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>says hes making tacos
>just shows a bowl of meat

i understand joaquin phoenix in situations like this. shit is fucking disgusting

He has a pretty solid and healthy diet, aside from the roids.

Elk is great

thats trucking disgusting what the hell is wrong with this dude

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Because he's advertising that knife for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

fucking carnivore tacos. none of that vegan shit

It's just a little elk heart.

if you assemble all your tacos beforehand instead of having bowls for ingredients and a nice stack of homemade tortillas you're a subhuman

Looks good

There’s something so special about eating an animal’s heart. Like you get its life force.

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Man up buttercup

You guys being retarded on purpose right?

>this part of the animal is fine to eat, totally okay
>eeeewww not that part though ewwww
I don't get this line of thought. If you eat meat you're eating a dead as fuck animal, it's weird to be picky about the different organs.

heart has shit texture and is too chewy.

ok go eat a cock you zoophiliac fag

That's how you get new mutated viruses
Americans are fucking disgusting

eating an organ is much different than skeletal muscle, surely you understand that yes?

project harder nerd

I bet you love elk cock best.

who said anything about that dumbass? he could have made everything the same but then showed the completed plate of tacos at the end, showing the bowl of meat is neanderthal iq

you sound like the most pretentious faggot on planet earth right now kys

That's a delicacy you ignorant shit.

Hearts are fine to eat. Why is this thread filled with faggots?

shouldn't be be in quarantine chink

The fact that your mind immediately goes to animal dick says wonders

I mean in the wild Youd eat all the meat you could, also organs tend to have nutrients that fatty tissue dont but americans are used to only eating the fattest parts of animals that have been pumped up on hormones and steroids. Of course real meat scares them.

Because most of Yas Forums are suburbanite incels.

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gluten free keto carnivore bro

>hey since you touched my hand can you touch my cock
>wtf why not? they're both just body parts

Lose weight, fatty! XD

lmao what a soft cunt
you get mutated viruses because chinks eat aids infected bats raw

If you're going to kill an animal for consumption then you use every part of the animal that you can.

What else can "that part" possibly refer to, genius?

It comes with being a lefty since they love living in cities.

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I get that, but people get legitimately disgusted by stuff like the heart or liver or whatever but are totally fine eating muscle meat from it's hindquarters. I get not liking the texture or taste, but I've seen so many people have a near violent disgust reaction to that stuff, I never understood it.

Another projecting fag with a head full of cock

The heart in the OP you fucking dunce

so you have to drink the cum too?

virus mutate even faster than most living creatures
despite what reterded media says, new viruses are just business as usual

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>if youre not a mexican youre a subhuman
wait... what?

Shit hunter killed that elk. True hunters always go for a heart shot.

Has anyone ever noticed that this Crusius incel has family by the name of Liu? Are we sure he wasn't a 25% hapa or something?

>doesn't show tortillas

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only had cow heart, shits so cash. how's elk heart?

I bet you that this guy would love it

No it's not.

I ate elk backstrap for the first time recently and it was unironically delicious

Fucking disgusting americans
The country with the biggest consume of meat per habitant and more retards per population

Liver is very normal to eat

Joe probably just cut and cooked the meat, took the pic, then threw it in the garbage and ate a burger

This. You need head intact to take the antlers out.


Struck a nerve eh

You would eat horse pussy?

what the fuck

No and nothing in that post ever implied that. You dirty fuckers where the ones who jumped straight to animal dicks and shit

>limp dick trophy

Fuck that looks nice. Will definitely have to try it myself

that looks good
have any of you tried elk? is it any good?

It’s not like I’m going to leave the meat.

Then why not just say heart, penis-eater?