Draw your usual kino viewing position

draw your usual kino viewing position

Attached: meatdesk.png (1073x667, 17.93K)

do you shove a buttplug in your ass while you watch kinos ?

Attached: 1584277517210.gif (570x537, 62.44K)

no I just have my feet on my desk


Attached: 1583815874180 2.jpg (811x1216, 79.36K)

same desu

Attached: kinosation.png (600x550, 24.89K)

>laptop with 2.0 speakers
>calls it kinostation

Attached: 1581000592715.jpg (480x480, 30.65K)

Attached: 20200317_151701.jpg (1014x1223, 151.34K)

Attached: kinostation.png (2095x675, 91.93K)

Attached: gosling.png (728x588, 237.45K)


>27 inch monitor
>5.1 surround sound
A-Are... are you me?

stupid phoneposter

I dont have the image on hand unfortunately but that guy passed out drunk at his desk with empty beer cans surrounding him

Attached: 1568758487430.jpg (728x971, 81.75K)

das it mane

I still don't know how the fuck does one pass out with just 3 beers
I downed a six pack on my first night drunk and didn't even come close to blacking out

me right now, watching Ferris Bueller and drawing this picture on touchpad
my legs don't touch the table

Attached: me.png (660x347, 6.07K)

you must not have noticed the two empty handles on the floor then

>prison sized mattress
>tower fan instead of Aircon
>curtains so cheap they don't have hooks attached to rollers just loops of fabric around a metal rod
>wheeled chair straight on the carpet not on a PVC floor mat
The beer cans are the least depressing part of this pic desu

You forgot earbuds instead of headphones or speakers. Truly peasant tier.

Attached: 1532158799383.gif (330x166, 2.11M)

Attached: KinoPosition.png (727x754, 38.66K)

Didn't bother drawing the hands

Cute penus

Attached: home.png (1036x972, 45.92K)

You're a big guy


this is me minus all the body hair and adding giant ham hands

also I'm a grower not a shower

Attached: kino.png (766x482, 17.05K)

Attached: meliterallyrn.png (1251x987, 309.28K)

Very cute penus

Attached: 1578513919341.png (728x588, 143.6K)

being naked while home is the best, maybe I should go to the nudist beach

>drr drr drr


Attached: Capture+_2020-03-17-16-47-57.png (1440x2952, 346.84K)

Attached: Me in a Sophia Lillis thread.png (500x463, 71.52K)

Attached: 20200317_125306.jpg (1080x1191, 500.4K)

Based uncut CHAD

why does your house have the same yellowish tinge as the album cover for small change

Attached: small change.jpg (960x960, 175.75K)

This is LITERALLY me

here's my preferred position

Attached: kino viewing position.png (772x746, 34.62K)

This is officially a kino thread

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1152x648, 43.38K)

Attached: istockphoto-157483427-1024x1024.jpg (683x1024, 415.71K)

this happened to my sister at her work which is funny because she's like 50 kg and works at chair factory

QT foreskin.

Why are you retards watching kino on tiny computer monitors?

No wonder this board is trash.

Don't bother replying to this post, I'm not coming back to this thread.

Do you want to marry me?


I'd fuck her

Awesome Elvira tits

>phone not sideways

scroll scroll scroll scroll click scroll click click scroll

Attached: the pose.png (984x841, 22.21K)

Basically that only my "desk" is a tv stand thing with drawers and it has a slot in the middle that the leg of my recliner slides right into. So my feet are directly under the tv and above the drawers when I fully kick back.

how else would you browse Yas Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-17-19-47-34-800_com.emogoth.android.phone.mimi.jpg (720x1520, 297.96K)

I'm too lazy to draw it. Don't mind the princess sheet. My cat pissed on the other blanket I was using because I'm too cheap to get him fixed.

Attached: 20200317_125126.jpg (4128x3096, 2.71M)

>crotch isn't highly lit up

I sit like this when I'm watching the kinos

Attached: 1581013290347_0.jpg (1536x2048, 420.98K)

Post dick

Attached: 129834719823.jpg (1024x666, 51.3K)

You wouldn't be impressed, homo. I'm sure you're used to deep throating 12 inch dragon dildos

good lord. name? youtube/insta/ls?

Don't worry, I love tiny peckers

So then look at your own dick.

in tom's case: cigarette smoke and old camera
in user's case: vaporized body juices and shitty lightbulbs

I don't have one

You should have kept it in a jar after getting it removed.

He's also a wine connoisseur judging by those two boxes of wine