By ayys

>by ayys
>be vulnerable to water
>invade a planet that is 70% water

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What dumbasses lol

They were demons and it was holy water

>people people from that one alien movie
>go down to planet surface
>inhale shit that kills you
>wear no protective gear

isn't there literally water vapor in the air at all times
how would they have even been alive on earth

>be ayy
>get worshipped by simply existing

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They're niggers. The whole movie is a joke about how black people can't swim, therefore water is dangerous to them.

>be ayy lmao
>walk on earth naked

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They thought it was a joke.

This is the answer, fags.

The “demon” in the pantry got its fingers chopped off with a regular kitchen knife so a bullet would’ve been equally effective as the supposed holy water.

>the ocean is made up of Holy Water
Ok retard

>be ayy
>get worshipped by simp-l̶y̶ ̶e̶x̶i̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶

You know holy water is water with salt right?

It's. Fucking. Tap water. You retards are completely missing the point of the movie.

The alien at the end was only hurt by the water. Joaquin beat it to death with his baseball bat.

El braino pequeno

Holy water is water blessed by a priest numbskull, salt isn't enough.

Durrr lets go to the planet with all the baseball bats on it.

you need a pure soul or a priest to santified the holy water user. Is not just water and salt.

Xenos filth is retarded.

What if a priest blesses the ocean?

Sodium chloride.

>could nuke the planet from orbit
>use scare tactics and take on the locals naked

pretty based desu

The ocean isn't just water, it is a ton of other things. Holy water is made by putting salt in ONLY water and then blessing it. Same reason a priest can't bless coke despite it containing water.

there is not enough mana to holy the entire ocean.
only Jesus can, but the jerk didn't do it when he was alive. to mess with us

is "blessed" a temporary buff?


>it's not only water with salt
>it's......santified water!!!!
Christians you all!
Don't you think for a moment that the aliens were vulnerable to the holy water because it had water and salt in it?!

Then why did the tap water harm it?

>they are demons lol

Because the girl literally said
And you know what contaminate water?

they are demons user.

Ancient astronauts aren't less magic than angels


>demons were unleashed from hell so one guy in rural Pennsylvania could regain his faith

>be humans
>require an atmosphere of oxygen to survive
>land on moon with 0% oxygen

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You remember the part in the movie where the kid is researching aliens and talking about reasons they might invade? You remember the part about them possibly being desperate and having no other choice? We don't know anything about the ayys
Maybe they knew the vast risks and had to take them anyway because they were out of resources

Fucking fags trying to punch holes in sci-fi. Properly digesting sci-fi is to fill the unknown with plausibility, because the genre is full of the unknown. I hate you all.

At least we have suits for that. The aliens invaded a planet naked and with no real weaponry.

BS. They were defeated all over the world. The movie also says that they never landed close to large bodies of water.

They are an allusion to demons, since the theme of the movie is Mel's character regaining his faith by realizing that there is a reason for everything and everything is interconnected.

Just an allusion. Not literally demons.

how do you know that they are naked. are you an archaeologist?

>be human
>try to take over planet full of virus that fuck your lungs up

>topical humor



>can blatantly see the edge of the film set in his visor reflection
how did anyone buy this

>Americans automatically start attacking a foreign entity


* shoots musket *

Actually Signs should’ve shown way more people just shooting the aliens in order to be accurate.

>WELCOME TO EARTH MUTHAFUCKA! YEE-HAW!! *clutches britches and does victory dance over alien's dead body*

Reminder that Signs is not a Science Fiction movie. It's a movie about the Reclamation of Faith and the Redemption of Man in an Imperfect World. If you want logical consistency in the biology and strategy of the aliens in that kind of film, you are watching for the wrong reasons.
The Aliens are just a metaphor for the threats of Sin and Tragedy which invade and despoil the world.

this, it should have also shown the army's repsonse to make it more realistic. and it would have been a lot more plausible if the aliens were dressed in hi-tech suits, and utilised advanced weaponry. combat would probably take place in urban zones, so no need to focus on the farm or the characters living there

Sounds like old testament to be honest

>so a bullet would’ve been equally effective as the supposed holy water.
so? What's your point here?

why doesn't god just create a barrier around the world to stop Sin coming in?

Just saying. The movie takes place in a farming community in Pennsylvania. Literally everyone there would at least have a hunting rifle.

pretty based

I understand the movie is set up so that the aliens can be read as demons interchangeably and the holy water and all that shit, the ONE thing I can't reconcile is the bird that flies into one of the (invisible) spaceships; if they are demons, what does this represent?

but you don't see anyone interact with the aliens apart from the main characters, so for all we know people could have been shooting them (or trying to)

Did you guys miss the radio broadcast and also how the one ayyy was acting with Mel's kid? The aliens were collecting people, they weren't planning on staying on earth.

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>The aliens were collecting people
what for?

>They were defeated all over the world.
The radio at the end says "“the battle turned around in the Middle East. Three small cities there found a primitive method to defeat them”. They weren't immediately defeated all around the world and it's actually a strong argument in favor of the demon theory. If they didn't land near large bodies of water because it would constitute a weakness then why did the battle turn around in a desert region?

Archaeology is the study of artifacts, not aliens.

pretty fucking based burgers ngl

> the ONE thing I can't reconcile is the bird that flies into one of the (invisible) spaceships; if they are demons, what does this represent?
Does that have to represent something?

space rape off course

>>Americans attacking an invading force


Those are the metal lights of the apocalyps you atheist.
Literally watch the painting of the apocalypse

>be demons
>be vulnerable to holy water
>confuse mouthbreathers who can't wrap their head around an M. Night Shyamaladingdong flick

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>alien demons want to take over the world
>they're weak to bullets
>they invade the US
>distant SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED shouting