Life is a series of closing doors

life is a series of closing doors

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>Duuhhhh I'm 16 years old and depressed a buhuhuhuhuhuhu I love bojak horseman


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>life is a series of normal words, but spoken by a horse guy.

What did we all think of the 2nd part of season 6?

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Pretty good all said and done I say. Anything to do with Todd could be stricken from the show though.

some of the best moments of the entire series
ended on a high note


>Princess Carolyn standing by Bojack when no one else would

amen, fuck todd

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PB also solid dude

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I honestly would have liked him if he had Bojack's back. Bojack didn't get enough credit in general. Go live somewhere else you deadbeat asshole if you don't wanna put up with his shit. And deep down, couldn't you see that your gay ass rock opera that wasn't gonna happen anyway sabotaged by him was just him being a good friend in his own twisted way? fucking regardless thanks for the free food, room and board and probably hospital bills. Fuck Todd and the whole entire squad of faggots besides PC and PB based

I thought that Mr. PeanutButter was always there for the horse guy.

You're right he was. But he was the one that fucked Bojack over in the end by sending the media assholes his way by blurting out all that stuff to them. Diane and everyone else told Bojack to fuck off while PC was trying to, do whatever. But yeah PB is a unit Bojack lives at his house ultimately, right?

The Simpsons but flashbacks !

>Family Guy, but different characters!

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Life is a neverending show old sport except for the minor detail that it ends.

>Go live somewhere else you deadbeat asshole if you don't wanna put up with his shit.

Can you blame a man for wanting to follow his dreams and do something productive than just smoking weed and eating all Bojack's food?

Both FG & Bojack are based.

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probably the show's peak desu. Made you realize how pointless Season 5 was too.

yeah, in general i would say that the sympathetic characters of the show, maybe unintentionally, are the ones whose loyalty is to other people, and who take generally a lenient and sympathetic view of bojack's failings and weaknesses (PC and PB), rather than the ones pandering to abstract notions of morality which are left unexamined critically (Diane, Hollyhock, Todd)
>if he had Bojack's back
the same point can be made of Diane and Hollyhock, for whom Bojack made personal and professional sacrifices, alienated others (Wanda, Beatrice), took risks, put in a lot of time and effort; in the end, he was more a "toxic masculinity" trope to them than a real person

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Whatever, how about a little credit for the guy who helped you out for 5 years. Suddenly Bojack is going through a crisis and you just say fuck you we're not friends? Suck me, Todd.

Yeah. Fuck Diane and Hollyhock.

nice dubs, and unpopular opinion-pilled

the left can't meme

the right can only meme

Yeah, and it goes over their heads that being like him is a bad thing. He's a legitimately bad person/horse.

The left? I hope Bernie Sanders gets raped by a truck and I like Bojack and Family Guy. What's next, sport?

Life is a series of closing the door to the suck and fuck run by chuck and turning it into a seed and feed run by sneed

>He's a legitimately bad person/horse.
Blow me. He just needed help. There was a lot of outside influence.

No shit.

yes? that's what I was getting at

you aren't fooling anyone chapocel

although, regarding diane, it can be said that to some extent, at the peak of their friendship, bojack encouraged her misguided search for authenticity and ideologic consistency that would ultimately doom their relationship, resulting also in her remorselessly undermining her husband's game show host gig and political ambitions

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Bojack would complain about him hoarding shit in his house and do dumb shit . The bird has to leave the nest.

>They hated him for saying the truth

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not sure if season 5 is good or bad, but those last three episodes are painful to watch every time

I hope Trump wins and libnazis burn. Bojack & FG are based.

>The bird has to leave the nest.
>and turn your back on your best friend for petty shit
fuck Todd

>I hope Trump wins and libnazis burn

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>Sometimes when god closes a door, he opens a window.
>but sometimes he also closes that window

>>and turn your back on your best friend for petty shit

He fucked his girlfriend...

>chapocel attacking his own false flagger
based ngl

Does anyone else love how each conceivable topic is slowly accruing trash memes that make all discussion impossible?

I mean this unironically. I find it absolutely fascinating and each time another show is crushed under the heel of some throwaway joke I enjoy the board even more

who was chronically unfulfilled because muh impotence
>inb4 asexuality



>Does anyone else love how each conceivable topic is slowly accruing trash memes that make all discussion impossible?
Kek, we need out of this fucking hell.

>hollyhock cutting bojack out her life because he gave some kids who were already drinking alcohol and then left one outside a hospital when she drank too much
i mean its not great but he hardly deserved that kek, bojack was just kind of a jerk who everyone treated like an actual bastard because the script said to

People like him exist, and they're awful people.

If you want to discuss bojack horsemen's I advise you to go to Reddit

Bojack? We saw everything that happened. It wasn't weird until the hooking-up-with-the-deer-girl part but even then I only found it weird from like a, Bojack's social life standpoint, like he kissed the mom and is suddenly hooking up with the daughter? But legally or whatever it was not a big deal at all.

Only happens to your garbage plebbit shows because they arent worth discussion

>Buzzwords but a gay guy!
suck my nuts, you dumb star wars tumblr fucking lefty faggot KYS

Early seasons Todd wasn't bad, but it seems like every single attempt they made to make him into his "own character" just made him more and more insufferable.

good example horseshoe theory of bourgeois morality: sjw-liberals and fundie-drumpfkin-polcels share the same puritanical sexual morality and sin-and-guilt conception of human behavior

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Go make another witcher thread, you dumb pleb cuck.

>But legally or whatever it was not a big deal at all.
Why don't you try to fuck the nearest 16 year old you can find and then you can explain to her parents how it was "legal and not a big deal and all that".

>BragaTNG but with unfunny attempts at humor!

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yeah but he didnt do it
its kind of like for the plot to work he did actually have to do it but in the end they chickened out

I've fucked 16 year olds on occasion. It's perfectly legal in my state. They don't tell their parents, dipshit.

I did that with an 18y/o. Legal and fine in MA (friend's sister).

the thought of an adult person with fully functional genitalia and gonads, not in any religious order or capacity, who willingly identifies as an asexual is so off-putting and bizarre to me; it's a mix of arrested development and degeneracy hard to fathom

Dianne is cute

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she looks like she takes it in the rear on first dates

Nope but she likes getting pissed on

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that doesn't surprise me, user
