This will be kino of the decade

This will be kino of the decade

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He mistyped Arab

how is it possible all of them are white there

look at that nasty bitch smoking

are you american

did you anons ever watch Dead Set? it's a zombie outbreak with big brother

I'm European and I'm shocked as well. You guys are the race mixing capital of Europe.

Does your impression of Europe come from Yas Forums memes?

You're thinking of Sweden

t. some Siberian fuck, who has never been to central Europe


i have no idea how germany looks like

It's simple. White people watch Big Brother, everyone else watches Love Island and Ex on the Beach. The cast reflects this

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Half of them are turks and the other haf are the offspring of russian rape

>implying reality tv is real
They all already know about the virus
I thought the jews would start trying to profit off the virus after it happens but they got fast

sub 80 IQ normies who consume this garbage aren't white.

German TV shows are still white. Especially reality shows. If anything you have one token neger at max.
Nonwhite(Turks included) are around 25-30 percent of the births right now. It takes time till they are old enough to be in tv shows.

have sex

It's like this. The streets are flooded with shitskins, turks and kebab shops while actual Germans never even mix with them, they just go straight from their home garage to the garage/parking of their job in their Passat/Audi/BMW and that's it. Everything works like this, vacations whatever, from one garage to another while shitskins are roaming the streets

how can you live like this

Female German/Male Turks is the most common after German/German

>The streets are flooded with shitskins, turks
Get out of the capital. London has the same situation going on.

That's just in the few big cities.

Even the small cities / big villages now have Arabs thanks to the refugee crisis

I live in a small city and barely see arabs
Just tons of old people with their stupid dogs

So you do see them

No it comes from European tv.

As much as i see russians,chinks and other races of people

How do I get a native German bf?


it's fucking over huh

>Someone cracks joke that he's surprised they're all white
>The rest of the thread is people explaining that every bit of the memes are true, they're just going to take 10+ years to reflect on tv

That's not how it works

The population in Australia is supposed 95% white but like 25% of advertising here has literal african blacks.

you don't, faggot

Europe is still overwhelmingly white but all of our big cities have been completely taken over and turned into shitholes, that's the actual truth

>be white
>go to a club at n-

Oh fuck corona is happening
Just use tinder iam your average 6/10 guy who sits at home and smokes weed and even my dumbass got 2 girls from there once

I'm not a faggot though

>how do I get a German BF
Definitely gay, my dude.

I rather live in berlin than a shithole like new york
I also have yet to see 20 arabs stomping on a 15 year old girl and stealing her shoes like i have seen in america MULTIPLE times

Atleast we arent selling guns to arabs like you guys do with niggers

>t.56% and falling

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>one of them has invested his life savings into an airline company
>show turns into a SAW movie

It's called having a job you retard. None the sandpeople work

>tfw America forced the turk workers onto us for NATO diplomatic purposes in the 50s and started this shit

Maybe because the real world isn't/pol/?

I'm not your dude, pal

Wo kommst denn her und wie alt bist du?

>German TV shows are still white.

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buddy you better stop posting your gay shit right now

*Berlin and Frankfurt

Facts make angry

Argh Yas Forums stop racist!

lmao, fag

You know I hate being the guy who uses this term but this is serious whataboutism. "At least we aren't selling guns to arabs like you guys do with niggers"? Yeah because you're not allowed guns yourselves, that's not a feat.

Caught me there though, the arabs likely wouldn't stomp the girl, just rape her.

Bro that 30% is gonna fucking devour you in 20 years

ich komme aus kroatien, 22 jahre alt

I can buy a gun in germany
Just because i cant go to walmart and buy one doesnt mean i cant get one here if i wanted to
>woha your country makes sure that poor people and retards dont get guns easily how fucking backwards

I hope america gets destroyed by corona you fags really deserve it and once the ooga booga starts and the niggers get crazy you will feel sorry for giving them guns

>he's American
>he defends Germany on the Internet
>the land that he has never been to

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Based Americans

Syrians didn't really exist in Germany before 2014. Now woman with syrian citizenship are third place in number of births only behind Germans and Turks. Refugee women alone are 5 percent of all births (36000 in total last year). This isn't only Frankfurt or Berlin. You can't hide for every for them. Soon no city will be free of them

why do you both reddit space? can you both fuck off?

Please keep your country clean from nigger muggings before telling other countries how to handle their invading groups


I am Austrian and my country is a little better off

>using reddit space unironicly






It's so insane how people are completelt oblivious.

I've just come to accept this future world, I aim to just take a dissociated, academic view of the world without holding any personal investment in others or my own wellbeing.

how can people deny white genocide....?

Yet you still allowed thousands of turks in you country after centuries of defending Yurope from the Ottomans

Austrians are cancer i once been there
Graz is just as invested with arabs as german big cities so shut up faglord

>another race thread
Yas Forums killed this website

There is no white genocide

fuck off

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seethe more you fucking shitskin or even worse a white cuck

ah yes every white country in every continent they inhabit being forced against the peoples will to take in millions of third worlders with high birth rates

nothing fishy about that.... you know America used to be 90% white in the 50's, and now it's about 60% white.

Racewar threads are just people who dont have any other shit in their life and this is pretty much all they have to be proud of
Yes i believe whites are cucked and should stop seeing everything as racist but stormfags are just as annoying
Sjw and polfags are just 2 sides of the same coin

Why are low test christcucks so buttblasted by based Islam?

She's cute

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Immediately came to mind. Some real life imitates art stuff here.

Yas Forumstards btfo

both are same shit

ITT: NEETs arguing about countries they’ve never been to from their vast knowledge from the outside world which they acquired from an Mongolian throat singing forum

yesterday it was the actual news article of this being posted
now there's a tweet of the article being posted
is tomorrow's post going to be like this?

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what about what the anglos did in Australia? That was genocide and is recognized as genocide and all it involved was raising aboriginal children in white families and marrying them to white people to flush out their race without killing them

This seems illegal


Most likely you'll make it