I'm sure Yas Forums has some opinions about this new offering from HBO.
The Plot Against America
quick rundown
Is it anti-nationalist
It dropped only an hour ago on HBOGo. I'm going in now. I listened to the audiobook a decade or so ago but that was when I was a libtard
Philip Roth was a good writer but he's dead and they'll surely piss on his grave.
Based user fighting transphobia
alternate history where charles lindberg becomes president instead of roosevelt and he keeps america away from WW2 because he sides with the nazi and jews in america start getting persecuted
any "nazis win" scenario is totally BS and takes me out of the setting. They were bumbling self-imploding failures.
Don't tell me it's about the left's muh russia tinfoil obsession
Oh no, what a terrible world that would have been!
It would have been very good if you were tranny, given how many nazis were trans
but near the end lindberg vanishes and they appoint roosevelt as president and things become the way it was meant to be
seething tranny
there is literally nothing wrong with being a nazi
hehe yeah, wouldn't it have been awful for us gentiles if the Nazis stopped the jews from having influence in the US.
From the people who bought you "The Lavon Affair" and "The Sampson Option" comes a brave new installment in the Jewish cinematic universe.
why are there no 1080p rips? only 720p? wtf?
Winona is in it
Literally everything else. The setting doesn’t even make sense if you read about the actual America First movement and their goals.
So more propaganda?
alternative history is cringe, one of the worst genres
and the worst part is Yas Forums will claim they are above that shit, as if they don't do this shit everyday with nazi germany. literal fan fiction about history
The jewish race should not be allowed to have any influence in the US. I could stomach and even support other races, but not the jews.
jew is not a race. don't validate their delusions.
ethnicity then
Fuck off, burger schizo
what is this supposed to prove?
>lavon affair
Israel fires someone who proposed a false flag attack
>samson option
Israeli word for MAD
what's the big deal?
what are you gonna do about it incel? Get a job and stop being a welfare queen crying about more successful people
judaism is a religion. they are not a race or ethnicity. that's why they live in the middle east and pretend to be european while america funds their pretend terrorist state. they are arabs mutts.
stop losing wars ahmed
i'm a white american who doesn't want his taxes funding zionist parasites.
This sounds like the man in high castle. Pass because I’m tired of nazi shit. It’s been a cheap narrative overdone since 2016.
Why is this phenotype so easily offended by every piece of media?
Cry more incel
perpetual virginity
sounds like they're just smarter/more competent than you obese oxy-zombies
that's not an incel, too white skinned and lacks the large nostrils/giant lips.
I bet lmao
Is this accurate
I watched the trailer and lasted up until one of the jews says something along the line of "this upcoming elections are the most important thing" or some shit like that. I am genuinely curious what all these people will do after Trumps second term ends?
>jews view everyone as subhumans
thats about right,
Seems more like you’re upset about people calling out kikes that you’re bombarding the thread. I usually don’t say this but nice try, JIDF
They tried to carry out the false flag, it only failed because mizrahi are just as dumb as Arabs, and they gave the surviving agents awards
>Israeli word for MAD
What kind of mutually assured destruction involves nuking uninvolved 3rd parties for not helping you?
ew, zionist puppet. look what trump has done to teenagers baka...
> I am genuinely curious what all these people will do after Trumps second term ends?
The same thing they were doing before, and are doing now. Trump hasn't done anything to derail them.
hardcore projection. i hate nazis almost as most as i hate zionists.
Is this the one where the little yid gets sent to live with white people out in the country to make him less jewy and eventually FDR gets elected and saves the world?
No, i'm talking about people that obsessed with him being "literal hitler" and shit. What those idiots will do when he leaves the presidency?
I actually remember reading this a while back. There's no way that Lindbergh would ever have beaten FDR in 1940.
Never mind the fact that he wouldn't have gotten through Taft, Willkie, or Dewey.
Double down on their crazy. If you thought the last 4 years were hysterical overload nazi fatigue, just wait.
They'll just move on to whatever media narrative they are given next.
Why do you guys keep trying to force this? It's always the same image with a "this phenotype" sentence; just make fun of actual Yas Forums
That we're being attacked within and without by a parasitic race of pseudo-human creatures.
How old are you? Bush was "literally Hitler" for eight years--and this was back when people knew how to pronounce "literally" correctly.
The best world I can imagine is one without kikes.
It's a disease.
Alt history anything involving the Nazis is just fucking lazy.
It doesn't have to be but the jews that write them can only portray them as cartoons.
jews are white
find me 1 Israeli government source that explicitly says that they'll nuke 3rd parties
trump is jewish, so....
wtf I love black people now.
angry goblino
smarter version of whites*
incels are going to be genocided in our time and it will be glorious
sounds like you're just mad that they're smarter and are dominating you dumb goblins as a result.
>A new government program, the Office of American Absorption (OAA), begins to take Jewish boys to spend a period of time living with exchange families in the South and Midwest to "Americanize" them. Philip's older brother Sandy is one of the boys selected, and after spending time on a farm in Kentucky under the OAA's "Just Folks" scheme, he comes home showing contempt for his family, calling them "ghetto Jews."
lmao at a middle-class jewish new yorker viewing agricultural work and rural life as a punishment
it sounds accurate, being among high-IQ, high-income, high-success people to being forced to mingle with dirty smelly hicks eating their own feces all day. I can see why he'd be upset.
manual labor is for inferior races. If you weren't part of an inferior race you'd understand this.