
Being forced to spend to 2 weeks inside you house without going out at all is scarier than dying of that virus

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I just realised that if I have to work from home for ages I'll barely talk to anyone

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So lemme get this straight I'm supposed to just stay home? No hanging out with friends? No dates? How am I even supposed to live like that?

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Yeah, could you imagine haha, you'd could go completely insane...

its easy i have done that for past 8 years but then you wake up and realize you wasted your life and theres no coming back, gonna an hero soon

nice larp faggot, no one can go more than 2 weeks without going outside

>2 weeks without sex
>probably even more
I mean who the fuck expect us to comply with such non-sense. Not even the Jews would obey orders like that in Auschwitz.

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>asked to call and check up on people you think might be vulnerable from isolation

i've been socially isolated for 15 fucking years and no one has EVER asked me how i'm doing or called to check up on me

obvious troll

What do you mean "wasted"? You did spend that time acquiring zen, right?

the worst thing is i cant even go to a coffee shop to read a book or go to the gym

user, the social services and the unemployment office require you to contact them every week in order to receive your neet bucks, you're a liar.

wannabe normie cringe

Haha I know right not leaving the house for several weeks is gonna be awful right haha

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Normies couldnt handle a week of how we live. Seriously, they talk about how maddening it is to have tk be sick and alone a couple days.
We are not just forgotten, we are invisible.


>14 days without human contact

is such a thing even possible?

i obviously went outside to do shopping and worked shit jobs from time to time for short period of time to support my neet "life" style, but there were months i literally havent gone out anywhere besides the one shop close to my house.

I'm a neet but I'll go crazy without my comfy nightwalks

You don't see me walking down the street, you look right through me

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Im gonna have to shit in the shower? What the FUCK

It's not like there's a curfew to keep you from going for walks at night, user.

bait harder

Based Dunny user

Where I live you can order groceries straight to your door, I havent been outside this year. corona aint about to get me

So you're like that guy from Creepshow who got eaten by cockroaches?

You mean you saved your life

a few years ago I told the lady at the employment office that I was 23 had never had a job or even an interview and I had no degree or certificates. she couldn't even process it. completely baffled. then she accused me of lying

>3rd day of self quarantine
>hadn't had sex in 6 months

what the fuck broskie?! I'm calling bullshit homie, what next you gonna tell me you ain't had sex? as if I'm gonna believe that Lmao

>gonna an hero soon
no you wont


Who cares? I never leave the house unless I go groceries shopping

>"I think one of the faults of young people today is that they try to come together around events that are noisy, almost aggressive at times. This desire to be together in order to not feel alone is an unfortunate symptom, in my opinion. Every person needs to learn from childhood how to spend time with oneself. That doesn’t mean he should be lonely, but that he shouldn’t grow bored with himself because people who grow bored in their own company seem to me in danger, from a self-esteem point of view."

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>6 months without sex
Jesus how have you survived this long? That's absurd.

I don't go outside, so this bullshit has no effect on me. Seething outside normies kek

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27 here, never had a job and only interview I had was when someone called me to become a salesman for an electricity company but that fell through when he asked if I had my own car and I don't even have a license.

based chinkvirus turning normalfaggots into NEETs

>tfw grocery day is tomorrow and I am showing symptoms

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Blaised & Pascalpilled


nobody's here quiet soft air
play solitarian life
i notice my hands giving me loud applause
if you're a goat you don't mind

gee it's good to be home
hobbies galore
don't you engage in a craft
don't you like it alone
locked behind doors
take a test do your best
passing the grade every time

This is what happens when you make an NPC glitch out.

Based Russkie.

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>No sex with gf
>No partying at weekends
>No meeting up with bros to shoot shit
>Not even short, improvised meet ups

At least I got my kino

Nobody here could go 3 days without using this website.

Very true. I spend too much time alone which makes me sad sometimes but I am very comfortable by myself and have a sound mind which is more than I can say for some.

I've been in quarantine the last 9 days, it's fucking hell. The first few days were alright but now I'm seriously starved for human contact. Not even touch just simply seeing and having eye contact with other people. How the neets do it baffles me

I did when I was in the army.

My record is 15 days.

>>"I think one of the faults of young people today is that they try to come together around events that are noisy, almost aggressive at times. This desire to be together in order to not feel alone is an unfortunate symptom, in my opinion. Every person needs to learn from childhood how to spend time with oneself. That doesn’t mean he should be lonely, but that he shouldn’t grow bored with himself because people who grow bored in their own company seem to me in danger, from a self-esteem point of view."

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years of neetdom made it impossible for me to formulate my thoughts into any kind of coherent communicable dialect. I live entirely in the abstract

I flinch if someone even brushes against me and have been unable to look anyone in the eye since I was in middle school.

Now get out.

For you it was the hardest 2 weeks of your life for me it was just another fortnite™

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The only positive part about quarantine is that I've finally seen Cтaлкep

Have you read this book?

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It could be worse, you could have been working 8 years

have you gotten any insights that us sociallets would be able to comprehend?

Interesting, just goes to show how rare it is to have not really interacted much with society. Unless she was new to the job, which I assume she wasn't. And she's meant to be a specialist in getting people back to work too, think about that, she's trained for years for this and you left her so stumped that her brain rejected it and called you a liar. I bet that did your self-esteem a world of good. You are now a story she gossips about to her colleagues

>8 years
>wasted life
Mate, just start doing what you were supposed to do 8 years ago.

I wouldn't even mind if I were given some kind of globular gruel to drink as nutrition. most of the time I'm too lazy to cook anything. I hate doing anything that requires me to leave my computer chair. sometimes I just point the monitor towards my bed and lay there for days because sitting upright is too much effort

Unironically, how are you feeling? Human touch is such a vital part of living (not even kidding, it's legit pretty important for your overall health) you must be pretty affected. I'll hold hands with you if you come to Denmark

kek. And the hamster wheels turns once more...

That sounds like hell.

Hello normie, for years you have enjoyed the friendship and social interaction with others, now you will live like the neets you've always laughed at...or you will die

If you lived near a large city it would make sense to never have had a license.

>been neet for 7 years
>was just starting to get my life together and leave the house more
>this happens

I used to think my life was a tragedy...

Isn't this why England hasn't quarantined? They don't think people could cope yet and will go out and be social anyway.

Just go about your business, the virus isn't lethal, hardworking men will be rewarded in a time like this.

Yes me

I live in Australia. The whole country has collapsed

No it hasn't faggot, we only have 200 confirmed cases.

2 weeks isn't anything serious

I've been a neet for years now and memes aside I'm unironically bored of it. but at the same time I know I'd hate the outside world even more

i dropped out last year of university so i have no degree and am over 30 with huge cv gap, have no driving license or any particular skill, my only option is to find soul crushing minimum wage job and work there for rest of my life.

I get plenty of contact from cats and dog(s).

Same. I lost any interest of human communication and became comfortable with self-isolation

Of these shows, which should I dive balls deep into?

>Better Call Saul S1
>Altered Carbon S2
>Ozark S1
>More suggestions needed

I'm already watching Devs as it comes out but I need something to binge.

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Haven't touched another human being in over 3-4 years. I'll live perfectly okay

This is the neet dilemma effectivelly summed up, neets understand how unhealthy it is but generally the outside world is worse when you have no foundation and your starting point is 0

Better Call Saul

The new season of BCS is pretty good so i'd recommend that, the level of quality slowly goes up over time

You can still go to university, or at least get a shorter certificate. There are one year programming certificates.

BCS is certified kino.