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Lucas will buy the SW rights for less than a billion.

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Apple will buy them for a double pretentious s o y conglomerate fanbase

traders got stuck home with corona and had time to realise what happened to star wars

Anyone know the exact reason why Disney is crashing harder than their competitors?
I mean I have some ideas but I'd like to hear the tale of people smarter than me.

Lucas played the long game



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>Anyone know the exact reason why Disney is crashing harder than their competitors?
The CEO shake up already damaged the stock prices and now this incoming recession/depression is going to completely fucking dab on them.

Theme parks probably?

Closing theme parks temporarily due to coronaryvirus

>tencent buys disney
>tencent bans all the gays and trannies and blacks and feminism from disney
>tencent forces disney to go back to making wholesome movies
based af

Lucas is playing 17D chess with 3 dimensional scrubs.

They have a lot of entertainment assets and no one is currently shooting television or film and if you release a film now no one will be in the theatre to watch it.
You have more = you have more to loose

all of their business models are built around large groups of people congregating in small areas.

Gee who could have seen this coming?

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Nintendo will buy them

>hollywood studio engages in hollywood accounting!
>water is wet (and why that's a bad thing!)

they're going to get bought by an ISP or tech company. Hell, probably even walmart.

The parks are closed, theaters are closed

Corona-chan sticking her futa penis up Disneys ass. CEO fuckup, park's closing, and their previous and upcoming movies have been / will be serious under performers.

Just bought, thank you OP

>Let's buy out whole showings!
>It will make the movie look REALLY popular.
>What could possibly go wrong?

>N-No fake mcu made ALOT of money. Star wars too. Disney plus guys!!!!!

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>that jump in 2019
Fucking why?

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i know, everyone's already forgotten about it

Disney still has good fundamentals. I agree that there needs be a correction in their price since Star Wars and the MCU (except maybe X-Men) have dried up for the foreseeable future but their parks will kick back into gear this summer.

>pretending to care about stock prices
I really don't understand you company war faggots.

>Implying it won't all be chinese propaganda.

Infinity War and Endgame both landed in the same fiscal year if I remember correctly.

They announced the acquisition of Fox in march 2019.

Keep up people.

a sustained run of billion dollar movies and endgame.

China is too busy making masks/test kits/medicine rather than shitty Disney toys.

Disney is an extreme case of "corporate perpetual growth" constantly expanding and aquiring new assets.
It's all well and good as long as their assets make money, but now that the entertainment sector is pretty much shutting down they have all the more money to lose

Fuck off Mickey

>endgame turned out to be disney's endgame
Pure kino

They’ve branched our massively, and all their ventures are getting fucked by the wu flu.
They’ve also had two major cash cows (MCU and Star Wars) devalue themselves while still having a business plan that relies on them, because shareholders are short term brainlets and the execs can jump ship early

shows otherwise on google tho

If it did happen they're smart enough to know in your face propaganda would not catch on her.
That being said, some of their propaganda films are pretty based like the Operation (Mekong and Red Sea) series.


It started to stabilize a few days ago. I don't know why OP is so late when this thread would have been much more interesting on Saturday when everything was plummeting

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Real life kino moments.

2024 George Lucas buys all of Disney for $4.05 billion.

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because OP is a retard that makes OH NO HAHAHAH threads



Disney+ is a massive flop, like bankrupt tier bomb

Spider-Man is going strong, you can’t write off the MCU just because the ugly femidykes are loud and have too much presence right now.

the economy isn't real

Lots of news focusing on film release delays and themeparks closing.

Market just opened, boys

>Spider-Man is going strong
Bitch fucking Aquaman outperformed every spiderman movie ever just last year, that shit's dead

Hello, cringe department?

Ow yeah, so much worse than American propaganda

I'm not writing off but there's no longer any pretext to pump out three movies a year like they were doing in 2017, 2018, 2019 since we were getting closer to the conclusion.

If Feige has any brains, and he does, he'll start it up slowly.

>aquaman and spiderman both made over a billion dollars
>that means spiderman is finished
ok kid, whatever helps you sleep at night

If Tencent was going to buy Disney, they would have done it in 2017

Did you not look at the date?

Lucas is one of the biggest Disney stock owners and the rest of his money was invested in Museum he gave to the city for free.

A free month of Disney+ has been added to you Disney Account

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Thank you

I would shed a tear of joy if this happened.

Do you not know how stocks work? I said it started to stabilize a few days ago. No shit it's going to look like its still falling if you are comparing the worth with the whole last half-decade

Get Woke
Go Broke

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>All those capeshit and SW gains gone
Life finds a way

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