>Following today’s news about Universal putting their current theatrical releases Invisible Man, The Hunt and Focus Features’ Emma in homes this Friday on demand (for $19.99) as the domestic marketplace’s exhibition infrastructure shuts down to curb the spread of the coronavirus, Yan took to Twitter, linking to Deadline’s article saying “I would not be opposed to putting Birds of Prey on VOD earlier.”


What is the next movie to be pulled from theaters and put on VOD so we can download those sweet, sweet AMZN rips?

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This is the most based thing ever. Honestly it might just jumpstart a new model of movie releases. I'd love if I could just watch a new movie at home.

So she’s just trying to milk some more cash for her failure of a movie right?

Depending on how well this goes, it could lead into something great. There are some movies that are good with a crowd and some that aren't. You could go to the theater for the summer block busters then go home for the real kino.

Haha failure what do you mean? i mean yeah sure it wasn't the greatest plot or acting or writing or cinematography but just don't think about it ok? haha just lower your expectations and consoom and everything will be ok goy

Summer blockbusters? You mean default action movie starring the rock, some 'strong' female and VFX up the ass?

Black widow on Disney+ when?

That and capeshit. Movies that would destroy your sound system if you played them at full blast

>What is the next movie to be pulled from theaters and put on VOD so we can download those sweet, sweet AMZN rips?

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>Black widow on Disney+ when?
I'm guessing they'll put it on there or do a $10 add on to have it included. MCU interest is fading after Endgame and they haven't had a movie in the series since Spidey 2. losing the zeitgeist before the Disney+ shows can premiere is far more damaging because of the merchandise losses over the box office losses of a movie that is coming too late in the run for a character that is already dead and not very popular.

They've already ordered the theaters to close in my state, and I'm really worried that this shutdown is going to be the end of my only local cinema (which belongs to one of the smaller chains). It's been really run down for years, and appears to be run on a shoestring budget. I doubt they can survive if they're closed down for a month or two, let alone if it's longer. If they go out, it's over an hour drive to the nearest theater with more than two screens.

A sad day, really.

>I'm guessing they'll put it on there or do a $10 add on to have it included
No. It will go to VOD for $20. If the quarantine even lasts that long.

I heard that you'll go VOD for $20. my dad works for Mickey.

too bad all these movies fucking suck

damn that bitch is ugly

>not know this is all a chinese propaganda campaign to cause economic distress.

The coronavirus is bad but the hysteria and economic destruction is the real intent.

What you're seeing is a war of information in part of economic warfare.

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If it goes well I'll never set foot in a movie theater again.

19.99 for one? Way to much lol.

It's free you dingus, that's the whole point.

>I would not be opposed to putting Birds of Prey on VOD earlier.
That attempt at hiding desperation


WTF I love Corona now, no more shitty camrips, instead we'll have nice quality HD webrips right from the start.

I know. What a sneaky chink whore.

Video On Demand, aka streaming over the internet

A global system of interconnected computer networks

Unequivocally based.
This might be the final nail in the coffin for movie theaters

>This might be the final nail in the coffin for movie theaters
I want all the big ones to shut down

>piracy always wins


Sonic will likely make it to VOD before A Quiet Place Part II.
They're both Paramount movies but Sonic has a wider appeal and came out earlier before the quarantine.
I just hope that Paramount releases both of them early to VOD (and maybe on Blu-ray as well).

>Sonic will likely make it to VOD before A Quiet Place Part II.
Who cares? it's already been pirated.

>it's already been pirated.
they even snuck in racial propaganda

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>Honestly it might just jumpstart a new model of movie releases

It won't. It's just a desperate bid to recoup money.

invisible man will be available this friday on torrents? fucking nice. What a time to be torrentbro

sonic is already available lad

cathy yan not only has no say in the matter (isnt a producer) but who the fuck wants to see birds of prey

They won't. It will make it too easy for pirates to get their hands on good copies of new releases movies.


really wanted to watch Emma

The end of (independent) cinema theaters. Watch Netflix, Disney and the others buy them shortly after the crisis

>The end of (independent) cinema theaters
who cares? it will all go to VOD

birds of prey isnt confirmed to be released early on VOD
the writer or whatever just wants it to be released early

this they hold them back for months while the theaters are all closed and they'll get nothing

>birds of prey isnt confirmed to be released early on VOD
It's been confirmed you idiot. Look at the OP.

>its up to the writer to if the movie gets released early
wrong faggot its up to warner bros
until they make an announcement its not being released early

Lmao soon theaters will start closing down and actual art film theaters will be all that's left and everything will be torrentable immediately. This is great

>wrong faggot its up to warner bros
Read the OP again you dumb nigger they already did it and set a release date.

Yeah but movies like Avengers make 2 billions during their theatre runs. There's no way they will miss out on this. After the crisis they will start putting them in cinemas again

kill yourself. You are the death knell for cinema and a literal cancer

I'm waiting for an official 4K digital release.
But I already downloaded the Korean rip.
Based Korea.

>I'm waiting for an official 4K digital release.

There's no theaters to run

does this mean that those 4 films would be on torrents/instantly later this week? i have brain damage someone please be kind to me and explain it :)

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Yes. Now tell me who this qt is as thank you

All shit movies

Yes retard


It will, theatres are done. They will all go bankrupt soon, if they want to stay in business they will create a subscription service where we can also pay a flat fee of like 30-50 dollars to watch a new release day 1. It's their move, they do it, or they go out of business.

Theatres aren't done. AAA movies budget is too high to just shove them on a digital platform. You miss out on another profit

They are done lmfao. In 6 months when they are still forced to be closed they will go bankrupt, even before then honestly. next point, people aren't ever going to movie theatres like they used too, so the profit is lost regardless. You are completely delusional if you think the theatre industry in it's current form will be preserved.

I don't think it will stay in the current form. Studios will buy them, giving them the full profit for their movies

And who's going to go to them? Absolutely fucking noone. Are you ok?

Is there a way to make timed showings with Facebook chat reactions? :)

you might think im joking but this is where we are heading

Avengers did 2 billions. Are you idiotic? AAA movies still make profit

You FUCKING RETARD, that was before the virus. Read my fucking post again and then shut the FUCK up. Absolute imbecile.

cytube you dumb normie nigger

They will continue like before. If studios stop putting them online and in cinemas instead, people will go to cinemas again.

Based, I want a good rip of that Ben Affleck bball kino.

No they won't, because noone is going to theatres for the foreseeable future because of the virus. Even before that I didn't go because I'm tired of wading through human filth just to see movies. Americans are a disgusting people and they make me fucking sick.

dumb fuck

avengers was the finale of multiple billion-dollar films. Of course people will want to see the end to a 20-movie arc.

Too bad it absolutely sucked.

Anyway, blockbusters like that won't happen again except here and there. Joker did a billion because people were interested in why it was all over the news, Avatar will do a billion on nostalgia alone.

Tell me any other upcoming blockbuster that will become an event movie?

China improving the world, one virus at a time.

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The new Nolan Movie, new Batman and Marvel capeshit

Cinema is dead anyway. VFX are getting cheaper the days of expensive practical effects are over with the exception of a half dozen films a year. Ending cinema will drive down labor costs to where “stars” will get a SAG rate. End game is no more theaters and no more movie stars

It's a shame there are no good movies coming out.