Troopers.
That's because nobody went to see it and It bombed on release.

the good guys are fascists, might get the nigger cattle thinking too much