It's a "Mike keeps talking about Big Mouth again" episode

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You just know

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What if Mike got a small role on the next season of Big Mouth for sucking the right dicks?

and then he wants to call hollywood a bunch of pedophiles

Thats a bit anti-semitic

Could happen, he already did voice acting with Zach "Psychicpeebles" Hadel

He's done a few VA roles, mostly in childrens television.

Is it true Mike is a millionaire?

>Nick Kroll please give me a job, your propaganda is so funny! Do you want to come on my show Best of the Worst? You seem like a good guy who could totally help me get my foot in the door

>Oh, we're doing that again?

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In assets, maybe. Even if he did have a couple M lying around it isn't saying much.

>everything that I don't like that doesn't politically align with me is propagander

>Disgusting and vile pedo grooming show made exclusively by the chosen

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I was unaware it was based, where can I watch it?

We got it, you're an underage Muslim who didn't know South Park existed

I'm not sure where Jay gets the Chutzpah to say shit like that when he's been a one-note trick for the last seven years. I haven't really liked Jay since 2013-2014, he's no different than any other buzz-word regurgitator

When did you realize that Mike's only love that keeps him going is Rich?

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Mike (and Rich) are voices in a kid's cartoon that has an episode about trans acceptance, so its entirely possible.

Mind-numbingly based.


I'm not watching that shit but the voices are credited in the description and they aren't there

You sound stupid.

Correct. They don't appear in this episode, but they do in others.

Why the hell did they use stock footage for this episode?
Have they ever done that before?
He is a reoccurring VA for that and several other shows.

when did they talk about big mouth the first time?

Then why link that one? Because that's the one with the trannies in it & it fits your narrative? I don't care if they are or aren't either way, most people in the public eye appear pro-anything left regardless of what it is just to avoid mainstream controversy & ensure their brand stays popular.

Mike mentioned he liked it on one of the earlier HITB's. It'd take me an hour to find it though.

funny, his role as a pedophile who wanted to fuck a baby in Jay's movie isn't listed there...

did Shmorky animate this?

That joke really made you mad, huh?

A decent number of things aren't listed but it would make sense that most of Jay's earlier work isn't listed anyway. The guy scrubbed that shit clean once RLM took off.

All of their music has always been stock


that was smart of him, I wonder if it exists online anywhere

You're clearly upset over that baby joke

I want to rile up /poltv/ with something (mostly) on-topic and there's nothing more effective here.

Several attempts have been made to find it to no avail. Apparently some user has physical copies of it and another film he did but he never uploaded them to my knowledge.
He's talking about Jay's early films user. Kindly lurk moar.

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I dont find it funny but I also dont understand how big mouth is political. It's about the awkwardness of puberty, something literally everyone has experienced and can relate to.

At least it isn’t Star Trek
Rich is the fedora kid

Which is funny, because Jay's been sounding retarded for half a decade. If you copy and pasted anything Jay had to say about film X into review of film Z, I doubt you'd be able to tell the audio was spliced. He's just so incredibly fucking boring, he's the same tier as Wizard and Jack.

2:40 Mike
3:12 Rich

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Yes, the film with the fake baby is a comedy you complete retard.

Sorry meant for

>Right, let's talk about David Lynch instead, Jay.

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you seem like the only retard here lol

I was talking about the movie you ESL faggot, I called it a joke because it WAS one, in their black comedy.

Christ bud.

Mike is fucking awful whenever he VA's but Rich is great at it.

He just has one voice. The Plinkett voice.

His Palpy voice is kinda ok sometimes. But other then that yeah, he can just sound like a drunk slob.

>hating Jay

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It's common for kids to experience gender dysphoria. I don't see how normalizing child transgenderism when they are most likely going through a bout of gender dysphoria is anything but immoral.

>it's a "anglo try to deflect their own evilness by blaming the jews" episode
these are getting tiresome, pr*testants are empirically more evil than kikes

Botw episode with robot in the family I think

I love how he keeps dragging him to review Star Trek.

It aint prots making shows and movies normalizing race-mixing/trans shit/fag shit/globalism but nice try you dirty heeb

Are you retarded? I'm assuming so

I can do basic math if that is what you're asking.

>It aint prots making shows and movies normalizing race-mixing/trans shit/fag shit/globalism
It's pr*testants and kikes brought up in the liberal pr*testant subhuman culture that cultivates this sort of degenerate shit, stay delusional, anglo dog.

>why don’t RLM list their childhood home movies alongside their professional work?
Are you people fucking retarded?

What in that post looks like a question to you?

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unthinkable, really

>this means I should bully mentally ill teens and children!

I met Mike only once in a strip mall where I was working security. His daughter got caught shoplifting chapstick. Honestly he seemed like a pretty normal guy

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Never said anything about bullying, just don't normalizing transgederism among children.

>not doing that already
Why even be on the internet otherwise?

>His daughter

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What repulsive visuals, jesus.

>when jay described poppy as lynchain

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