Makes joke about Hitler or Stalin killing 6 gorillion people

>makes joke about Hitler or Stalin killing 6 gorillion people

Is this really the epitome of clever humour to you? He's a one trick pony who knows how to make Le edgy joke with deadpan delivery and that's it.

Attached: IMG_1812.jpg (554x554, 35.14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

that ron reagan ad triggered the hell out of him and many others. i salute it

Man that guy sounds like a real jerk!

t. Frank Stallone

Just watch his episodes of Weekend Update on SNL

and the worst part? the hypocrisy

I'll take that all day compared to all the other comedians talking about their dicks, vaginas, their ex husbands/wives or why they can't find anyone to love.

sperm mccuckold lol

he makes good jokes, is he the funniest ever know.

also he pretends to hate hollywood but gets botox and some kind of plastic surgery. would be much cooler if he never did shit like that.

patrice oneal the goat BTW IM WHITE

literally the best delivered joke in human history

God the redditors are making entire threads now to cry about Yas Forums
Do they realise it's just another board on this site? why don't they just go to a different site??

honestly Conan ruins it.
The hatchery one on his show is better cuz no one interrupts.

>he makes good jokes, is he the funniest ever know.

meant 'is he the funniest, no'

I don't like him, but not because I have faggoted sensibilities like you, but because he is a christcuck and a hollywood pedofile.

Imagine getting pleb filtered by Norm MacDonald of all people.

I think Conan only adds to it, reminding the audience that it's meant to be a joke that was told to him by the cab driver, adding to the absurdity.

Maybe this one is more to your big brain taste, libtard.

Attached: 1580970582986.png (575x806, 840K)

Sounds incredibly based to me, will check him out.

Yas Forums is literally a containment board for retards.
holding it in contempt is very much like holding /mlp/ in contempt. I can sleep easily with my hatred for /mlp/, why shouldn't I also be allowed to despise Yas Forums?
Especially since Yas Forumsacks non-stop shitpost on every other board while /mlp/ at least stay self-contained as they were intended to. In that sense Yas Forums is actually worse than /mlp/.
also Yas Forums is reddit incarnate at this point so there's that, too. It's literally the entry board to this site now, and so deserves all the hate Yas Forums and Yas Forums used to get for bringing in all the dumb teens. And again, it should get even a little more than that, because edgy dumb teens < regular dumb teens, and Yas Forums pulls in way more edgelords than Yas Forums ever did.

He's quite fat

Rob Schneider was right

Attached: 1550807777886.jpg (828x960, 126.81K)


Imagine being fucked by norm when you was a kid.
I'd brag the fuck out of that for decades

And I would bury her in a very, very deep grave

blah blah blah, go cry about it on reddit you faglord.

Janis just wanted a sandwich you monster

Why do leftypol trannies want an anti white safespace?

>all that spergtext
you can just say you're from reddit man holy shit

Yas Forums is literally r*ddit though
you know how many boomers flooded Yas Forums when their pro-Trump subreddit was quarantined? Calling for raids and shit, it was pathetic.

you should stop misusing "Literally" it makes you sound really really gay.

>Said the half Filipino suckling Adam Sandler's tit.

Attached: 1580540192129.png (400x386, 238K)

in both senses of the word, that is correct to say. The userbase of Yas Forums is shared heavily with r*ddit according to user metrics (and most Yas Forums users are phoneposters too, so that's an extra black mark), so in that sense Yas Forums and r*ddit literally overlap, and in the sense of "literally" being used to emphasize it's also correct. Unless you think Shakespeare was using the language wrong.\ when he used the word "literally" in a figurative sense.


that user is right, Yas Forums is filled with redditors.
You're projecting.

Attached: 1578120708289.jpg (1292x557, 200.99K)

You're absolutely right, and Yas Forums was my favorite board before the election.

It's true. Yas Forums used to be fun in the early days. All the boomers, edgy teens, and lefties looking for a fight came in all of a sudden. Because somebody on Facebook told them it was unironically the Thunder Dome. Drained about 90% of the comedy out of the board.

Exactly how I feel, all the fucking Yas Forums racebaiting is obnoxious as fuck and their constant pushing of their agenda is tiresome and repetitive.
I am glad that at least I can enjoy some cartoon capekino to forget about the fucking Yas Forumsyps.

Attached: DC-Harley-Quinn.jpg (2042x2181, 1.46M)

Yas Forums is filled with retards
You can't even have conversations about conservative politics because everyone is just memeing and sperging out 24/7

comedic imposition, like the lol clinton cigar poussie jokes that ran for more than a decade total

It is filled with retards from Breitbart who think that Trump is a god

>racebaiting is obnoxious
>posts racebait image
Fuck off, /leftypol/yp

They think entirely in the confines of Yas Forums memes, so you can't even have any interesting discussion with most of them.
I'm a hardcore conservative but I think shit like supporting the El Paso shooter is repugnant and pointless edgelord behavior.
What they're too stupid to realize is that every Yas Forums autist chimpout makes the left stronger.

Trump is a god lol go cry about it to /qa/ furry homo.

Recently I've been confused by Yas Forums
There are a bunch of supposed Bernie Sanders supporters who are super racist, I'm not sure if they're just Bernouts trying to get the alt right to like him, or if they're just lazy Bernouts who hate black people for not being socialists


>thinking any politician, especially cuckservative Trump is a god
Kys autist

>I'm a hardcore conservative
Next time just say 'Facebook user'.

Everyone on both sides of the political spectrum uses fb, you autist.

Holy shit what a fag

These days I mentally tune out both SJW faggots like this, as well as autistic Yas Forums virgins.

you're a low-test faggot, and you aren't intelligent either

>Yas Forums is literally a containment board for retards.
holding it in contempt is very much like holding /mlp/ in contempt. I can sleep easily with my hatred for /mlp/, why shouldn't I also be allowed to despise Yas Forums?
Especially since Yas Forumsacks non-stop shitpost on every other board while /mlp/ at least stay self-contained as they were intended to. In that sense Yas Forums is actually worse than /mlp/.
also Yas Forums is reddit incarnate at this point so there's that, too. It's literally the entry board to this site now, and so deserves all the hate Yas Forums and Yas Forums used to get for bringing in all the dumb teens. And again, it should get even a little more than that, because edgy dumb teens < regular dumb teens, and Yas Forums pulls in way more edgelords than Yas Forums ever did.

Attached: 1573060983822.png (785x1072, 300.71K)

Why do alt right look so much like basedboys?
It's like 100% of their complaints are just projections

Attached: 22thebase_mugs-articleLarge.jpg (600x239, 24.27K)

you messed up pretty badly there, you might want to delete that bud

I don't give a fuck about the Dems and I still don't like Yas Forums.
Their attention span/knowledge level is too low to discuss anything besides Trump and meme tier current events

you didn't post the really good one...
behold the master race!
Reminder that this is what the person calling you a basedboy faggot redditor looks like, most likely.

Attached: 1565193003913.jpg (1024x562, 164.21K)

>you messed up pretty badly there, you might want to delete that bud

Attached: images.png (126x144, 3.37K)

Someone comes along with pie-in-the-sky solutions and entertaining drama. And they empower you to loose your venom on some other people for your problems. Which feels nice in the moment. It's not hard to see how a dramatic figure with a populist message appeals to racists. On the Venn diagram you're targeting a lot of the same people who are disenfranchised, angry, insecure, and don't give a shit about details. Trumpists and Bernie Bros both essentially want good TV they can feel good about.

hey, you managed to add the greentext arrow that time! Well done.
It is hard, I know. No need to be embarrassed.

Why do leftist champions of working class look like this?

Attached: DiAhhYiUcAAJBlz.jpg (842x1200, 236.16K)

Trump is unironically way more pro-Israel than Bernie, ironically

When did I say I was a leftist?
The dirtbag left and dirtbag right are very similar.
Both autistic, authoritarian, pro-PRC, pro-Russia, mostly ugly, soi neckbeards, etc.

Thanks fren

Many of Bernie's supporters view him in a way that Trump supporters do Trump.
They think that he's right 100% of the time

my fucking sides

Attached: lol.png (279x251, 125.6K)

>tfw Arab
>tfw we enslaved white people
>literally nobody knows this

Feels good desu. We did it and got away with it

post your pic

>The dirtbag left and dirtbag right
stop posting

>Uh, you don’t get to bring friends

msnbc watcher detected

This site is We have nothign to do with Yas Forums you turd now fuck off and stay there.

Shut up, faggot. Whether you're a triggered Bernout or Yas Forums autist

90% leftists in that picture

>Sees an edgy joke and convinces himself it'll be enjoyed by a certain board on the website he spends all day on
>Posts about it on a totally different board
Try going outside or something, dude. You're in too deep.

I am not a Russophone liberal boomer. However I'm referring to the commie left, they have a love affair for Russia because they were communist for so many years, and birthed the ideology that they love so much.

I've never paid you rent so why am I still living inside your head?

don't worry Ahmed, I know. I've always hated you and and your people.

come back in 5 years when all the new fag old fags begin reminiscing over Corona-chan