Amerilards BTFO
Amerilards BTFO
this was their plan all along
So that was China's plan all along crashing the stock market.
Can someone explain this to a brainlet?
Of course the stocks are gonna go down while nobody is going to the theatre or theme parks. But they're guaranteed to go back up to normal once this ends. Why would they sell?
Yeah. Also stopped the unrest in Hong Kong.
>china releases plague, crashes stock market to their benefit, make a fuckton of money off panicked shoppers stocking up on products made in china, gets all the tariffs and shit lifted, act like heroes for sending people masks and shit, and then turn around and blame america
5D Xiangqi
The Chinese already own hollywood
And only dumbfuck Yas Forumsness men are panic selling right now. The market will hop back up in a month or two, anyone who isn't a retard knows this is fact. Everyone with an iq over 85 is just going to hold on and ride out a rough quarter.
Is Tencent 50 cent's son?
Can't wait for the denial mcu faggots to come in and spin this. There are actually retards that believe Disney is richer than Apple.
>china buys disney
>disney stops putting trannies and faggots and ugly women and blackies in movies
There's no reason to sell and most companies won't. It's just dumbfuck anons can't into context and think dip = company crashing. They're the same types who go out and fight niggers over toilet paper at costco while leaving the bags of rice and canned meat untouched.
Because technically it’s not “guaranteed”, and any amount of increased risk lowers the value of the company.
>once this ends
Could be months.
Disney doesn't have the money to wait it out, considering they recently invested in an IP they ran into the ground.
>Disney doesn't have the money to wait it out
We all know that is a downright lie. If any company that can wait it out it's Disney. Just because their stock is low doesn't really mean they are hermoraging money.
>There's no reason to sell and most companies won't.
Tell that to Fox, Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, and Hulu.
Fag, they spent 75 billion on fox and lost more on Star Wars.
Good. Maybe Disney will start producing meaningful traditional content for once.
oh I hope they do it
Both Fox and Marvel sold because they lost a huge amount of money. It was better to sell then go out of business. Disney made Hulu and Star Wars wasn't a company.
Oh you mean all those companies whose products stalled or weren't selling before a global pandemic? Gee why would they sell I wonder.
Back to Yas Forums you hundrednaire.
Oh bononon muh stronk wumeh
Disney as a whole made 69.57 billion last year and $59.4 billion in 2018. They can afford it. Also why are we pretending these other businesses also aren't hurting.
Nice backtracking.
first apple yesterday now tencent today
i wish you faggots would at least try when you post fake shit
>Nice backtracking.
user that was my first post.
Because the shareholders will die of old age before they run out of the billions of dollars they'd receive from a chinese buyout, the fate of the company is totally irrelevant to them.
What? Disney already produces incredibly safe paint by numbers stuff so it'll appeal to the chinese market, if a chinese company outright buys them you can expect Frozen 10 and Avengers 50. They'll never branch out again.
This would be fucked, actual.
Won't happen, but it would be BASED if they do.
No more pozzed shit.
With no survivors.
they killed thousands... to save billions
Are you retarded? Tencent doesn't even have a fraction of the money Disney has. Even if Disney lost 50 billion in 2020 alone, it wouldn't make sense to sell the company to Tencent.
It's fake, but Yas Forums retards are notoriously easy to bait. Even half of Yas Forums knew the article is fake.
100% this
Well they lost 75 billion sooooooo....
>Chinese create artificial virus
>release into test Wuhan market
>government don't care about people so let it run its course
>spreads to rest of world
>western society and stock markets crash
>China buys everything
This was their plan all along, Chinese are long-term thinkers, a few thousand people is nothing to them if they own the world afterwards.
>China saves Star Wars as predicted in South Park.
I have no problem with that.
based chinamen
It’s a public company. You can’t really control who owns your shares. There’s ways to stop a hostile takeover but big bucks usually wins.
>tencent buying disney
KEK good luck with that
China doesn't need to create an artificial virus. Their dirty poor people grab whatever animals are in the forest and shove them in cages on top of each other to sell in their dirty markets, allowing for disease to quickly spread.
I told you guys last year that this is going to happen.
>faceless corporation buys other faceless corporation
>same shit movies keep getting pumped out anyway
>trump letting this happen
Will not happen. Tencent is an arm of the Chinese state, this is basically broadcasting their intent to control entertainment media messaging in the US. Can you imagine the USSR trying to buy Disney?
It's not like Disney wasn't already spreading their buttcheeks to the chinese, right?
is it possible for a whole country to buy disney
Not gonna lie, pretty based move. Machiavelli would be proud
There are myriad positives from this virus that you could deduce motivated the Chinese government to deliberately release it then foment fear. Or at the very least, decided to make some lemonade and foment fear after the fact knowing they could scare Western powers way more.
but why italy? they were on board with china's new silk road (usa didn't like that)
>no reason to sell
>sell all your stocks and then buy them again on the cheap
They would have been smarter to buy in 2016 when it was lower
>once this ends
is there any reason to think it will end within the next ten years?
Yes. Who's going to stop them? The people who love communism or the people who love slave labor?
as opposed to israel controlling the narrative