Seriously how can YouTube allow such vile content on their platform?

Seriously how can YouTube allow such vile content on their platform?
All this guy does is harrass people which he thinks is the most funniest shit ever.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Holy based

It's hit or miss sometimes. The one he literally just uploaded hours ago was pure cringe. This one's pure gold though

>Seriously how can YouTube allow such vile content on their platform?

Dial8 tranny.

its a fucking bummer that this is what MDE is reduced to now. The videos with nick and sam are still funny but this guy just obviously smells like cheese and diapers. hes a complete coward, always says something to provoke as he's backing away and out of reach. these videos have such a narrow appeal, sick life dude.

Yea I wish he picked his targets better. I felt bad for the two old guys who are probably father & son just enjoying a nice cigar.

>he’s a complete coward
If you’re filming for entertainment, you’re supposed to back away. IE Tom Green and surveillance camera man. You fucking dolt

yeah, this guy is good at picking out cowards. it takes one to know one

>hey you can't go around harassing people with a camera on your head
>uhh uhh why not
>you have to leave
>uhh but why *still leaves*

Dude legit went to a big black guy with his gf and asked her out

Nig tried to steal his camera lol

Respect your Marines, man.

Right but Tom Green was more absurd and silly in his approach with people. This guy is more adversarial and aggressive in his encounters. It's honestly weird, just watching a fat ugly guy harass other people, I don't see the entertainment, and I haven't found the man on the street tom green stuff funny since I was a lot younger

His weird Winnie the Pooh voice implies a level of dissociation that allows him to detach from reality and numb himself to immediate repercussions of his actions. He's basically a flesh ghost that no one would be threatened enough by to do anything to him. They probably feel sorry for him.

>another unfunny mde faggot is shilling himself here
fuck off fatass

ah well I guess I made a rash judgement after only watching a couple of the videos. Not my cup of tea, truly shitty that this is what "MDE" is in 2020 but its long been time to move on from that

The tom green man on the street shit is STILL hilarious. Especially the shit in japan. With green, the more absurd, the better

This is Yas Forums tranny. It's ON topic.
Now go eat your boyfriends stanky asshole.

Maybe I should go back and watch. He has to be the OG right?

Tom Green inspired Eric Andre, Jackass and all the other cheap imitations. I wish zoomers would go back and watch him instead of this guy lol, such a decline

Pretty sure surveillance camera man backed away because he was recording genuine crack addicts at like 3 am and needed to worry about getting stabbed.





You calm down


Wow thanks Freud

I'm just trying to eat my french fries, man

>22 replies with only 10 unique IPs
Yeah, probably

does this actually have anything to do with mde?

I think it's funny. It just needs more work like if he was in an actual nappy, like ripped off a trench coat. It's pretty good though

and he's learning that he will never see an increase in views with his content. People don't want to see some ugly charisma-less mutter insults as he backs away from people

Respect your veterans.

He's Sam Hyde's younger brother.

>lets harass people and then choke them when they try to defend themselves

hope you get shot, fat faggot moron

People thought this fag was funny? Lol

t.guy who doesnt walk with a swaggee

>You guys are obviously straight, white men right?
>starts filming them back with her iphone
how did he know she was going to be so insufferable

Literal boomer humor lol

He lives in New England

remember the time he accidentally filmed that nigger breaking into a house
good times

Back to twitch, zoomie

and he was only able to choke the guy because the guy was distracted with his other friend. a true coward through and through. would love to see this guy get shot

Nu MDE sucks I say that as someone who bought the book and everything. With no Charls it's not the same. Also Sam gives terrible advice and that's 90% of his content.

this guy is friends with sam but that's about it

Yeah Idk like I said, Tom Green made me laugh much in my life, but at the age I'm at now I have to be in a really specific mood to laugh at this type of stuff. Freddy Got Fingered is absolute kino tho

Have fun dying to corona lol!

>Tom "You're a fat nigger" Green

Don't think I caught that one... What stuck out to me were those schizophrenic chicks he recorded talking to themselves.

>he was only able to choke the guy because the guy was distracted with his other friend.

I thought Sam was based, and then I saw his dick pics.

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it's one of the best ones and one of the only times he seems legitimately shaken, the guy notices him

>some fat faggot wobbles by shoving his phone in your face
>summarize his entire gimmick in one sentence
>"Wow can you just stand there and be humiliated?"
For some reason white people get seriously offended when you call them white people lmao

God, Sam Hyde is such an unbelievable faggot and piece of shit. I've never seen him not look like a faggot.
I don't actually care that he's into young girls. My problem, more or less, is his treatment of them, his methods, and the fact that, like most internet predators, he goes around the back of parents and tries to lure girls away.
Those who do that have obviously clear malicious intent for the girls. Parents exist to protect their kids from danger, and while sex itself is not the danger, creeps that use and abuse young girls, and then likely discard them when something newer comes along, are a danger. By going directly to a child, you are intentionally bypassing that safety net, and your intentions are clearly harmful. Why else would you not want parental approval first?
I don't have an issue with adults shagging teens, and the concept of age of consent doesn't exactly jive with the rest of human history. But I do believe ultimately parents have the right to regulate it, and going around said parents to have sex with their kids, even as teens, is a violation of their rights and should result in very serious penalties when discovered, even if consensual.
Sam: needs to go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

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Dude, I like freddy got fingered, but his show stuff is way better

didn't watch

>greg salisbury
ancient reference good lord

I actually think Nick might have been the key to it all. His masshole blue collar humor combined with an understanding of the internet is choice

>Undercutters Pizza

"Lol" has been around since the 90s you fucking retard.

*sigh*..., that Sam Hyde shill is back making threads about him again

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ah, stale ol pasta that was proven wrong ages ago...

thanks for the warning. i think ill stick around though. catch you later kid

>For some reason white people get seriously offended when you call them white people lmao
yes, white people are the ones that get offended about racial remarks lmao
that's why people say 'the c word' instead of cracka, right?
silly nigger

so he just mildly inconveniences people but he's epick and baste because he posts on Yas Forums?
go back to your containment subreddit. oh wait its dead, just like mde

lol no

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Yea we dont do “lol” round these parts, pal. That type of talk is for new fags and city slickers

see I don't post on Yas Forums all that often but I was hoping this shit still wouldnt pop up lol. I'm a hyde fan for life because of his vertical videos and where they caught me in life, but its crazy how dedicated his haters are. This frank hassle guy sucks


Sure I'll get the job done! Just don't question my methods!

ah, stale image that was proven wrong ages ago...

there is literally nothing wrong with harassing npcs, it's just as fine as throwing peanuts at animals at the zoo

Found a compilation, turns out I missed a lot of the early stuff. Crazy to think this all started from him cockblocking some Asian dude.

I've actually seen this ha good stuff

>two fat acne ridden jews
Yeah sounds about right for Yas Forums

shut the fuck up and go back to sucking sam's cock you fat faggot

Why is Sam trying to profiteer off his dick sucking fans during a pandemic? Shouldn't he at least be encouraging them to stock up on essentials instead of wasting money on t-shirts?

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You do realize this npc shit is no different from *tips fedora* supreme enlightened atheist shit right?

hey newfag

there's one autist that will pop into any thead even remotely related to s*m hy*e and start spamming images
I don't know how he always finds them but he's always there

fuck off cam ur a faggot

hassle is an incel archetype NPC


>Unsourced, easily falsifiable image intended to slander.
You need to go back Schlomo.


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yeah dude I bet you totally wouldnt be irritated if some fat faggot walked up to you making noise and filming you interrupting your day

damn what a chad, seethe more libtard

It's a little funny. It would be more funny if they got stabbed.

maybe its a bot

what a cunt

They just stand there receiving abuse instead of attacking/walking away because that they know they did something wrong and they've been living their whole lives awaiting punishment for it

This is fucking cringe dude. You might get some teenagers who think this is funny, good luck. I know you’re in this thread so hopefully you read this. Not sure how old you are but at a certain point in your life you’re going to want a job, and stuff like this is not going to be good for you. Especially if it’s in entertainment, if you’re passionate about editing and filmmaking. Just keep it in mind. This is embarrassing.

>yes, white people are the ones that get offended about racial remarks lmao
Judging by your larping-as-white mad as fuck reply, I might be right.

holy fuck looks like I riled up the libtard npcs lmao

haha he totally goes up to random people and harasses them. please tell me the difference between this and other prank youtubers enjoyed by zoomers everywhere like vitalyzedtv

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wow good work ripping a youtube comment fatty.

>what a chad,
right? that chick was hot, too. imagine a girl wanting to be fucked by you just because you are moderately successful/famous...



Except you know, people confirmed from his inner circle, that got credit on his book, have attested to the truth of what happened between him and Marky.
Ill take channing's word over some user, plus the mountain of evidence pointing to it being true, over some random user with absolutely nothing to bolster his arguments.

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This isn’t nearly as funny as the guy who just walks into classrooms and calmly says no when people tell him to leave. Some fat retard screaming and spouting memes, making sure his gay friend gets shots of him being hideous, is not entertaining. Buy an ad or fuck off OP

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lol sam has a small cock

I'm so mad! Ahhhhhhh!

Yea, the nigga’s skin tone is pink. Pink motherfuckers have short cocks

Irrelevant, anal-sex-addicted scam artist, hebephile, and professional e-begger. Managed to get some fame/money during the few years that milking the alt right was actually lucrative and less censored on the JewTubes by acting smart, then threw it all away by acting like he could get away with anything when he got a tv show.

watch out, he'll respond to you ironically

spazzing out and kicking toms shit over

There's literally a video of him talking about getting pissed off at this underage girl for eating the day he tried anal. It validated one girls screenshots atleast. You're and idiot desu for falling for Sam's lies.

>ha ha he said the meme I like but in real life! XD he’s /ourguy/
kill yourself

Respect those whom served.

the story about him sticking huge dildos up his ass and having gay sex on craigslist are starting to make more sense

id rather rip your moms fat asscheeks wide open as i lay BWC pipe in her gaping pussy

>people from his inner circle
>based on anonymous Yas Forums posts
keep up the great journalism kike. its been 4 years since you started btw

omg you totally owned the libs! gonna donate to your daddy sammy's patreon now!

oh, thought you meant Tom was a cunt

Ayy us new yorkers are a no nonsense kinda people. Know what im saying hea?

Take your meds

>replies: 107
>posters: 33
OP no one cares about your dogshit MDE tribute, kill yourself faggot and stop samefagging

What a faggot, just zoomer tier prank videos with mde editing

get new material you stupid fat fuck

ol' Sammy Gunz sure attracts a lot of hate

Channing came forward posted timestamp and the bounced checks with her name on it on 8kun's mde board. Her name is in Sam's books and she appeared in his vids, your argument is invalid.

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Thanks libtards!

That one was pretty fucked even for Tom. That isn't a street corner. He is well onto someones property and they told him to leave.

This. The based maker of this video and definitely not the OP is a true CHAD protagonist. Just look at that aesthetic. I bet he has a super high IQ

Get more pussy than you

>Irrelevant, anal-sex-addicted scam artist, hebephile, and professional e-begger.

I'm okay with all of these except the anal-sex. Complete filth imo.

I think Sam was kind of backed into a corner with the Buzzfeed article that was being written by him. He was faced with a choice to either attack back as he did or go the Anthony Fantano route and literally change _who he was_ to prove he wasn't alt-right.

I think people fail to see that once that article is published, he's going to get dropped from Adult Swim unless he completely shifts gears and like rehabilitates himself into something that he clearly wasn't.

I'm ok with him saying fuck it and going independent, but it obviously jaded him beyond repair, and broke up his relationship with Charls and I think Ruse.

He's also just obviously lazy and spreads himself too thin lol

This is like filthy frank but way more retarded and personal

he just started a new business user

>TFW your dick is bigger than Sam's and not mutilated

That's an ass that must have had a buttplug shoved in it. ew

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those aren't bounced, it says 'stop payment' on them my man
he canceled the checks
sounds like she might have a reason to have a vendetta to me

no1 cares

>Department Store Intercom

Truly a King.

This. Like those shitty Youtube prank shows but by an ugly fat faggot desperately trying to appeal to Yas Forums. Sad.

yeah maybe sam's hemmroid ridden bussy you fat faggot lmao

>these are the mde fans who are on and on about how we live in a clown world
lose weight


>ugh.. prank youtubers? kinda cringe.. kinda appeals to zoomers..

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hello sam's apprentice. Spelling things wrong dsnt mk you look cool n aloof, you just look like a fag, nahmean?

I hate white knights too, but he's literally just harassing random people unprovoked; I'd be annoyed if somebody did that to me too

Imagine getting btfo so bad by Tim that you have to make knock off Surveillance Camera Man videos

Follow me on twitter @FrankHassleYT

why are you even on this website lmao

That one lady was cute

can we all at least agree that Smocaine 3 was kino?

Either way, the evidence is stacked against Sam. He's burned so many bridges. Charls, Zach, Channing, James Price, Don Jolly, Andrew Ruse, many of which have openly disavowed/called out Sam.

Yet NO ONE that's been close to him will publicly come forward and defend him, set the record straight on how he's a good dude, BECAUSE HE ISNT.

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I fucking knew it

I FUCKING knew it

This type of shit would NEVER happen in Canada

Americans are all disgusting obese beta INCELS

You all hurt women over there because you're WEAK as fuck

You're all so starved and desperate to be "powerful" you always target women, online and irl

You're all lucky as shit your president and media are run by fat nasty conservatives and woman-beaters

I fucking HATE America

Fuck America and FUCK all the Americans reading this fucking comment

You want to say anything? I fucking dare you you cockless faggots

I fucking WISH an American would come up here to Canada

I'd get me and the boys here, we'd beat the FUCK out of you and then hold you down while we take shits on your face

You small penis incels are always starting wars and RAPING women in countries

You disgusting fat fucks allow 1/5 of your women on college campuses to be RAPED


If I could, I'd have all of you lined up in a field and shot in the gut

I'd fucking LAUGH as you all wriggled around and cried for your mothers. I'd literally fucking DIE LAUGHING as you all hoped to a $100,000 came to pick you up. I'd FALL TO THE FUCKING FLOOR laughing my ass off as you realize women aren't bad as you wished "oh muh moommyy I'm dying I'm scared" and other WEAK shit out loud

I got to celebrate watching the twin towers fall with my family and friends at a lake house BBQ with my future girl friend, and I'm SURE as FUCK going to bring my children the next time another deservedly horrible awful thing happens in your country


cool question faggot

I like Sam's stuff, but only a retard couldn't see that he's a massive piece of shit. That's literally his selling point.

>that manlet at the end trying to act tough
fucking kek

make the website

even if that is him, cmon lil nigga, we've all sent dick pics

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Fuck off and kill yourself faggot. I know Yas Forums is the only community you can relate to but nobody wants you here either. Your videos suck dick

when did andrew ruse disavow him?

you will never be as obsessed as this kike jew nigger

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childhood is idolizing mde

adulthood is realizing I like to have gay sex

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He does get the people to show their faces. Someone had to go back and make nice with hammer guy.

>I Was a Teenage Whoreslut and let an asshole fuck my ass
>I don't like him anymore he's an asshole
What a rollercoaster, a real scandal