Theme parks and cruises completely shutdown

>theme parks and cruises completely shutdown
>multiple big budget movies delayed
>biggest market (China) crippled
>stocks falling rapidly


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mouse niggers getting dab on

isn't disney land being shut down temporarily? why is this fat pig emotionally distraught over this?

cuz the nigga got big memories wit da plaec u see where am goin?

Some people are weirdly obsessed with the disney parks. It's really pathetic

>Disney Vloggers forced to find new income streams

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Le ironic, Corona-Chan

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He's at Disney World not Disney Land.

Also there are people with season passes that go every day or every other day.

So fuck off and do something else? God those people are pathetic

>Iger quits
>all of this happens

The fucker knew.

Adam used to be kind of cool, going to abandoned places and getting banned from parks. Now he's over the hill and lives in Los Angeles and is a giant pussy.

He's a "cool weed uncle" who has formed his whole identity over going to those parks

That said, his videos are comfy as shit and a guilty pleasure of mine

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Yea I don't know. I just assume they have the same types of issues as people that eat glass or couch cushions. Or that guy that has sex with his car and tries to futiley explain it to his dad.

>don't forget to like and subscribe
>support me on my patreon

Remember how like 10 CEOs quit last month? No one does.

It would be kino if the characters talked about the virus and their fear.

Good, if the cucked governments wont stop Disney's corporate takeover then maybe god will.

What's this dudes story? I've watched some of his stuff and just got the impression he's an old burnout that couldn't string a living together so he goes to movie locations and talks in funny voices like a man-baby

Just until the end of the month so far. Fucking crybabies, I have a AP too but I’m not gonna whine I can’t go for 2 weeks. Jfc just go when they open.

why does the podcast feel so fake and boring now

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Post yfw Disney finally gets what they deserve

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Yea it's annoying but you'd be surprised at how many people that works on. Growing an audience on any media platform requires constant begging at the risk of turning away people like you and me. Sucks but is what it is.


god i wish that were me

damn, sargon looks like THAT?

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>Whew, boy, hottest Fourth of July we’ve had in years. We’ve come a long way, though, since the turn of the century over twenty-some-odd years ago. Now we have to put hoods on to lynch niggers!

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>buy disney stock in one month's time
>literally print money
and yet people are still poor

Many mouseniggers will go down with the rat king. Look at this pic, look how many vectors.

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Adam the woo? Ah shit, son.

Tom Corless is about as reliable a source as a Yas Forums thread

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>Many mouseniggers will go down with the rat king. Look at this pic, look how many vectors.
You panic shills are fucking annoying. Go back to Yas Forums please. Go claim how the world is ending over a mildly more severe flu.

this is normal amount of people there for the closing ceremonies.


Hes probably from out of state and is going home soon.

Probably because you’re an autist

>hollywood jew locked up for life
>idris elba gets virus'd
>disney gets fucked out of hundreds of millions of dollars
>free healthcare
>china gets fucked
>free money for no work
>wall street crumbles
>borders closed
>sports cancelled
>recommended to live a NEET life
2020 is lookin great so far lads. Gamers rise up.

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no one remembers or no one knows?

>>recommended to live a NEET life

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I would have said they were due for huge gains with Disney+ and some of these recent movie successes too

Now they're getting shat on every angle

They deserve it and infinitely more.

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modern white men basically treat disneyland as place of worship. in this day and age, disneyland has replaced churches

Will she make it, bros?

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I just came back from Disney 2 weeks ago. My family spent $8,000 for the vacation. Got out just in time.

>all young people
not much is gonna happen, could spread it to their grannies tho

did you get laid?

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Because he connects Disney with the innocence of his childhood before he was metaphorically (or maybe literally) raped of his innocence.

Is there a plan to rescue and protect her?

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She's imitating what she thinks fun looks like



When I was 15 despite being a nerdy manlet (5'6" here) some 5'10" volleyball girl grinded on my crotch behind the china restaurant in Epcot till I blew my load in my pants tho. True story.

what kind of grown ass adult cares about a kids theme park getting closed temporarily? Fuck this gay ass society.

paging the based department, please hold



*see you in hell kids heh heh!*

>>biggest market (China)
Biggest market for movies is still by far the US, not that it changes the argument much.

why do you care beta boi ?