How would a movie starring Doomer gf play out ? Would you watch it ? Who would you cast in the main role ?

How would a movie starring Doomer gf play out ? Would you watch it ? Who would you cast in the main role ?

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Idris Elba

you need to have sex.

Yes. I am a vergin. Also i pick her for the role

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Is that the hit or miss girl?

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Looks like a man


dios mio. what's the movie/series where she gets naked/fucked?

also, i'd get kat dennings for the role.

zureeal is the original and only doomer gf

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>Kat Dennings
Based and jewmilkerspilled.

Why did they not cast her as She-Hulk? Hnnnngggggg

Women can't be *oomers.

Jesus all that over summer break?

shut the fuck up

no, the hit or miss girl is to incompetent to do any cosplay at that level

>big bobs

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Stop being a wimp. Call it boobs

>let's herself get groped in public by her ugly bf

doomers gf getting blacked when???

it's existed for months if you know the right boards to look on

Cute innocent white girl who becomes disenfranchised with the world and similarly aged low income African American or immigrant male who is disenfranchised from police oppression and makes soulful rap music about it , there we go guaranteed to make money and get praise

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based and blackedpilled

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>he types that unironically

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That's a dude, isn't it?


>both are male

>Doomer gf
No such thing. It is the nature of women to change themselves and mimic the nature of their target beta males. They have no personality of their own.

don't click this

Ok incel
Completely disregard goth girls and manic depressives just because you never talked to women

ok simp

ok incel
Simps have a higher chance of getting laid than a basement dweller so jokes on you

You'd have to cast Chad, too.

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>Simps have a higher chance of getting laid than a basement dweller so jokes on you
fat pigs don't count

okie doki simp

>swipe up to see he breaking my choker
god I hate third worlders trying to make memes.

We already have a doomer gf movie

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Not the other user but your argument just confirms you are a simp by putting pussy on a pedestal.

>Fat women because they're fat don't count getting laid
What kind of incel logic is this?
If putting yourself out there instead of waiting for someone to fall on your lap in your mancave is putting pussy on a pedestal you're never gonna make it

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looks like a tranny


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Based, kill all roasties

>waiting for someone to fall on your lap
holy simpanzee projection

The fat one on the left is a ftm tranny. No joke.

Never gonna make it bros

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sure thing simpcel
If it's all the same to you I think I'll stick with ways instead of listening to your gay facebook group lmao. 2D is the thing for me.

literally top right and bottow left
incels are pathetically predictable

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okay simp

Fellas help me out, where can I find a gf?

I’m tired of memes


Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-17 r FTM_SELFIES - happy enough with my 8 months on T beard just missing the mustache and the soul patch .png (749x1029, 828.42K)

>Watches weird hentai
user, there's nothing wrong with that

>2-D is the thing for me
Uh hello based department

Wrong question you're asking.
You don't just go somewhere and all of a sudden get a gf.
You should be asking how should you approach women.

why does he have to approach them and them not approach him?

watching hentai is trash, doujins are only acceptable way of jacking off

they're not real women. they're idealized depictions of women.

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Girls asking guys is still taught as a whorish behaviour to do

Unless he's god's gift to women I'm afraid he has to stop acting like a bitch and take the initiative, as it always has been since civilasation's been a thing

and yet they're all whores

Wow could have fooled me. Looks like dozens of the generic losers I've seen around in high school and college. Women really do have everything easier, even turning into convincing trannies. MtF probably hate that they will never ever be that convincing.

That's the point, retard.

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If there's one male instinct women will never understand, it's wanting to pummel them into the ground for seemingly no reason. I hate this cunt just from this picture alone and want her to suffer in minecraft.

into the garbage bin