
>Superwide Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/user/trekcorevideo/search?query=Generations Deleted

Star Trek is gay

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>"tell me which episodes to skip"

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hey /trek/ I’m back and here is the taste wiki

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Jupiter's Locket

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>Are we still on for hasperat tonight, Commander?

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Opinions on the aborted GEN uniforms? They seemed to be a mix of the TNG and TWoK uniforms.

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Honestly those look pretty dumb

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I need a cup of coffee to go wit these dubs.

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I'm glad they didn't go with them, the
>red collar
>black shoulders
>red torso
sandwhich doesn't look good to me.

Andy played Garak intentionaly flirtatious with Bashir and they introduced Ziyal after they got a bunch of letters from fujoshi. Andy is also the Godfather of Sid and Nana's kid irl.

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I like the flap and the arm stripes. If the collar was black, they'd be ideal.

They only appeared in the scene when Soran captured La Forge. But that deleted scene, or daily, is of such awful quality the new design can barely made out.
Instead, they then decided to weirdly phase in the DS9/VOY uniforms, where only Stewart and Spiner had their own costumes made; Frakes and Burton had to use Brooks and Meaney's costumes. Dorn, Siris and McFadden never wore the DS9/VOY uniform.

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No that makes me wonder, WHY are all the Generations deleted scenes such disgusting pigshit quality? Were they only saved on videotape? The ones that are included on the official DVD and Blu-ray releases have VHS-like degradation.

If holodecks don't typically have replicators then how does holodeck sex work?

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I hate that they tuck in. Looks dumb to me.

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Hahahahaha you posted it again! Such an epic meme! You're so cool posting the exact same shit every day!

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Siddig: "I don't think they fancied each other."

There you go, it's definitive. Stop shipping them now, it's over.

Thanks, friend.

The episode was really weird but then it's your typical Bad Robot/Kurtzman script where stuff happens to be at the right place at the right time to make the plot go forward. Picard could have chosen any place to go from that Borg portal, instead he went to Riker's planet where the first person he met was Riker's daughter who happens to have a relationship with a creepy captain on a ship somewhere in space who also happens to know the exact system where Soji's homeworld is based on a generic description.

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Here's the only appearance of the aborted uniform:

That guy's awful posts are better and more on topic than 99.9% of yours.

You would think that. JL looked great in an Eisenhower cut.

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IKR. I suppose it was an anti-pirate/leak thing. Shame really. They're all on YouTube:
youtube.com/user/trekcorevideo/search?query=Generations Deleted

>If holodecks don't typically have replicators then how does holodeck sex work?
Force fields...

You now remember when Mr Suder took out the entire Nistrium crew in the engine room.

Kill yourself, tranny

Why did Starfleet uniforms not use green?
Was it for color blind people?
But color blindness should be cured in the future?

Jesus fucking Christ, looking at this is giving me a seizure

How the fuck is the Enterprise-E and First Contact so kino, bros?

I liked how that episode kept trying to push the idea that being a serial killer gives you action hero superpowers and played it 100% straight

>Computer, replicate me a prostate massager, advanced size level
>Computer, create a scene of my mother, sister and every woman I have ever known stare at me
>Computer, spawn a chair for me to sit on
>Computer, record this session and force it through all visual displays on the ship, authorisation Barclay-Omega-Omega-Alpha-1 on my command

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Well that escalated quickly

So have the writers of Picard come up with an in canon reason why the show is so terrible? Is this like an opposite inner light?

A better question is how in the world they managed to fuck up Insurrection and Nemesis so badly when they should have been easy home runs with the general concepts they had.

To be fair he was Maquis and killed scores of people.

Needs a belt

Speaking of deleted scenes is there any video footage of the insurrection quark scene?

Is the other Romulan being Troi in disguise a part of the joke

Did you actually think about what you just wrote retard?

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They do though

"A typical holodeck consisted of a room equipped with a hologrid containing omnidirectional holographic diodes, enabling holographic projections and holograms. Elements of transporter technology and replicators were used to create holodeck matter by the manipulation of photons contained within force fields to give objects the illusion of substance as well as actual matter".


Wiki is inaccurate.
TNG said they don't.

I'd be more willing to let it slide if Tom Paris, convicted criminal, didn't happen to also be the ship's resident action hero, single-handedly infiltrating and raiding the Nistram flagship with a whole fight sequence and escaping
It's like the show writers think "he did bad things, that means he's got super bad things powers!"

Why is Quark in Insurrection?

A better question: why wasn't Quark one of the leading protagonists of Insurrection?

Why Quark is not a Starfleet admiral?

Tom was also Maquis tho kek. Tom is basically the 'both sides' character. With others are nearer one side than the other. Tuvok is more near Starfleet than Maquis. Torress is nearer Maquis than Starfleet.

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IMO, Stewart and Spiner ruined the movies with their bullshit story ideas and salary demands. The movies largely ignore the ensemble, which was what made the series so kino. Also, Berman/Braga/et al wanted to go against expectations and do mundane shit instead of more space battles or intrigue.
FC was the best movie. And even though it was planet bound, as in INS, there were more interesting things happening both on the planet and on the ship. INS kinda falls flat when the Enterprise escapes the Son'a and drops out of the third quarter of the movie. The Baku were unisteresting and Doughtery was right, considering there was a fucking war on and the Feds and allies needed a fountain of youth planet as a giant hospital. NEM is a good looking picture with space battles, but it kills Data, breaks up the crew and ended a whole fucking era of the Star Trek I loved. Supposedly there might have been another sequel involving Data being re-incarnated though B-4, but that was dropped after NEM tanked.

Why isn't Quark the undisputed Lord Emperor of the Universe?

Based Quark and Garak scene:

It's not...the Constitution refit is by far the best looking ship in the Star Trek universe

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Yes because Shatnar didn't do the exact same thing kek.

zzzz DS9 fags are so boring, they're not real star trek fans. they're fans of garbage shitty "premium television" and ejaculate soi over season long story arcs. It's NOT star trek

Why Quark is not a woman?

Well he screwed up the story of ST5 and was also fucked over by Paramount for the budget, but he still had people like Nimoy and Meyer around to keep him in check and also save the movie series.

Remember when La Forge and Data used to be best friends? Hanging out in engineering or in Ten forward. Then Picard stole him for the last few movies. Jean-Luc is a proper arsehole. I hope he dies soon.

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