How did the dark side win over Anakin?

How did the dark side win over Anakin?

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I love /ss/ too.

/ss/ is infinitely based. Imagine being a 10 year old getting fucked by a girl with big booby milkers and bum. Nice.

i dont get it
what's ss?

Straight shota, man, when'd you get here? Yesterday?


even jewish women are pedos

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I whack it to /gs/
Is there something wrong with me?

there is something incredibly insufferable about that particular artstyle but i cannot put my finger on it

But wouldnt Padme need to be over 18 herself for it to be /ss/? Otherwise it's just a teenager domming a young boy.

>pedophilia is wrong

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It's probably the fact that all the faces are same expect for the hair

Despite being anti-tranny and pro-race realism, 99% of stonetoss' white people dont look white and 87% of stonetoss' women look like men.

Still counts. Only requirement of /ss/ is that he's a little boy, and that he's straight.


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in order to combat the incel crisis in our society, /ss/ should be not only legalized, but mandatory. mothers and aunts should step up to the plate to stop mass shooters before they can even lift a gun.


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smug eyes for one

This is so fucking funny
Stone toss is fucking hilarious

I remember my penis being way to sensitive to touch under the foreskin, that combined with the lack of a sex-drive makes it sound rather unpleasant.

Then bump 10 up to 12. Still counts dude.

Stonetoss is a nazi.

I felt that coming

Yeah but he's funny

So a 10 year old boy and a 9 year old girl is /ss/? That's kind of nothing.

>/ss/ is any way "damaging" to boys
Got proof?

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no he's a fed

he draws the same face from the same angle in all 4 panels, every single time

>Straight shota
hmmmm yes thats what excatly ive been looking for


No, but 10 year old boy and 16 year old girl -- yes.

I wish i was “raped” repeatedly by a horny milf teacher when i was 9 years old.

I hate straight shota.

All of these doujins with big tittied milfs are wasted by some midget trying to fuck.

The guy from Korn didnt seem to like it.

Sex is just weird and scary without a sex drive.


he literally admits it you fucking retarded redditor, it changes nothing. fuck off back to /r/antifastonetoss

Why 16? You didnt say anything about the girl's age.

>implying 9yos cant be horny
You didnt drink enough tap water as a kid user. By the time me and the classmates were 9 we knew it all. I started jerking in early 4th grade and I was the last one

That post wasn't made me. I just wanted to say, that in case with Padme it's ss.

he delivers the same dumbass punchline every time too
he's an unimaginative moron with no artistic talent

Yeah but im no nigger so theres that.

Lmao the niggers start in kindergarten

That's a thing in his favor.


Yah yah

>what's ss?

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Let's reverse the situation and say it's a 50 year old man forcing himself on a 10 year old girl instead. Or a 50 year old man forcing himself on a 10 year old boy. Neither of those are acceptable and they're in fact very disgusting. A woman doing it on a young boy should be no different. It is forcing oneself into a person who cannot consent because their brain is not fully developed yet. That is the very definition of rape and it can cause severe mental trauma that can last a lifetime. Kindly do me a favor and fuck off back to pol, you gigantic piece of shit.

Girls get penetrated, boys don’t.
Keep seething, actual pedophile. There is literally nothing wrong with older women bringing boys into manhood.

I had a tomboy neighbor I used to play with all the time and I talked her into "rubbing crotches together" but I only rubbed it on her panties because she was too scared to take them off. We were both like 7 years old, 8 max. She got into it too as eventually after we did it a few times there were times when she asked me to do it

wtf i love stonetoss now

its shit and ugly maybe it's that

The human brain doesn't stop developing into the mid-20s, so that's a non-argument. 10 is young any way you slice it for sure, but pretending the sex of the perpetrator and victim doesn't factor into the equation in any way is totally delusional.

Theres your problem. Rape bad no matter the age or people involved
>muh small brain


They didn't start boning until AOTC though

Well, that we saw, anyway

What the fuck? I love the dark side now!

All the raped boys? You think this is some joke or something? Just like with girls, sometimes they enjoy it but most of the time they just get molested and most importantly they suffer mentally for life afterwards. I know for certain there's a lot of them on Yas Forums, that should be enough proof of how fucked they are.

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She was grooming him from day one, though.

God, I wish. Who doesn't want to fuck a fit bird who's in a position of power? It's like being Queen's Consort.

I wish natalie portman molested me when I was 10

Also despite the narrative by the media adult women on young boy rape is incredibly more common than the opposite for the simple fact of accessibility, adult women have a much more easier access to young boys than adult men have to young girls. Most of the time the abuses don't even get reported because people reason like you, "eh, who wouldn't want to get "abused" by their hot teacher hehe".

We get it, you watched the South Park episode. Keep telling me how literal free, consensual sex at a young age is a bad thing.

>they suffer mentally for life afterwards
>posts pic that doesn't prove his statement
>I know for a certain, translation sauce:my ass
>that should be enough proof
Christ, the IQ of this post.
It's over guys, dumbass on Yas Forums finds undeniable scientific proof that having sex with your teacher as a 16 year old or even 17 yo and 11 months fucks you up.

so true

I unironicly dreamed of this as a kid
Kids who say they were "raped" by women are either gay or just fucking retards

I wish she molested me while she was 10