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that car alarm was the best fucking jump scare of all times



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why didn't the zombies get to him when he was in the hospital?

That happens in the Walking Dead and there's a reason the coma-wake up and discovery sequence in 28 Days Later is so infinitely more atmospheric and memorable than that.

What's some more good Zombie kino bros? I like zombie stuff even if some say it's over done I can't really help myself.

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There isn't really much outside of 28 Days and Romero's Night of and Day of the Dead films.

I enjoyed the book World War Z when I was a pre-teen but I don't know whether it holds up. The audiobook is meant to be exceptional.

Check out The Girl with all the Gifts. Most people don't seem to like it, I think it's pretty good.

because its a rage virus and a sleeping man isnt going to anger a zombie

dawn of the dead (2004) is fun but you've probably seen it

>shoot your film on a camcorder

Kingdom seems neat, I'll have to give it a watch while I'm staying inside.
Yea I mean I've seen pretty much all the classics, and other than a couple Romero movies and 28 days later, most of the zombie stuff i've seen is really shitty. Almost like it was made by people like me who like zombie stuff but have no talent.
Thank you for the recommendation my dude.
Yea I've seen that, but might as well give it a re-watch, good one.

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they didnt know he was there because he wasn't moving or making noise

Real Kino coming through

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If you think this movie was amazing then better take a look at its comic, 10/10

M 1 A 1

Is it me you're looking for?

Train to Brusan is okay but has a lot of asspull moments and a predictable story

Love this movie. The shot of the plane in the swamp is ace.

>Gorillaz got the bass drum

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that movie is crap. Hack Snyder at it finest

...Jade give two rides...


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train to busan and kingdom
apparently nowadays koreans are the only ones who can make zombie kino, for whatever reason

World War Z is still very good as far as zombie-fic goes, but it clearly dates itself with political and celebrity references. That's not necessarily bad but the "world order" of things has changed enough that some of it doesn't work as well as it did back in the Bush era. Also the NEET becoming a Samurai-master is still the lowest part of the book.

The Zombie Handbook doesn't hold up well at all (atleast for me) because of how much fudd lore I know recognize it being stuffed with.


Literally me

Your local supermarket after the quarantine

I didn't really understand what was supposed to be so awkward about it.
Clark and Hammond made it awkward themselves.

There are not many Shawn of the Dead, World War Z and Land of the Dead. If you like trash kino House of Dead.

That's intentional, it's supposed to be a bullshit guide, that's why it contradicts WWZ so much


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>British """"""""""""quality""""""""""""""

Kingdom is great, Train to Busan is only good if you ignore the second half of the movie.

>it's supposed to be a bullshit guide
I don't think so, I think it's more that he just recognized some mistakes he made and reflected on that in WWZ. Also middle-school user took that shit at complete face value. Thought pic related was a top tier melee weapon for years.

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God, I wish I could be put in a medically induced coma till all this COVID shit is over.

If you haven't you should check out the Italian zombie movies by Fulci like Zombi (also known as Zombi 2 in some places, it's complicated) and The Beyond. They've got a very different feel to American zombie movies, they're extremely visceral.

i snuck into this movie as a kid and it blew my fucking mind

top zombie kino desu


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came here to post this

Busan was fun, but Kingdom fucking SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED

t. Actual Korean

The Battery
The Crazies


return of the living dead watch it with Repo man 1984 latter not a zombie kino, but you will dig it if you like the return.

>muh digital camera

fucking retarded ass piece of shit Nolan

L4D2's intro had more memorable lines but L4D's intro is kino


The greatest anti hero of all time of all time

CJ was such a good character. You go from hating his guts. To him being the guy you end up rooting for in the end. I was so pissed when he died when I first saw the it


>I enjoyed the book World War Z when I was a pre-teen but I don't know whether it holds up.
It's horribly written, Max Brooks is a fucking hack.

Shane put a big hospital bed in front of Rick's door in TWD. Plus werent all the zombies locked in that Don't Dead Open Inside room?

Not much boomer zombie media out there, I liked this one

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the night eats the world

Watch Fortitude season 1

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yeah Kingdom was very underwhelming, basically a boring plot about usurping the throne with some zombies thrown in who serve basically no purpose

Fuck Yeah i want to watch that movie right now. it has the 'orrible cunt!!!

Any other Kino's like dawn of the dead? High budget, minimal humor, lots of action?

Dead set. Very similar vibe as 28 days

For me, its Ana

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why there are no blacks in london?

God that stands the test of time.

How would this trailer look if it was made in 2020?

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The same.

Shit taste, Kingdom is fucking great. Season 1 was better than Season 2, though.

the characters are boring and have no personality except for the magistrate and the bodyguard, everything was very underdeveloped

No. Zoey and Louis would be the spotlight.

Whatever, dimwit.

I cannot imagine left 4 dead being made today in general just because of how far-gone valve is. There probably wouldn't be an intro movie period.

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Fuck man, I miss the days of unapologetic heroic white male archetypes.

>autistic faggot doesnt know kino when he sees it

I'm not seeing it too much in my area but I live in the middle of nowhere. We still have fully stocked shelves at the grocery stores.

I am a hero is good, people seem to sleep on it though.