Why do these two need to fuck up everything in their carreer when they could have it so easy?
Why do these two need to fuck up everything in their carreer when they could have it so easy?
they have some obscure principles and don't have some basic principles
Wow, you may want to dig that a little deeper for us?
I like that word
On what moral code would their principles be based?
people make mistakes
Nope, this is more than a mistake, isnt it?
Poor Kimmy has really fucked up now
she could have let it go, but she didn't though. She kept on her principle with fierce conviction
Isnt the title of the whole series ''breaking bad''?
bump for answers
>it's another jimmy fucks up kimmys life even more episode
I can't take it anymore, bros
I don't see how he is the one fucking up her life? that was her decision, and without him she wouldn't have mesa verde in the first place
im not liking this Kim being retarded storyline, and all this Saul BS scam to help the old fart, seems forced af
Even their relationship seems forced, I mean what do they have in common, what is their love based on? they look like two collegues
yeah there's no way Kim would be shacked up with a loser like Jimmy, their previous scams were funny because they had nothing to lose but now shes risking her career for nothing
>yeah there's no way Kim would be shacked up with a loser like Jimmy,
I know right, she is ambitious, it just doenst fit
>their previous scams were funny because they had nothing to lose but now shes risking her career for nothing
that's different, it's not a scam for fun or is it? it's has to do with somthing about her doing stuff for free and defending that old guy, I just dont get it
Kim and Jimmy both came from the mud so to speak. They had a difficult background and found a resurgence in their adult life in the mailroom of HHM. They both detest the overtly elitist members of their profession, although Kim did a better job of hiding her discontent publicly until this season.
Kim has reached the point where she cannot justify having a dual career in defending the little guy with probono work and simultaneously fucking over the little guy with corporate work so shes at a crossroads. This has caused her to seek out help from Jimmy because he is able to play both sides of his coin (criminality and lawyering) fairly effectively.
Basically they read the fan theories online about Kim being the behind-the-scenes accomplice to Saul in Breaking Bad and now they're stealing it and writing it into the show. If you think this is too boring or predictable remember that El Camino happened.
This is not going to happen, Kim needs to be out of the picture for Saul to fully manifest. Gould is in charge of this production and will not allow something this dumb to be the result of seasons of building.
what kind of autist comes up with this shit?
that sound terrible
How is it bad writing, we know where Jimmy ends up so he can't be some upstanding lawyer that is able to keep his relationship with Kim,etc.
>Kim and Jimmy both came from the mud so to speak. They had a difficult background and found a resurgence in their adult life in the mailroom of HHM. They both detest the overtly elitist members of their profession, although Kim did a better job of hiding her discontent publicly until this season.
Is that a socialist show?
>so shes at a crossroads.
I know right,
Then why did she refused to step back from mesa verde while keeping her share and bonus of the case? It doenst make sense? why did she refuse and make a scandal against her boss in front of every one, antagonizing him?
I can barely understand Jimmy fucking up his older people guys case, how could I ever understand kimmy fucking up?
either than or there is something I might be missing.
I tend to think that, but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt,
At least the part with the drug dealer seeking revenge and the old cop supporting his family makes sense
Kim is a piece of shit. Bitch wants to stroke her ego by being the altruist lawyer who protects those who don't have anyone to protect them but at the same time can't let go of her sweet Mesa Verda paycheck.
Choose one or fuck off.
I wouldn't call it socialist, there's always been themes here of sticking up for the little guy though. Jimmy even talks numerous times about hating the ivory towers of HHM and Mesa Verde.
>Then why did she refused to step back from mesa verde
Because she's always been very prideful about her morality and thinks that by playing her part in the Mesa Verde scheme, she'll be able to be content with herself.
> why did she refuse and make a scandal against her boss in front of every one
Because once again, needing to preserve her public image. She thinks she can have it both ways because she and Jimmy have always been able to get away with their schemes (Chuck's hearing, The larger banking branch, Chuck's library). This time for the first time, others are catching on and she hasn't had to dealt with this level of accusation thus far in the show.
>Choose one or fuck off.
This, well said user
>Jimmy even talks numerous times about hating the ivory towers of HHM and Mesa Verde.
Yeah and he destroys Howard's car after he was nothing but very nice to him. Just because he is rich? A nice car with a bespoke car plate?
More like bad watching. Some people just can't keep up with the nuance of the show and decide that if they can't understand it, then it's a problem with the writers and not themselves
>Because she's always been very prideful about her morality
Where did you see that?
> thinks that by playing her part in the Mesa Verde scheme, she'll be able to be content with herself.
She is taking a lot of risks for someone she doesn't know at all
they're gen x nihilists
You gotta give him credit for the fact that thoses nuance are quite hard to get. I didn't get many as far as I am concerned, not to say not any at all
>after he was nothing but very nice to him
After he tried to play down the shit HMM put him through and his role in Chuck's schemes while acting like she didn't give a fuck about Chuck being dead.
Is that a medical condition that I'm not aware of or?
you're probably too young
>needing to preserve her public image.
That would make sense, that's why she yelled at him in public! Yeah, good job user on catching that nuance !
Well, I'm not a boomer if that's what you mean
Probono work is entirely based on Kim acting morally. She doesn't get good pay for it, she does it because it gives her a dopamine rush from helping others.
>moral code
go back
Again that makes sense, you must have a lot of empathy towards people. I didn't get any of that, I must be a psychopath or something
Do you fucking retards only pay attention during the explosions or something?
Jimmy is just like that, he doesn't give a shit about rules and he thinks that having to follow them means other people are scamming him. He thinks that because the scammers get to bend rules, he should be able to bend them too. He stole money from his dad as a kid, he spent years scamming people in the streets, then he tries to turn things around with his job in the mailroom and getting his law degree. Even now he's still cutting corners but at least it's ostensibly for a good cause. When HHM rejects him from their firm, and then especially when he finds out it was because of Chuck he just entirely gives up the pretense of breaking the rules for 'good reasons' and goes back to being a straight up conman. He dithers about for a few seasons pretending to be on the straight but he's obviously just going through the motions and getting tempted by more and more by actual crime.
Kim met him when he was trying to be good, so that's how she sees him, even though more and more of his real side breaks through. She's basically in denial because she loves him, and because she likes breaking rules too, it's fun obviously, but she still has a real conscience and feels bad afterwards, JImmy just rationalizes it. Right now the only thing holding Jimmy back from going straight up Saul is the part of him that is pretending to be the good guy because that is the character he plays in his relationship with Kim, and he does love KIm, just like he loved Chuck, and his Dad. Kim overcompensates for her behavior and for being with Jimmy by having these random moral crises with her normal law work(old man sneed most recently) and doing pro bono work, this allows her to rationalize her slippin kimmy ways as being a righteous workaround to rigid bureaucratic structures, just like Jimmy was doing before except for her there is a real element of conscience at least.
Yes but she never showed pride from it, did she?
Did doenst show to the whole world she is doing pro bono.
Also how does risking everything for a stranger making any sense?
What show am I going to look forward to after this ends bros? It's the last show I care about and it's essentially a cash cow spin-off where nothing happens but I love it so much. Everything else seems so bland in comparison. How do they get away with making such kino? I think it's because brba gave Vince enough freedom to do whatever the fuck he wants and production offices are in new Mexico so retarded execs don't even bother visiting them.
No, the first time I watched that scene I thought Jimmy was being a cunt but after rewatching their conversation I can see why Howard would come off as a dick.
Plus, Jimmy is obviously butthurt of his success. He trashed the car because seeing it next to his shit car reminded him of how far he is from Howard as far as being succesful and rich goes.
His scheming a-moral personality makes her flood. Just observe how she acts before during and after they scam someone.
>and he thinks that having to follow rules means other people are scamming him
I would highly appreciate if you could help me understand that, it's quite obscure to me
He trashed the car because he hates howard.
reminder that Mike never got laid even once during the whole timeline of better call saul and breaking bad.
>Because she's always been very prideful about her morality
>Where did you see that?
Ackers accusations about her morality and her desperation to feel good about herself is the entire reason she turned to Jimmy to keep Acker in his home
Fran is his booty call
>nothing happens but I love it so much
i am just interested in the drug dealer story so far. The rest dont make much sense to me. IT's funny though watching jimmy scamming people
He got fucked by a bunch of niggers in the previous episode.
There are a lot of autismos on this board so it makes sense they'd have more trouble with this show as opposed to "IIIIII AM THE DANGER IIIIIIIIII AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!!!"
Well most laws do exist just to force people to do the things that the people writing the laws wanted them to do and typically benefit those people more than the ones the laws apply to, since the rich and powerful aren't really subject to laws the same way that we are, because they can afford lawyers and we cannot.
The law is not just. It's completely one-sided towards those with wealth and power.
>reminded him of how far he is from Howard as far as being succesful and rich goes.
it deosnt make sense because he was driving a mercedes and had a good position but trashed it all on purpose
>His scheming a-moral personality makes her flood.
I don't get it, how is that attractive?
>He trashed the car because seeing it next to his shit car reminded him of how far he is from Howard as far as being succesful and rich goes
He trashed the car because of the license plate and the peace of mind it represents for Howard. It's the title of the show. Jimmy could easily be a rich partner at HHM if he wanted. He's mad that Howard can cope with Chucks death despite feeling responsible for it while Jimmy can't. This board is literally too dumb for this show.
He wants to be succesful while also doing things his way, which is why the whole Main thing went to shit.
Basically it's a zero sum game, like the guy who cons his dad in the flashback say. Youre either a wolf or sheep, if you follow the rules, you're getting played by people who don't follow them. JImmy is constantly enraged by having to follow rules, even something as simple as paying his ticket to Mike in the car park.
He feels that he was confirmed in this suspicion when Chuck bars him from HHM because in his mind he did everything 'the right way' this time and is still getting fucked. He doesn't seem to realize that Chuck doesnt want him in because he sees Jimmy as having done the wrong thing literally his whole life and it's not fair that he can just bypass the conventional path. JImmy unironically thinks that working in a mailroom and getting a meme online degree should qualify him for a prestigious firm which he only has a job at in the first place because of nepotism. He always has this aggrieved stance about everything, like everyone is getting one over on him, so he is justified in doing the same.
Nah, she doesn't like Mesa Verde. She doesn't like Kevin or Paige. There's been countless times where Kim has tried to reason with them and they just completely stonewall her and she's fucking sick of it but can't do anything about it because "it's her bread and butter" and she's stuck.
why cant vince just dump the rest of the season out? the world is ending
Women like "bad boys". From a biological standpoint it conveys strength and reliability because it demonstrates the man's ability to achieve difficult and unorthodox goals.
Plus it's really fun to fuck with people and get money in the process.
It makes perfect sense. You saw how him expressing himself and being unorthodox cost him the respect from Cliff and his partners. He'd rather drive his shit car and be himself than to be a soulless yes man. And the other part of it is residual resentment of Chuck that shifted slightly to Howard who he feels is the same. That speech he gave to the girl was also to himself to cut corners and reach the top his own way.
He doesn't have "namaste" on his car because he has piece of mind, he has it because he's fucking rich and he wants to rub it in everyone else's face. Namaste is a greeting, he's using it pretentiously.
He's too old to have a sex drive anyway, you cumbrain.
to be a cautionary tale, to make you think you don't know how good you get and if you try to go against the system, you'll fuck up, so you always keep in line
He's not wrong. Force is the ultimate virtue that makes all other rights and virtues possible. Anything in the world that you want to get requires force in order to get it.
Criminals must turn her on. And becoming one must be very intriguing to her.
that other user is right, but being a college, a partner, helps a lot too: that have both, a complex chemistry and a simple boring thing in common
And it's doubly hard for her to leave seeing how hard she (and Jimmy) worked to get her position in the first place. It would undermine everything she's done
reminder that bcs is literally ed edd & eddy-tier retarded "scams" at this point
that whole 5 minute montage of jim and kim pulling steadily more outrageous ways to stall the old man from being outed by the state was some of the most pretentious 5 minutes in television history
is this supposed to be a show we take seriously or isnt it?
It's true in a certain sense but it's also at the heart of the prisoner's dilemma. People who can actually cooperate with each other end up better off on average than those who are all scamming each other. The scammers who win out are those who live on the margins of societies that are mostly cooperating. If everyone defects you get Somalia
Kill yourself.
fuck off retard that was the most fun thing the show has done in years and it was in good taste
Oh it would be the end of her career.
They were all funny. Except the Americium part, jimmy is getting foot cancer for fucking sure.