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You just autosaged your own thread

Why do female pedophiles get a pass?

Stone Toss is an Nazi.


So he's incredibly based? INCREDIBLY based.

>wowzers straight shota is heckin epicarino

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>Stone Toss says the kinds of things about Jews we say about white people
So what?

Kinda makes Sense..

And? So is everyone according to the faggots

This just seems like fetish shit


The queen was only 14 though.

damn maybe reality has a right wing bias

whyd he draw him like that? is he a chomo?

i don't get it?

sounds based to me

But they didn't get together until they were both in their 20's I'm confused.

Movie came out in 99 and portman was born in 81. What the script says she is is irrelavent. She's a decade older than the boy.

Um, hello? Based department?

i know you're not being serious but i can't wait for the day when all those buzzwords have lost their meaning and people realize there's nothing they can do without being called the bad man for it

Same post, same replies in literally every stonesimp thread. Kill yourselves.

he made anti-Semitic comics, he is a Nazi and /ourguy/

>nazis bad

why are poltards so fearful of labels? You love hitler and hate jews. Just embrace it.

Why do you dislike stone toss?

this but unironically

Because in all honesty people think a ten year old boy is as smart and capable as a 30 year old woman.

kek, have you noticed that no one takes people that throw word "nazi" around seriously anymore? you're a laughing stock

She herself was like 14.

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She's only 5 years older than him.

It's because of the way we view sexuality in relation to both genders, for males having sex is an objective in itself, for females sex is a bargain chip, they shouldn't give it for "free", if an young boy fucks a older woman it means he's a chad that conquered a very difficult prize, we also see boys as more sexually aware than girls or care less when boys demonstrate that.
As for an young girl, it doesn't matter if you are a progressist liberal or a traditionalist conservative, we always see them as being taken advantage of, for different reasons but we all see young girls as having no sexual agency, so if they engage in any kind of sexual contact they surely must be being tricked into it.

i mean they're not wrong

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Dial 8

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Based trannies making normalshits seethe

The age of the actor is irrelevant. As long as we don't see the actor actually fucking a child, it doesn't matter. The character is 14.

I did nazi that coming.

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wow a nazi and a pedo
what a combo

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actually it was the jews in designated units called sonderkommando who pointed the inmates to the gas chambers

the wooden door was added after the chamber was decommisioned from killing kikes, the main 4 crematoria at aushwitz 2 had sealed doors. still 6 millions is wayy to much

I know how can a single person be that based?

Literally 4chans srgrafo

which comic hurt you most?

The crematoria had sealed doors but many of the supposed gas chambers had wooden doors simply because they weren't actually gas chambers.

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Men want sex. Women get talked to sex.


>same post, same replies
>posts 'stone toss is an nazi'
ok retard

>implying girls aren't super horny

So sayeth the sharer of bumpage.

Censorship is Communism. Around here, people like to own stuff and say things.

So, a based and redpilled individual? Good for him.

I own your whore mom

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lmao you guys