/who/ - Doctor Who General

The kino we were promised edition
>reminder that there's a timeline where we got the Kris Marshall Doctor and the Anri Okita companion
>and you're not in it


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Who would be the showrunner for the Marshall/Okita era? Gaiman?

Reminder that we are STILL in Heaven Sent and 12 has imagined this whole shitty Chibnall timeline to mentally punish himself for letting his waifu die.

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Bring back Philip Hinchcliffe

THIS: youtube.com/watch?v=XB6NjmTfayE

Mathieson could have done something interesting with it.

>tfw no Mathieson golden age with Moffat, Gaiman, Rusty, Cornell and Shearman doing one offs.

The fuck is going on in here?

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>Mathieson sent some emails to Chibnall pitching some stories
>mfw he got basically ignored
I'm 100% sure Chinby got intimidated by someone who actually has good ideas for the show

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HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHA.... BBC would never out up with his massive multiple episode for one story throwbacks or his overbudget every time desires. Plus Woke Gaiman would focus on diversifying history even harder

Chibnall's got a massive ego combined with a severe lack of talent.
When the smarmy cunt appeared in that interview back in the 80's you could see the shit eating grin and poorly thought out ideas already.
He's a shit writer who wormed his way into the show, created 4 uninspired scripts of overly saturated plot lines, uninteresting and static characters and a complete inability to write a satisfying ending.
It's merely by the virtue of bending over backwards for the BBC's identity politics that the cunt actually got the job that likely only he and Mathieson wanted.
He's said himself that he doesn't read reviews, which is basically the first and biggest mistake any creative can ever have, a testament to how fucking massive his head is.
He is going to mould the show into his own image, he'll probably try and stay there as long as he can and the Timeless Child is just the beginning of The Chibnall Masterplan.

The only hope is that the fucker chokes on his own farts, which he huffs daily.

I really really resent Chibnalls arrogance at what he's done in the last season. He's established a fixed canon for the origin of the Doctor and ruined any mystery for the character while also locking down a bunch of other material so that future writers won't have stuff to build on.

Mark my words: The end of the show will be the Doctor regenerating into a child, going back to that temple thing that the Timeless child was found at, wiping her own memory and then being found and taken back to Gallifrey.
The last line of the show will be the old lady saying "Don't worry little girl, I'm a Doctor."
And the little girl saying "Doctor Who?"

The best we can hope for is should Chibnall be fired (preferably out of a cannon and into a concrete wall), the next person will get to take the absolute piss out of Chibnall's era.
It should be like how Moffat talks about 10's ridiculous tour in The End of Time, but x10000.


our only hope is after chibnall goes away (and hopefuly takes whitaker but at this point she's the lesser of two evils) we get a conversation with Missy mocking the doctor for beliveing such nonsense

Two thousand years, Rory? Those are rookie numbers. Watch and learn.

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Seriously, what is the deal with lefties wanting to blatantly lie about history while also wanting to spit in history's face for not being the present?

do you think 12 ever travelled back to pompei, pretended to be that roman guy and do obscene things to the girl who looks suspiciously like Amy Pond?

Was it really love or just autism?

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So, now that we know for sure that the Time Vortex has nothing to do with Time Lord biology or regeneration, did they fuck?

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Grant Morrison

>The Time Vortex has nothing to do with Time Lord biology or regeneration

It's literally the only explanation now.

Pitch the crossover story

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I'm probably in the minority on /who/ for this, but I do feel sorry for Jodie.
I think she could've under Rusty or Moffat, actually been a decent Doctor.
I don't think she would've ranked highly for most people, but she'd be like the 5th Doctor for NuWho.
Kinda bland and milquetoast, but perfectly pleasant and still within the Doctor's character.
Hell, Jodie's got an advantage in being a woman. There should've been scenes of The Doctor exploring her newfound femininity, Missy was like a trial run for this.
Everything about The Master becoming Missy should've been written down and used as a guidebook for creating 13.
It would've been a few interesting character building scenes.
But no, The Doctor becoming female was a completely uninteresting change and she acts as androgynous as possible.

I feel totally the same way

This literally exists in another timeline since Tennant was originally booked for one more full Season which would've been Moffat's first as showrunner.
Hell, it's possible that with that extra Season, Smith never makes the casting and 11 could've been Capaldi instead, starting with Series 6.

Moff's idea for S5 with Tennat was good too, it would have started with Amy meeting a regenerating 10 as a kid, then he disappears and only comes back when she's adult, but the 10 that comes back is much younger than the one she saw as a kid.
All those ideas got basically incorporated into The 11th Hour and The Impossible Astronaut later. So yeah, it's interesting to think about what Moffat would have come up with for 11 if he did that last season with David.

Reminds me of what the original plan was for Series 5 was before Tennant decided he would leave with RTD.

The idea was that he would crash into Amy's garden when she was a child and he would be starting to regenerate, she would help get back into the Tardis and he would fly off. Then Amy would encounter 10 with him having no memory of her. The end of Series 5 would have him regenerate into the next Doctor as we would realise that the 10 at the start was from his future.

I think that's a common opinion, one that I share. Jodie isn't the most charismatic actor so she can't save bad scripts like Capaldi could just by being on screen, but she's been quite fine in other shows - I think she'd have fared well with RTD in particular. Moffat wants more grandeur out of his doctors, so that combination might've been a bit unoptimal.

At this point I think a Gatiss/Whittaker combination would've still been plenty watchable compared to the mess we have right now. Yes, Gatiss, someone who people dreaded becoming a showrunner (he did really well with Adventure in Space and Time though; but then again Chib was fine in Broadchurch, so that's not saying much).

The real story of how River Song was made

Honestly, I think I would have preferred this over Smith's Series 5. It would have also gave Tennant some interaction with River before he regenerates which would've been cool.

Nooo, keep Charlie Sheen away from pure Karen.

post yfw the next season is announced to be the last

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Is there any good Moffat idea that isn't a remix of The Time Traveller's wife?

Kris Marshall would make a really mediocre Doctor, but anything's better than where we are now, really.

Don't really care anymore, I lost most of my emotional attachment to the new series.

With how things in the world are going, the next season might not even happen at all - and it wouldn't be a bad point to close the show with the threats of the Master, the Cybermen, the Daleks repelled, Gallifrey gone, and a new setting introduced for tons of new side material if necessary.

I kinda wish the year-end special would have been shot as a potential show finale. The show started with the Daleks, it should end with the Daleks.

Yes, it's that Comic Relief short where Amy flirts with Amy.
It's a shame they wouldn't air the hardcore sex scene where both Amy's play with the Doctor's "wibbly lever" while Rory watches.

still, would've been worse off, imagine a moff going back and forth between writing a new doctor and sherlock 3 & 4. Would've been absolute hell for whoever actor he chose after tennant

It's going to be canon, even if I have to spend a lifetime sucking dick at the BBC and become trans, convert to Islam and dye my skin black to get the job I'll become showrunner of Doctor Who and make it happen.
And then I'll kill myself, my work complete and perfect.

Also if this did happen and I did do it I would set it up so that the Pre-Hartnell Doctors would be the focus of the show, going around the universe solving problems and fixing mistakes, having to rely on original enemies and foes all the while and then in 2060 have the Doctor meet a mathematical genius and all around nice guy call the Young Master because of his intellect.
And then in 2062 have him meet his granddaughter(Susan) whose mother he made with some girl who could be anyone but will be hinted to have been River Song in between deaths and whose father was The Young Master.

And then in 2063 at the height of my hubris at the age of 80 I'll make the 100th anniversary episode, twenty-five people will watch it and I'll unleash the monstrosity called "An Earthly Child" where Susan grows tired of Gallifrey and the Doctor becomes frustrated by the Time Lords and their policy of non-intervention(his actions as one of his Time-Lady regenerations were so horrific that they took a step back from the universe in horror and went full isolationalist) that they decided to steal a Tardis and go off into the universe and Susan wants to see Earth in 1963 because she likes the Beatles.
In the Process they betray the Young Master who takes the punishment for the Tardis being stolen and becomes enraged at the betrayal of his best and only friend.

The last minute of the last episode of Doctor Who will be Susan taking control of the Tardis and locking the Chameleon circuit because she likes the look and wants to always be able to find the Tardis wherever she might travel. She and Hartnell smile as they step out onto Earth together, the adventures ahead of them unknowable.

Some things in Sherlock
Some things in Dracula
Most of the Capaldi era honestly (besides World Enough and Time, of course)

In Moffat's defense, TTW is the best time travel dynamic, I don't blame him for exhausting it

Yeah, most of his episodes have nothing to do with that. Of course, it depends how many of these you consider to be good.

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Congenital mental illness.

Look at all that shit.

It's nothing so grand. They literally just don't give a shit, or aren't smart enough to see their own contradictions. It's pure social climbing. People just saying things they've been told are the "right" things, in order to get ahead.

I would but I'm banned from posting pictures because some cuck on my ISP has got me range-banned.

Jekyll was pretty based.
Also Coupling had some great story-telling ideas, nothing original in terms of plot but some really clever ways of presenting things(like the episode "Split" where the entire episode was split-screen between Steven and Susan after they broke up, or the episode "The Girl With Two Breasts." with ten minutes with one character who didn't speak English talking to someone who did and then doing the same scene again with him speaking gibberish and her speaking English and a lot of episodes that really did some clever things with time/perspective shifting which he bought a lot of to Doctor Who).

Also although it was older Press Gang had some great episodes.

Name one below average episode.

RTD and Moffat
>Time Lords acquired their power of regeneration from exposure to the time vortex
>they had it spliced into their genes from the Doctor when she was a little black girl

That was a fun episode. Rory basically fucks the Tardis just because he's looking up Amy's skirt.

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>no niggers

>Girl in the Fireplace is a straight-up remake of the Time Traveller's Wife
>Blink is The Time Traveller's Wife but as a monster of the week
>River Song is the Time Traveller's Wife but as the literal wife of the time traveller
>Amy meeting the Raggedy Man is The Time Traveller's Wife but with pedophilia
>Rory waiting 2000 years is the Time Traveller's Wife's Boyfriend
>The Girl Who Waited (admitedly not a Moff story) is The Time Traveller's Wife as an alternate-dimension horror story
>Angels Take Manhattan ends on a The Time Traveller's Wife but with the time traveller never seeing the wife
>World Enough and Time is The Time Traveller's Wife but as a hopeless desolate body-horror story

I think that's all?

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Chibnall Who is less canon than NuWho which was already not canon.
Chibnall Who is anti-canon. It comes into contact with canon and then they annihilate each other.

based, I need to get into Moff's sitcoms some day. I just heard about Joking Apart and it looks genuinely kino

That's some RTD bullshit in the first place, to be fair. Timelords aren't the only people who do time travel. Why doesn't Jack have regenerations?
Regeneration should be some hyper advanced science.

Pitch the crossover story

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Blink is really pushing. That's one small gimmick of the episode that no one really cares about. It's the concept of the monster that grabs people.

They fuck.
Smith and Capaldi watch it from far away and high-five each other.

nah even with the PC in moffats later series, he does the master justice, i couldnt think of anything more logical than the master going so mentally unstable he regenerates into a woman and for the first time has better ties to his raw emotions like he wants to, to connect better with his friend. IDK if you just ignore the commander regenerating in hell bent, the master being the few timelords regenerating into a woman from pure trauma makes immense sense

While I don't oppose your argument, we wouldn't know if Jack has any regenerations or not since he's effectively immortal already by means of the very same Time Vortex (you could say he's just constantly regenerating into himself).

all nu-who is justifiable excluding chibnalls era, if we had that power to disregard decades id wish we'd done of with colin baler

That's a terrible photoshop. But I want to believe it's real, so it is.

Okay, but there's a whole organisation of Time Agents out there, not to mention the fact that Daleks have time travel too. So, can they all regenerate?

Agreed, we all know that Time Lords get their regenerations from Looms.

>that no one really cares about.
m8 it's the whole emotional core of the story, it wouldn't be as impactful if she didn't meet her best friend's grandson or the dying old black cop.
More than just a monster that moves when you blink, the concept of having your whole life zapped away in a blink is fucking terrifying (I even think that's why the Angels aren't as great on subsequent appearences)

The Angels themselves aren't a remix of the concept, but Blink really is.

Looms are actually a cool premise. Never got why people don't like Looms.

It's real tho

its cause there so unhuman sounding and majority of fans are fixed on the half human plot

The Weeping Angels aren't as effective in The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone where they simply kill people instead of sending them back in time where they "live to death", but Amy turning the screen off and the Angel continuing to appear was spookykino